Krreritas Laptime

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February Season Ranking Spa Mazda MX5 Cup

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From 1 to 101 simracers of 8298
Pos Best avg KPP KMP Simracer
#1 02:43.572 02:58.729 0 0 SparklingScarletOrca90 's avatar SparklingScarletOrca90 JP Sessions Profile
#2 02:45.168 02:51.078 0 0 ChristianChocolateGorilla60 's avatar ChristianChocolateGorilla60 AO Sessions Profile
#3 02:45.495 02:48.242 0 0 David Salinas 's avatar David Salinas ES Sessions Profile
#4 02:46.356 02:49.395 54 0 chromeg 's avatar chromeg Sessions Profile
#5 02:46.513 02:51.954 0 0 FamousBeigeMonkey83 's avatar FamousBeigeMonkey83 BE Sessions Profile
#6 02:46.619 02:51.662 0 0 EmotionalWhiteMoth24 's avatar EmotionalWhiteMoth24 UA Sessions Profile
#7 02:46.949 02:59.328 0 0 TightAmaranthSturgeon44 's avatar TightAmaranthSturgeon44 Sessions Profile
#8 02:47.052 02:48.451 0 0 Airlink 's avatar Airlink FR Sessions Profile
#9 02:47.067 02:49.439 57 2 Mario Gilles 's avatar Mario Gilles IT Sessions Profile
#10 02:47.083 02:52.089 0 0 VocationalScarletBarracuda19 's avatar VocationalScarletBarracuda19 RU Sessions Profile
#11 02:47.107 02:52.012 0 0 SpecificYellowSalmon44 's avatar SpecificYellowSalmon44 Sessions Profile
#12 02:47.127 02:49.997 0 0 Kim Stapleton 's avatar Kim Stapleton AU Sessions Profile
#13 02:47.128 02:51.200 0 0 NuclearCyanOpossum48 's avatar NuclearCyanOpossum48 JP Sessions Profile
#14 02:47.179 02:49.813 0 0 Franck 76 's avatar Franck 76 FR Sessions Profile
#15 02:47.183 02:59.570 0 0 Michael Jackson 's avatar Michael Jackson Sessions Profile
#16 02:47.275 03:42.584 0 0 ShockedGrayMinnow50 's avatar ShockedGrayMinnow50 IT Sessions Profile
#17 02:47.359 02:49.850 0 0 Smoker110 's avatar Smoker110 IT Sessions Profile
#18 02:47.419 02:54.174 0 0 Tony 's avatar Tony ZA Sessions Profile
#20 02:47.452 02:50.074 0 0 SuspiciousWhiteWolf75 's avatar SuspiciousWhiteWolf75 PL Sessions Profile
#21 02:47.468 02:50.220 0 0 MisleadingRedAlbatross80 's avatar MisleadingRedAlbatross80 ES Sessions Profile
#22 02:47.583 02:56.086 0 0 Brian the snail 's avatar Brian the snail Sessions Profile
#23 02:47.636 02:49.615 0 0 Francesco Ghini 's avatar Francesco Ghini IT Sessions Profile
#24 02:47.647 02:51.204 0 0 StaticLimeDolphin45 's avatar StaticLimeDolphin45 AR Sessions Profile
#25 02:47.657 02:50.067 0 0 Austin Wilke 's avatar Austin Wilke US Sessions Profile
#26 02:47.659 02:49.098 0 0 Namae 's avatar Namae Sessions Profile
#27 02:47.659 02:53.045 0 0 kissmydoor 's avatar kissmydoor UA Sessions Profile
#28 02:47.744 02:51.436 0 0 LeO GarciA 's avatar LeO GarciA UY Sessions Profile
#29 02:47.762 02:51.579 0 0 DivinePlumClam3 's avatar DivinePlumClam3 US Sessions Profile
#30 02:47.773 02:49.798 0 0 EntireEmeraldElephant68 's avatar EntireEmeraldElephant68 Sessions Profile
#31 02:47.826 02:52.772 0 0 ehzed 's avatar ehzed CA Sessions Profile
#32 02:47.880 02:49.574 0 0 InvolvedMoccasinCaterpillar81 's avatar InvolvedMoccasinCaterpillar81 US Sessions Profile
#33 02:47.886 02:50.588 0 0 ExcitingGoldChicken61 's avatar ExcitingGoldChicken61 EE Sessions Profile
#34 02:47.888 02:49.953 0 0 Csimp 's avatar Csimp HU Sessions Profile
#35 02:47.897 02:50.621 0 0 Cuddly panda 's avatar Cuddly panda SI Sessions Profile
#36 02:47.922 02:49.645 0 0 SelectedIvoryBobcat38 's avatar SelectedIvoryBobcat38 Sessions Profile
#37 02:47.947 02:50.357 0 0 Matt Webb 's avatar Matt Webb Sessions Profile
#38 02:47.950 02:50.857 0 0 C_Works 's avatar C_Works BE Sessions Profile
#39 02:47.951 02:51.780 0 0 SufficientTurquoiseCondor10 's avatar SufficientTurquoiseCondor10 Sessions Profile
#40 02:48.056 02:50.354 0 0 AssistantTanSquirrel27 's avatar AssistantTanSquirrel27 IT Sessions Profile
#41 02:48.064 02:50.294 88 0 OLD TIMER 's avatar OLD TIMER FR Sessions Profile
#42 02:48.073 02:51.532 0 0 Maksu 's avatar Maksu FI Sessions Profile
#43 02:48.081 02:51.514 0 0 MonthlyBlackElk92 's avatar MonthlyBlackElk92 JP Sessions Profile
#44 02:48.139 02:53.794 0 0 StrictHarlequinMosquito60 's avatar StrictHarlequinMosquito60 Sessions Profile
#45 02:48.173 02:49.808 0 0 MightySalmonGoat47 's avatar MightySalmonGoat47 CA Sessions Profile
#46 02:48.207 02:54.758 0 0 JuniorGreenTarantula62 's avatar JuniorGreenTarantula62 PL Sessions Profile
#47 02:48.259 02:50.682 0 0 Magnet 's avatar Magnet IT Sessions Profile
#48 02:48.261 02:52.807 0 0 ImplicitPeachWhippet62 's avatar ImplicitPeachWhippet62 Sessions Profile
#49 02:48.265 02:51.311 0 0 Kebab 's avatar Kebab BA Sessions Profile
#50 02:48.326 02:52.572 0 0 PunyMagentaAnteater8 's avatar PunyMagentaAnteater8 ES Sessions Profile
#51 02:48.329 02:50.714 0 0 Vassta 's avatar Vassta BE Sessions Profile
#52 02:48.340 02:53.906 0 0 RobustIndigoGopher19 's avatar RobustIndigoGopher19 US Sessions Profile
#53 02:48.341 02:51.193 0 0 SimKid 's avatar SimKid Sessions Profile
#54 02:48.348 02:52.448 0 0 NuclearAmaranthOstrich36 's avatar NuclearAmaranthOstrich36 Sessions Profile
#55 02:48.378 02:53.048 0 0 Arnage 's avatar Arnage DK Sessions Profile
#56 02:48.385 02:50.410 0 0 Pedro Muela 's avatar Pedro Muela ES Sessions Profile
#57 02:48.387 02:51.413 166 0 JPFlor 's avatar JPFlor FR Sessions Profile
#58 02:48.390 02:56.232 0 0 CuteBlushTarsier94 's avatar CuteBlushTarsier94 AU Sessions Profile
#59 02:48.398 02:50.354 0 0 AwareAmaranthBee56 's avatar AwareAmaranthBee56 RS Sessions Profile
#60 02:48.440 02:51.684 0 0 CommonWhiteGoose29 's avatar CommonWhiteGoose29 IT Sessions Profile
#61 02:48.502 02:51.170 0 0 DrivingTomatoTarantula37 's avatar DrivingTomatoTarantula37 AR Sessions Profile
#62 02:48.524 02:50.504 0 0 SatisfactoryTurquoiseKoi42 's avatar SatisfactoryTurquoiseKoi42 UG Sessions Profile
#63 02:48.536 02:51.278 0 0 VocationalScarletBarracuda3 's avatar VocationalScarletBarracuda3 Sessions Profile
#64 02:48.547 02:52.400 0 0 RealisticRedStingray94 's avatar RealisticRedStingray94 FR Sessions Profile
#65 02:48.559 02:51.130 0 0 SelectedIvoryBobcat53 's avatar SelectedIvoryBobcat53 Sessions Profile
#66 02:48.584 02:50.156 0 0 SuitableMoccasinTarantula35 's avatar SuitableMoccasinTarantula35 GB Sessions Profile
#67 02:48.620 02:51.236 0 0 ZygoticAzureReindeer8 's avatar ZygoticAzureReindeer8 FR Sessions Profile
#68 02:48.624 02:51.792 0 0 Gareth 's avatar Gareth GB Sessions Profile
#69 02:48.638 02:50.498 0 0 SubjectivePeachFlea16 's avatar SubjectivePeachFlea16 TH Sessions Profile
#70 02:48.646 02:54.916 0 0 SpecificYellowSalmon15 's avatar SpecificYellowSalmon15 US Sessions Profile
#71 02:48.651 02:50.106 0 1 ObligedOrangeStork8 's avatar ObligedOrangeStork8 ES Sessions Profile
#72 02:48.688 02:54.184 0 0 yeman 's avatar yeman FR Sessions Profile
#73 02:48.693 02:50.462 0 0 DeafeningCopperGalliform73 's avatar DeafeningCopperGalliform73 ES Sessions Profile
#74 02:48.694 02:50.983 0 0 ailurus 's avatar ailurus Sessions Profile
#75 02:48.696 02:53.924 0 0 BusySalmonBoa50 's avatar BusySalmonBoa50 Sessions Profile
#76 02:48.716 02:50.684 0 0 BadEmeraldCougar54 's avatar BadEmeraldCougar54 CN Sessions Profile
#77 02:48.723 02:50.640 0 0 SadSalmonWildfowl62 's avatar SadSalmonWildfowl62 PL Sessions Profile
#78 02:48.725 02:52.006 0 0 haydn 's avatar haydn Sessions Profile
#79 02:48.730 02:51.921 0 1 UnfortunateAmaranthMuskox62 's avatar UnfortunateAmaranthMuskox62 Sessions Profile
#80 02:48.737 02:51.040 0 0 Killface 's avatar Killface US Sessions Profile
#81 02:48.752 02:53.530 0 0 HistoricalSapphireCarp77 's avatar HistoricalSapphireCarp77 CA Sessions Profile
#82 02:48.768 02:51.807 0 0 IntactBeigeEarthworm2 's avatar IntactBeigeEarthworm2 ES Sessions Profile
#83 02:48.768 02:51.055 0 3 Sato 's avatar Sato AG Sessions Profile
#84 02:48.768 02:55.410 0 0 SelectedVioletQuokka36 's avatar SelectedVioletQuokka36 NL Sessions Profile
#85 02:48.772 02:53.498 0 0 GrowingTomatoHalibut96 's avatar GrowingTomatoHalibut96 Sessions Profile
#86 02:48.784 02:54.678 0 0 FlexibleAquamarineMite67 's avatar FlexibleAquamarineMite67 ES Sessions Profile
#87 02:48.790 02:50.362 0 42 ChronicBlushXerinae81 's avatar ChronicBlushXerinae81 IT Sessions Profile
#88 02:48.798 02:52.266 0 0 HugoMl5 's avatar HugoMl5 Sessions Profile
#89 02:48.802 02:51.689 0 0 InteriorCopperPinniped75 's avatar InteriorCopperPinniped75 ES Sessions Profile
#90 02:48.826 02:53.337 0 0 UnableCrimsonCrab96 's avatar UnableCrimsonCrab96 JM Sessions Profile
#91 02:48.850 02:52.224 0 0 Ash Hill 's avatar Ash Hill Sessions Profile
#92 02:48.868 02:51.780 0 0 ProgressiveAquaOwl68 's avatar ProgressiveAquaOwl68 Sessions Profile
#93 02:48.871 02:51.789 0 0 Kaplan 's avatar Kaplan FR Sessions Profile
#94 02:48.886 02:53.922 0 0 CommonPeachTick24 's avatar CommonPeachTick24 IE Sessions Profile
#95 02:48.889 02:51.670 0 0 Elbio Acosta 's avatar Elbio Acosta UY Sessions Profile
#96 02:48.898 02:50.723 0 0 ThinMoccasinAlbatross88 's avatar ThinMoccasinAlbatross88 CA Sessions Profile
#97 02:48.906 02:51.158 0 0 ChristianChocolateGorilla23 's avatar ChristianChocolateGorilla23 FR Sessions Profile
#98 02:48.923 02:52.714 0 0 Crovax 's avatar Crovax CA Sessions Profile
#99 02:48.936 02:56.627 0 0 ConstantTurquoiseWeasel34 's avatar ConstantTurquoiseWeasel34 Sessions Profile
#100 02:48.941 02:50.806 0 0 UnacceptableTanHornet63 's avatar UnacceptableTanHornet63 ES Sessions Profile
#101 02:48.944 02:52.828 0 0 RadicalCoralPeacock70 's avatar RadicalCoralPeacock70 CA Sessions Profile
From 1 to 101 simracers of 8298