Krreritas Laptime

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July Season Ranking Laguna Seca Mazda MX5 Cup Amateur

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From 6001 to 6079 simracers of 6079
Pos Best avg KPP KMP Simracer
#6006 03:33.854 03:33.854 0 0 FellowMagentaAntelope91 's avatar FellowMagentaAntelope91 Sessions Profile
#6007 03:34.429 03:34.429 0 0 FranticMagentaHarrier5 's avatar FranticMagentaHarrier5 Sessions Profile
#6008 03:36.503 03:36.503 0 0 SilkyLavenderPheasant13 's avatar SilkyLavenderPheasant13 Sessions Profile
#6009 03:37.459 03:37.459 0 0 RegionalWhiteFelidae71 's avatar RegionalWhiteFelidae71 Sessions Profile
#6010 03:37.652 03:37.652 0 0 MightyAquaPython84 's avatar MightyAquaPython84 BR Sessions Profile
#6011 03:38.382 03:38.382 0 0 Ed Eji 's avatar Ed Eji GB Sessions Profile
#6012 03:39.511 03:39.511 0 0 FeministBlackKingfisher86 's avatar FeministBlackKingfisher86 Sessions Profile
#6013 03:39.867 03:39.867 0 0 LengthyAmberPorcupine41 's avatar LengthyAmberPorcupine41 Sessions Profile
#6014 03:40.224 03:40.224 0 0 HighApricotSturgeon44 's avatar HighApricotSturgeon44 Sessions Profile
#6015 03:43.111 04:12.824 0 0 QuarrelsomeAquaHaddock98 's avatar QuarrelsomeAquaHaddock98 Sessions Profile
#6016 03:43.430 03:43.430 0 0 CorrespondingGoldAnt39 's avatar CorrespondingGoldAnt39 Sessions Profile
#6017 03:43.764 03:43.764 0 0 DeafeningCopperGalliform7 's avatar DeafeningCopperGalliform7 US Sessions Profile
#6018 03:43.783 03:47.301 0 0 GrotesqueLimeFly65 's avatar GrotesqueLimeFly65 Sessions Profile
#6019 03:44.047 03:44.047 0 0 ProgressiveAquaOwl77 's avatar ProgressiveAquaOwl77 Sessions Profile
#6020 03:44.502 03:44.502 0 0 AbundantCopperBedbug18 's avatar AbundantCopperBedbug18 Sessions Profile
#6021 03:45.159 03:45.159 0 0 HomelyCopperCamel51 's avatar HomelyCopperCamel51 Sessions Profile
#6022 03:47.242 03:47.242 0 0 AddedJadeOx74 's avatar AddedJadeOx74 Sessions Profile
#6023 03:49.253 03:49.253 0 0 YieldingGoldGrasshopper42 's avatar YieldingGoldGrasshopper42 UA Sessions Profile
#6024 03:51.576 03:51.576 0 0 VariableTealDinosaur72 's avatar VariableTealDinosaur72 Sessions Profile
#6025 03:51.634 03:51.634 0 0 VitalAquamarineOrca44 's avatar VitalAquamarineOrca44 FR Sessions Profile
#6026 03:51.871 04:07.594 0 0 UnacceptableTanHornet23 's avatar UnacceptableTanHornet23 AU Sessions Profile
#6027 03:53.791 03:53.791 0 0 IntenseSapphireLark52 's avatar IntenseSapphireLark52 BE Sessions Profile
#6028 03:55.914 03:55.914 0 0 PleasantOliveCardinal65 's avatar PleasantOliveCardinal65 Sessions Profile
#6029 03:56.323 03:56.323 0 0 MarginalJadePartridge96 's avatar MarginalJadePartridge96 HR Sessions Profile
#6030 03:57.272 03:57.272 0 0 CrazyFuchsiaAnt90 's avatar CrazyFuchsiaAnt90 ID Sessions Profile
#6031 03:58.762 03:58.762 0 0 MarxistTomatoFerret4 's avatar MarxistTomatoFerret4 Sessions Profile
#6032 03:58.825 03:58.825 0 0 SeniorMagentaCatshark68 's avatar SeniorMagentaCatshark68 Sessions Profile
#6033 04:00.709 04:00.709 0 0 SilkyLavenderPheasant59 's avatar SilkyLavenderPheasant59 Sessions Profile
#6034 04:01.309 04:01.309 0 0 FuzzyBlueCattle89 's avatar FuzzyBlueCattle89 Sessions Profile
#6035 04:01.372 04:01.372 0 0 TenseHarlequinWildebeest37 's avatar TenseHarlequinWildebeest37 Sessions Profile
#6036 04:04.884 04:04.884 0 0 RepresentativeWhiteEarwig38 's avatar RepresentativeWhiteEarwig38 Sessions Profile
#6037 04:08.896 04:08.896 0 0 Kimgong6969_wheel_ 's avatar Kimgong6969_wheel_ Sessions Profile
#6038 04:10.129 04:10.129 0 0 LateHarlequinMarsupial55 's avatar LateHarlequinMarsupial55 IT Sessions Profile
#6039 04:10.808 04:10.808 0 0 HonSilverCephalopod31 's avatar HonSilverCephalopod31 IT Sessions Profile
#6040 04:11.394 04:11.394 0 0 PainfulEmeraldGecko59 's avatar PainfulEmeraldGecko59 Sessions Profile
#6041 04:12.816 04:12.816 0 0 AddedJadeOx85 's avatar AddedJadeOx85 IT Sessions Profile
#6042 04:14.259 04:14.259 0 0 RemarkableBronzeJellyfish87 's avatar RemarkableBronzeJellyfish87 Sessions Profile
#6043 04:15.624 04:15.624 0 0 TinyScarletButterfly83 's avatar TinyScarletButterfly83 Sessions Profile
#6044 04:18.949 04:18.949 0 0 SlimyAmethystTermite9 's avatar SlimyAmethystTermite9 Sessions Profile
#6045 04:19.202 04:19.202 0 0 RottenPeachCoral76 's avatar RottenPeachCoral76 Sessions Profile
#6046 04:23.296 04:23.296 0 0 LowBlackBovid88 's avatar LowBlackBovid88 Sessions Profile
#6047 04:24.569 04:24.569 0 0 DreadfulCyanMink33 's avatar DreadfulCyanMink33 Sessions Profile
#6048 04:28.006 04:28.006 0 0 rulos 's avatar rulos IT Sessions Profile
#6049 04:30.716 04:30.716 0 0 FollowingHarlequinPanther9 's avatar FollowingHarlequinPanther9 NE Sessions Profile
#6050 04:31.401 04:31.401 0 0 MisleadingRedAlbatross78 's avatar MisleadingRedAlbatross78 Sessions Profile
#6051 04:32.394 04:32.394 0 0 PreparedIvoryAmphibian96 's avatar PreparedIvoryAmphibian96 IT Sessions Profile
#6052 04:32.493 04:32.493 0 0 RelevantPinkHalibut43 's avatar RelevantPinkHalibut43 Sessions Profile
#6053 04:34.510 04:34.510 0 0 PainfulEmeraldGecko30 's avatar PainfulEmeraldGecko30 PL Sessions Profile
#6054 04:34.528 04:34.528 0 0 MarxistTomatoFerret92 's avatar MarxistTomatoFerret92 IT Sessions Profile
#6055 04:39.600 04:39.600 0 0 EvolutionaryAmethystCobra34 's avatar EvolutionaryAmethystCobra34 FR Sessions Profile
#6056 04:40.571 04:40.571 0 0 SovietFuchsiaMuskox67 's avatar SovietFuchsiaMuskox67 Sessions Profile
#6057 04:40.585 04:40.585 0 0 FeministBlackKingfisher56 's avatar FeministBlackKingfisher56 Sessions Profile
#6058 04:50.984 04:50.984 0 0 ObnoxiousAmaranthRooster92 's avatar ObnoxiousAmaranthRooster92 Sessions Profile
#6059 04:54.823 04:54.823 0 0 DreadfulCyanMink90 's avatar DreadfulCyanMink90 Sessions Profile
#6060 04:57.325 04:57.325 0 0 IndustrialOlivePanda5 's avatar IndustrialOlivePanda5 Sessions Profile
#6061 04:57.879 04:57.879 0 2 SelectedFuchsiaPike14 's avatar SelectedFuchsiaPike14 Sessions Profile
#6062 04:58.472 04:58.472 0 0 AnonymousPurplePiranha88 's avatar AnonymousPurplePiranha88 PL Sessions Profile
#6063 04:58.567 04:58.567 0 0 ProbableCoffeeEchidna13 's avatar ProbableCoffeeEchidna13 IT Sessions Profile
#6064 05:06.874 05:06.874 0 0 SingleTanShrimp78 's avatar SingleTanShrimp78 IT Sessions Profile
#6065 05:09.466 05:09.466 0 0 WorthwhileVioletPrawn53 's avatar WorthwhileVioletPrawn53 Sessions Profile
#6066 05:13.183 05:13.183 0 0 TameOrangeBandicoot63 's avatar TameOrangeBandicoot63 Sessions Profile
#6067 05:20.100 05:20.100 0 0 ArmedPinkEgret30 's avatar ArmedPinkEgret30 IT Sessions Profile
#6068 05:23.070 05:23.070 0 0 SickTomatoFox63 's avatar SickTomatoFox63 LK Sessions Profile
#6069 05:26.244 05:26.244 0 0 DeafPlumRaven60 's avatar DeafPlumRaven60 IT Sessions Profile
#6070 05:32.605 05:32.605 0 0 FrontBronzeMoose16 's avatar FrontBronzeMoose16 Sessions Profile
#6071 05:34.256 05:34.256 0 0 AliveAquamarineBison94 's avatar AliveAquamarineBison94 PL Sessions Profile
#6072 05:41.126 05:41.126 0 0 FatWhiteHerring69 's avatar FatWhiteHerring69 Sessions Profile
#6073 05:46.830 05:46.830 0 0 LegalMagentaGoat97 's avatar LegalMagentaGoat97 Sessions Profile
#6074 06:07.093 06:07.093 0 0 AmusedTealWildfowl55 's avatar AmusedTealWildfowl55 IT Sessions Profile
#6075 06:21.565 06:21.565 0 0 IntactIndigoAsp23 's avatar IntactIndigoAsp23 Sessions Profile
#6076 06:37.634 06:37.634 0 0 DrivingTomatoTarantula12 's avatar DrivingTomatoTarantula12 Sessions Profile
#6077 06:51.094 06:51.094 0 0 RichMoccasinOrangutan59 's avatar RichMoccasinOrangutan59 Sessions Profile
#6078 07:19.548 07:19.548 0 0 IdeologicalAmberHippopotamus59 's avatar IdeologicalAmberHippopotamus59 Sessions Profile
#6079 08:10.109 08:10.109 0 0 AlternativeMoccasinMosquito36 's avatar AlternativeMoccasinMosquito36 Sessions Profile
#6080 08:29.057 08:29.057 0 6 AbstractHarlequinGecko94 's avatar AbstractHarlequinGecko94 AR Sessions Profile
#6081 08:36.947 08:36.947 0 0 GastricCyanMackerel38 's avatar GastricCyanMackerel38 Sessions Profile
#6082 08:45.858 08:45.858 0 0 ObjectiveMoccasinBoa5 's avatar ObjectiveMoccasinBoa5 Sessions Profile
#6083 11:36.033 11:36.033 0 0 QuaintScarletBarracuda57 's avatar QuaintScarletBarracuda57 US Sessions Profile
#6084 01:38.783 01:42.017 0 0 AcF - Adrian Bernhard 's avatar AcF - Adrian Bernhard DE Sessions Profile
From 6001 to 6079 simracers of 6079