Krreritas Laptime

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May Season Ranking Spa GT2/GT3 Ranked

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From 401 to 501 simracers of 873
Pos Best avg KPP KMP Simracer
#403 02:29.185 02:59.700 0 0 DirtyVioletChinchilla87 's avatar DirtyVioletChinchilla87 Sessions Profile
#404 02:29.209 02:37.366 0 0 HistoricalSapphireCarp95 's avatar HistoricalSapphireCarp95 Sessions Profile
#405 02:29.309 02:37.322 0 0 WhisperingSalmonToucan70 's avatar WhisperingSalmonToucan70 Sessions Profile
#406 02:29.337 02:31.665 0 0 GastricCyanMackerel82 's avatar GastricCyanMackerel82 BR Sessions Profile
#407 02:29.364 02:39.789 0 0 SuspiciousSapphireMole82 's avatar SuspiciousSapphireMole82 Sessions Profile
#408 02:29.376 02:42.048 0 0 TheoreticalLavenderKingfisher38 's avatar TheoreticalLavenderKingfisher38 NL Sessions Profile
#409 02:29.400 02:37.237 0 0 DivineCrimsonDolphin93 's avatar DivineCrimsonDolphin93 IT Sessions Profile
#410 02:29.516 02:45.103 0 0 ConcreteTurquoiseEchidna14 's avatar ConcreteTurquoiseEchidna14 Sessions Profile
#411 02:29.524 02:38.739 0 0 OrdinaryVioletChicken44 's avatar OrdinaryVioletChicken44 GR Sessions Profile
#412 02:29.658 02:47.380 0 0 StrictHarlequinMosquito1 's avatar StrictHarlequinMosquito1 BE Sessions Profile
#413 02:29.691 04:46.303 0 0 CapableChocolateZebra82 's avatar CapableChocolateZebra82 TR Sessions Profile
#414 02:29.704 03:05.099 0 0 ThinScarletMeadowlark83 's avatar ThinScarletMeadowlark83 IT Sessions Profile
#415 02:29.745 02:36.347 0 0 TameOrangeBandicoot32 's avatar TameOrangeBandicoot32 NL Sessions Profile
#416 02:29.792 02:42.905 0 0 WispyMoccasinCrane84 's avatar WispyMoccasinCrane84 Sessions Profile
#417 02:29.834 02:37.985 0 0 GoodRedStoat13 's avatar GoodRedStoat13 Sessions Profile
#418 02:29.852 02:47.800 0 0 DreadfulCyanMink30 's avatar DreadfulCyanMink30 Sessions Profile
#419 02:29.866 02:35.508 0 5 ImpressedAmethystRabbit43 's avatar ImpressedAmethystRabbit43 FR Sessions Profile
#420 02:29.882 02:41.652 0 0 UnfortunateAmaranthMuskox79 's avatar UnfortunateAmaranthMuskox79 FR Sessions Profile
#421 02:29.925 02:29.925 0 2 ObjectiveChocolateMollusk67 's avatar ObjectiveChocolateMollusk67 IT Sessions Profile
#422 02:29.947 03:20.162 0 0 ScaredAzureVicuna64 's avatar ScaredAzureVicuna64 Sessions Profile
#423 02:29.987 02:43.006 0 0 OfficialFuchsiaMammal11 's avatar OfficialFuchsiaMammal11 Sessions Profile
#424 02:30.181 02:36.493 0 0 CostlyPlumGiraffe70 's avatar CostlyPlumGiraffe70 IT Sessions Profile
#425 02:30.215 03:20.783 0 0 ImpressedAmethystRabbit95 's avatar ImpressedAmethystRabbit95 FR Sessions Profile
#426 02:30.222 02:30.222 0 0 WillingBlushFlea85 's avatar WillingBlushFlea85 ES Sessions Profile
#427 02:30.268 02:45.802 0 0 MedievalScarletWasp24 's avatar MedievalScarletWasp24 Sessions Profile
#428 02:30.359 02:41.670 0 0 ContinentalTurquoiseEagle82 's avatar ContinentalTurquoiseEagle82 Sessions Profile
#429 02:30.470 02:36.689 0 0 DesirableSilverChinchilla16 's avatar DesirableSilverChinchilla16 Sessions Profile
#430 02:30.502 02:33.555 0 0 Kronic 's avatar Kronic Sessions Profile
#431 02:30.504 03:00.750 0 0 LazyBlueCaterpillar81 's avatar LazyBlueCaterpillar81 Sessions Profile
#432 02:30.508 02:37.338 0 0 VastBlushErmine87 's avatar VastBlushErmine87 BE Sessions Profile
#433 02:30.518 02:48.604 0 0 SilkyLavenderPheasant34 's avatar SilkyLavenderPheasant34 Sessions Profile
#434 02:30.602 02:37.138 0 0 FarTomatoStork56 's avatar FarTomatoStork56 Sessions Profile
#435 02:30.604 03:24.852 0 0 famousdeer 's avatar famousdeer Sessions Profile
#436 02:30.625 02:33.710 0 0 ThinMoccasinAlbatross2 's avatar ThinMoccasinAlbatross2 Sessions Profile
#437 02:30.630 02:30.822 0 0 ContinuingEmeraldShrew17 's avatar ContinuingEmeraldShrew17 Sessions Profile
#438 02:30.634 02:41.955 0 0 NegativeMoccasinGerbil67 's avatar NegativeMoccasinGerbil67 GB Sessions Profile
#439 02:30.657 02:44.852 0 0 SplendidMaroonFelidae81 's avatar SplendidMaroonFelidae81 Sessions Profile
#440 02:30.666 02:47.736 0 0 VitalAquamarineOrca51 's avatar VitalAquamarineOrca51 IT Sessions Profile
#441 02:30.776 04:46.171 0 0 AdvancedGrayParrotfish14 's avatar AdvancedGrayParrotfish14 ZA Sessions Profile
#442 02:30.845 03:22.558 0 0 LooseRoseSeahorse98 's avatar LooseRoseSeahorse98 AF Sessions Profile
#443 02:30.882 02:33.195 0 0 MadBrownSturgeon4 's avatar MadBrownSturgeon4 IT Sessions Profile
#444 02:30.920 02:45.224 0 0 BigCyanAnt76 's avatar BigCyanAnt76 Sessions Profile
#445 02:30.927 02:30.927 0 0 HighApricotSturgeon51 's avatar HighApricotSturgeon51 Sessions Profile
#446 02:31.157 02:45.920 0 0 Tanoshi-YTB 's avatar Tanoshi-YTB FR Sessions Profile
#447 02:31.239 02:46.140 0 0 BadEmeraldCougar84 's avatar BadEmeraldCougar84 Sessions Profile
#448 02:31.279 02:39.485 0 0 ZanyMoccasinTiglon22 's avatar ZanyMoccasinTiglon22 Sessions Profile
#449 02:31.343 03:10.598 0 0 StaticPlumMollusk75 's avatar StaticPlumMollusk75 Sessions Profile
#450 02:31.382 07:29.930 0 0 ForthcomingLavenderSwift82 's avatar ForthcomingLavenderSwift82 DE Sessions Profile
#451 02:31.433 02:34.816 0 0 CommonWhiteGoose80 's avatar CommonWhiteGoose80 Sessions Profile
#452 02:31.461 03:01.484 0 0 StiffCrimsonRaccoon92 's avatar StiffCrimsonRaccoon92 ES Sessions Profile
#453 02:31.493 02:31.493 0 0 ImaginativePurpleGuan20 's avatar ImaginativePurpleGuan20 TR Sessions Profile
#454 02:31.510 02:58.604 0 0 TightAmaranthSturgeon91 's avatar TightAmaranthSturgeon91 TW Sessions Profile
#455 02:31.526 03:18.222 0 0 DivinePlumClam59 's avatar DivinePlumClam59 IT Sessions Profile
#456 02:31.529 02:37.816 0 0 CloseIndigoParakeet74 's avatar CloseIndigoParakeet74 Sessions Profile
#457 02:31.538 02:49.444 0 0 RepresentativeWhiteEarwig56 's avatar RepresentativeWhiteEarwig56 Sessions Profile
#458 02:31.603 04:28.717 0 0 SelfishPurpleCentipede72 's avatar SelfishPurpleCentipede72 Sessions Profile
#459 02:31.611 02:54.278 0 0 SpareBlushLoon28 's avatar SpareBlushLoon28 IT Sessions Profile
#460 02:31.624 03:03.401 0 0 BetterBlackHyena39 's avatar BetterBlackHyena39 Sessions Profile
#461 02:31.762 02:37.892 0 0 RepulsiveBlueRooster75 's avatar RepulsiveBlueRooster75 Sessions Profile
#462 02:31.786 02:34.836 0 0 ScrawnyGreenLandfowl98 's avatar ScrawnyGreenLandfowl98 Sessions Profile
#463 02:31.859 02:51.015 0 0 StandardSalmonMackerel74 's avatar StandardSalmonMackerel74 Sessions Profile
#464 02:32.059 02:57.417 0 0 ScrawnyGreenLandfowl68 's avatar ScrawnyGreenLandfowl68 Sessions Profile
#465 02:32.093 03:43.648 0 0 PregnantChocolateMagpie73 's avatar PregnantChocolateMagpie73 Sessions Profile
#466 02:32.100 03:03.886 0 0 ProposedAzureToucan78 's avatar ProposedAzureToucan78 BE Sessions Profile
#467 02:32.184 02:33.742 0 0 Minor 's avatar Minor CA Sessions Profile
#468 02:32.295 02:34.921 0 0 TameOrangeBandicoot4 's avatar TameOrangeBandicoot4 Sessions Profile
#469 02:32.325 02:46.827 0 0 NakedCoralSnail98 's avatar NakedCoralSnail98 Sessions Profile
#470 02:32.334 03:21.902 0 0 AliveJadeOrca82 's avatar AliveJadeOrca82 BE Sessions Profile
#471 02:32.399 02:36.965 0 0 DrivingTomatoTarantula93 's avatar DrivingTomatoTarantula93 IT Sessions Profile
#472 02:32.533 02:42.426 0 0 adamv2103 's avatar adamv2103 Sessions Profile
#473 02:32.643 02:43.840 0 0 GrotesqueTurquoiseCougar58 's avatar GrotesqueTurquoiseCougar58 GR Sessions Profile
#474 02:32.766 03:29.142 0 0 XenophobicTomatoAnteater78 's avatar XenophobicTomatoAnteater78 IT Sessions Profile
#475 02:32.806 02:41.818 0 0 ReliableAmberBison20 's avatar ReliableAmberBison20 FR Sessions Profile
#476 02:32.862 02:50.076 0 0 Mr Blue 's avatar Mr Blue IT Sessions Profile
#477 02:33.141 02:52.524 0 0 ArmedPinkEgret88 's avatar ArmedPinkEgret88 FR Sessions Profile
#478 02:33.150 02:33.150 0 0 AdvancedGrayParrotfish42 's avatar AdvancedGrayParrotfish42 US Sessions Profile
#479 02:33.159 03:06.346 0 0 SurroundingWhiteMarmot18 's avatar SurroundingWhiteMarmot18 AR Sessions Profile
#480 02:33.433 02:52.765 0 0 MisleadingRedAlbatross94 's avatar MisleadingRedAlbatross94 Sessions Profile
#481 02:33.463 03:00.740 0 0 FeministBlackKingfisher28 's avatar FeministBlackKingfisher28 Sessions Profile
#482 02:33.471 02:33.471 0 0 NastyAquamarineBovid79 's avatar NastyAquamarineBovid79 IT Sessions Profile
#483 02:33.481 03:03.162 0 0 DoubleBlackBarnacle38 's avatar DoubleBlackBarnacle38 Sessions Profile
#484 02:33.566 02:37.207 0 0 FollowingHarlequinPanther94 's avatar FollowingHarlequinPanther94 Sessions Profile
#485 02:33.600 02:40.872 0 0 SpotlessGoldAnteater66 's avatar SpotlessGoldAnteater66 Sessions Profile
#486 02:33.659 02:33.659 0 0 NakedCoralSnail50 's avatar NakedCoralSnail50 AT Sessions Profile
#487 02:33.760 02:39.004 0 0 MiserableTanFlamingo7 's avatar MiserableTanFlamingo7 Sessions Profile
#488 02:33.797 03:01.144 0 0 Barracus007 's avatar Barracus007 Sessions Profile
#489 02:33.953 02:34.030 0 0 DeafTealShark18 's avatar DeafTealShark18 FR Sessions Profile
#490 02:33.988 02:41.750 0 0 ScrawnyGreenLandfowl67 's avatar ScrawnyGreenLandfowl67 RO Sessions Profile
#491 02:34.045 03:06.788 0 0 GayCoffeeOtter32 's avatar GayCoffeeOtter32 IT Sessions Profile
#492 02:34.091 02:42.206 0 0 WispyMoccasinCrane64 's avatar WispyMoccasinCrane64 Sessions Profile
#493 02:34.324 02:39.409 0 9 GunnZ 's avatar GunnZ Sessions Profile
#494 02:34.387 02:34.387 0 0 DirtyVioletChinchilla26 's avatar DirtyVioletChinchilla26 Sessions Profile
#495 02:34.428 02:41.055 0 0 EvolutionaryAmethystCobra20 's avatar EvolutionaryAmethystCobra20 Sessions Profile
#496 02:34.617 02:58.756 0 0 FeministBlackKingfisher27 's avatar FeministBlackKingfisher27 Sessions Profile
#497 02:34.623 02:55.860 0 0 SadYellowTern31 's avatar SadYellowTern31 Sessions Profile
#498 02:34.757 03:07.460 0 1 MarginalJadePartridge18 's avatar MarginalJadePartridge18 FR Sessions Profile
#499 02:34.782 02:46.678 0 0 FavouriteMaroonSeahorse4 's avatar FavouriteMaroonSeahorse4 IT Sessions Profile
#500 02:34.827 02:40.855 0 0 ShaggyEmeraldWhitefish43 's avatar ShaggyEmeraldWhitefish43 FR Sessions Profile
#501 02:34.864 02:34.864 0 0 AbundantCopperBedbug8 's avatar AbundantCopperBedbug8 Sessions Profile
#502 02:34.896 03:43.980 0 0 AcuteRoseChickadee21 's avatar AcuteRoseChickadee21 TR Sessions Profile
From 401 to 501 simracers of 873