Krreritas Laptime

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December season Ranking Spa GT2/GT3

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From 1 to 101 simracers of 2806
Pos Best avg KPP KMP Simracer
#1 02:14.388 02:15.463 144 0 shewa 's avatar shewa UA Sessions Profile
#2 02:14.472 02:16.498 138 3 DaniDiaz 's avatar DaniDiaz ES Sessions Profile
#3 02:14.526 02:15.800 117 0 mo4 's avatar mo4 IE Sessions Profile
#4 02:15.073 02:17.257 85 0 RidiculousAmberSturgeon21 's avatar RidiculousAmberSturgeon21 Sessions Profile
#5 02:15.204 02:16.354 144 1 CasualG 's avatar CasualG Sessions Profile
#6 02:15.238 02:16.757 140 0 Heinz.Vanderhoydonck 's avatar Heinz.Vanderhoydonck BE Sessions Profile
#7 02:15.286 02:17.227 79 0 Zharko Atkovski 's avatar Zharko Atkovski MK Sessions Profile
#8 02:15.296 02:17.152 164 0 JPFlor 's avatar JPFlor FR Sessions Profile
#9 02:15.307 02:16.763 139 0 MisleadingRedAlbatross94 's avatar MisleadingRedAlbatross94 Sessions Profile
#10 02:15.350 02:17.741 78 0 starvox 's avatar starvox SG Sessions Profile
#11 02:15.375 02:17.250 123 1 AverageAquamarineGrasshopper52 's avatar AverageAquamarineGrasshopper52 Sessions Profile
#12 02:15.646 02:17.865 72 0 Cristiano D'Aquino 's avatar Cristiano D'Aquino Sessions Profile
#13 02:15.670 02:17.552 139 1 Jochem Vanderhoydonck 's avatar Jochem Vanderhoydonck BE Sessions Profile
#14 02:15.722 02:18.497 103 2 ZealousJadeAlligator49 's avatar ZealousJadeAlligator49 ES Sessions Profile
#15 02:15.769 02:16.643 100 0 RulingSapphireHarrier45 's avatar RulingSapphireHarrier45 Sessions Profile
#16 02:15.778 02:17.357 71 0 BFL Meezy 's avatar BFL Meezy IT Sessions Profile
#17 02:15.783 02:16.128 0 0 Emag 's avatar Emag AL Sessions Profile
#18 02:15.804 02:18.258 79 2 DDRider22 's avatar DDRider22 Sessions Profile
#19 02:15.856 02:17.712 90 0 OLD TIMER 's avatar OLD TIMER FR Sessions Profile
#20 02:15.882 02:17.549 60 1 R.4 's avatar R.4 CN Sessions Profile
#21 02:15.914 02:19.214 63 2 EventualPlumFowl4 's avatar EventualPlumFowl4 IT Sessions Profile
#22 02:16.051 02:18.614 85 2 ResidentApricotDeer71 's avatar ResidentApricotDeer71 Sessions Profile
#23 02:16.058 02:17.785 0 0 Miguel Alves 's avatar Miguel Alves Sessions Profile
#24 02:16.059 02:17.695 83 0 BRIANumber7 's avatar BRIANumber7 US Sessions Profile
#25 02:16.108 02:16.531 127 3 ~SUS~ YuSo 's avatar ~SUS~ YuSo GB Sessions Profile
#26 02:16.114 02:17.223 0 0 xXJaZillaBruXx 's avatar xXJaZillaBruXx US Sessions Profile
#27 02:16.122 02:17.486 128 1 XAVI 's avatar XAVI Sessions Profile
#28 02:16.150 02:17.694 105 0 MolecularIvoryTurkey43 's avatar MolecularIvoryTurkey43 PL Sessions Profile
#29 02:16.195 02:17.778 82 2 Borja Kankkunen 's avatar Borja Kankkunen ES Sessions Profile
#30 02:16.214 02:16.850 129 0 GastricCyanMackerel61 's avatar GastricCyanMackerel61 Sessions Profile
#31 02:16.252 02:18.110 115 2 Manuel Perez 's avatar Manuel Perez ES Sessions Profile
#32 02:16.275 02:17.387 79 0 Jonathan 's avatar Jonathan Sessions Profile
#33 02:16.339 02:17.826 0 1 Maykon Dutra 's avatar Maykon Dutra BR Sessions Profile
#34 02:16.348 02:17.808 86 1 SovietFuchsiaMuskox47 's avatar SovietFuchsiaMuskox47 Sessions Profile
#35 02:16.374 02:17.725 70 0 evergrayy 's avatar evergrayy ID Sessions Profile
#36 02:16.391 02:17.762 0 0 GlamorousBrownRabbit92 's avatar GlamorousBrownRabbit92 AR Sessions Profile
#37 02:16.398 02:17.544 72 0 Tantive_IV 's avatar Tantive_IV IE Sessions Profile
#38 02:16.473 02:17.728 110 0 gallo24 's avatar gallo24 ID Sessions Profile
#39 02:16.475 02:17.577 143 1 wolomizer 's avatar wolomizer Sessions Profile
#40 02:16.532 02:18.621 80 2 CoCoChanel 's avatar CoCoChanel FR Sessions Profile
#41 02:16.582 02:19.307 0 9 LORDFARQUAAD 's avatar LORDFARQUAAD Sessions Profile
#42 02:16.587 02:18.332 145 1 Pedro Laghar 's avatar Pedro Laghar ES Sessions Profile
#43 02:16.604 02:18.218 0 1 RobustIndigoGopher83 's avatar RobustIndigoGopher83 PL Sessions Profile
#44 02:16.643 02:18.528 66 0 Bennett Racz Szabo 's avatar Bennett Racz Szabo HU Sessions Profile
#45 02:16.652 02:20.782 79 1 FilthyBlueRaccoon48 's avatar FilthyBlueRaccoon48 FR Sessions Profile
#46 02:16.668 02:17.650 0 20 AutomaticEmeraldErmine3 's avatar AutomaticEmeraldErmine3 Sessions Profile
#47 02:16.681 02:17.958 78 1 crossplane07 's avatar crossplane07 Sessions Profile
#48 02:16.744 02:18.270 84 3 Samuu_12 's avatar Samuu_12 ES Sessions Profile
#49 02:16.771 02:17.335 77 0 dorxtro 's avatar dorxtro IT Sessions Profile
#50 02:16.776 02:18.615 114 1 gui.tao 's avatar gui.tao Sessions Profile
#51 02:16.837 02:18.554 62 1 ProbableYellowWeasel16 's avatar ProbableYellowWeasel16 IT Sessions Profile
#52 02:16.858 02:18.106 110 0 Albert Oevering 's avatar Albert Oevering NL Sessions Profile
#53 02:16.907 02:18.154 80 2 BernarDK 's avatar BernarDK IT Sessions Profile
#54 02:16.919 02:20.278 0 15 ComingRosePanther6 's avatar ComingRosePanther6 PT Sessions Profile
#55 02:16.919 02:18.375 76 0 KarlosGP1 's avatar KarlosGP1 ES Sessions Profile
#56 02:16.920 02:18.995 77 2 rasmus 's avatar rasmus Sessions Profile
#57 02:16.922 02:19.093 0 2 Ze Cunha 's avatar Ze Cunha PT Sessions Profile
#58 02:16.931 02:18.436 0 0 RavenWithSwords 's avatar RavenWithSwords US Sessions Profile
#59 02:16.933 02:19.347 118 0 SkyCore 's avatar SkyCore BE Sessions Profile
#60 02:16.948 02:19.078 118 3 BJ_Gerald 's avatar BJ_Gerald Sessions Profile
#61 02:16.949 02:18.395 76 3 WhisperingSalmonToucan10 's avatar WhisperingSalmonToucan10 Sessions Profile
#62 02:16.961 02:18.205 71 0 SpicyAzureStingray9 's avatar SpicyAzureStingray9 VE Sessions Profile
#63 02:16.961 02:18.813 72 2 EAGLE NIGHT 's avatar EAGLE NIGHT Sessions Profile
#64 02:16.969 02:18.101 0 1 StrikingGrayChameleon16 's avatar StrikingGrayChameleon16 Sessions Profile
#65 02:16.969 02:18.652 0 0 AggregateWhiteBobolink95 's avatar AggregateWhiteBobolink95 Sessions Profile
#66 02:17.007 02:18.234 92 0 SpontaneousTanDuck96 's avatar SpontaneousTanDuck96 Sessions Profile
#67 02:17.012 02:18.771 80 0 IcyTurquoiseWildfowl55 's avatar IcyTurquoiseWildfowl55 Sessions Profile
#68 02:17.048 02:18.380 68 0 CleverCoffeeSquid28 's avatar CleverCoffeeSquid28 SI Sessions Profile
#69 02:17.049 02:18.157 59 0 Kramer 's avatar Kramer NL Sessions Profile
#70 02:17.059 02:18.892 78 1 VagueBlueGiraffe30 's avatar VagueBlueGiraffe30 PL Sessions Profile
#71 02:17.061 02:19.914 53 4 Karfakias 's avatar Karfakias IT Sessions Profile
#72 02:17.115 02:20.174 79 2 YoloCG 's avatar YoloCG EC Sessions Profile
#73 02:17.150 02:17.416 0 5 DifficultHarlequinCapybara29 's avatar DifficultHarlequinCapybara29 Sessions Profile
#74 02:17.175 02:20.584 55 1 CommonWhiteGoose85 's avatar CommonWhiteGoose85 TW Sessions Profile
#75 02:17.204 02:18.748 0 0 otavio7772 's avatar otavio7772 BR Sessions Profile
#76 02:17.214 02:20.804 56 0 EvilWhiteReptile30 's avatar EvilWhiteReptile30 ES Sessions Profile
#77 02:17.243 02:22.615 0 12 ScrawnyGreenLandfowl22 's avatar ScrawnyGreenLandfowl22 CZ Sessions Profile
#78 02:17.262 02:19.661 97 1 ImpressedAmethystRabbit66 's avatar ImpressedAmethystRabbit66 IT Sessions Profile
#79 02:17.296 02:18.459 0 0 DJEMBE7 's avatar DJEMBE7 FR Sessions Profile
#80 02:17.304 02:18.298 73 1 Eddie Crispo 's avatar Eddie Crispo Sessions Profile
#81 02:17.304 02:21.013 45 12 RivalApricotSkunk9 's avatar RivalApricotSkunk9 Sessions Profile
#82 02:17.306 02:17.491 0 0 EL MAESTRO 's avatar EL MAESTRO FR Sessions Profile
#83 02:17.339 02:18.936 89 4 Scodella Jr. 's avatar Scodella Jr. Sessions Profile
#84 02:17.399 02:19.139 87 3 CommunistCyanPheasant78 's avatar CommunistCyanPheasant78 HU Sessions Profile
#85 02:17.409 02:18.433 0 0 SemanticScarletEagle5 's avatar SemanticScarletEagle5 IT Sessions Profile
#86 02:17.411 02:18.904 67 0 Gunizer 's avatar Gunizer CH Sessions Profile
#87 02:17.420 02:22.274 63 1 SlimyAmethystTermite78 's avatar SlimyAmethystTermite78 PL Sessions Profile
#88 02:17.487 02:20.432 48 5 alejandromn01 's avatar alejandromn01 Sessions Profile
#89 02:17.487 02:18.231 0 0 jsonhack 's avatar jsonhack TT Sessions Profile
#90 02:17.510 02:17.845 74 6 PoorMoccasinEarwig5 's avatar PoorMoccasinEarwig5 BR Sessions Profile
#91 02:17.518 02:19.527 82 0 LONELY 's avatar LONELY UA Sessions Profile
#92 02:17.584 02:19.292 0 1 Evan von der Gruen 's avatar Evan von der Gruen US Sessions Profile
#93 02:17.658 02:19.927 59 2 FamousBeigeMonkey47 's avatar FamousBeigeMonkey47 Sessions Profile
#94 02:17.661 02:18.872 0 1 DARKFLOW 's avatar DARKFLOW Sessions Profile
#95 02:17.682 02:24.158 0 4 trylox 's avatar trylox IT Sessions Profile
#96 02:17.682 02:19.370 0 1 Vern7 's avatar Vern7 ID Sessions Profile
#97 02:17.698 02:22.440 0 1 GayCoffeeOtter7 's avatar GayCoffeeOtter7 Sessions Profile
#98 02:17.698 02:19.885 0 0 Fusi Alexandro 's avatar Fusi Alexandro RU Sessions Profile
#99 02:17.710 02:17.710 85 0 flatspot 's avatar flatspot Sessions Profile
#100 02:17.712 02:19.708 66 2 00Thunder00 's avatar 00Thunder00 Sessions Profile
From 1 to 101 simracers of 2806