Krreritas Laptime

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April season Ranking Spa Porsche Cup 2017

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From 201 to 301 simracers of 1355
Pos Best avg KPP KMP Simracer
#201 02:24.673 02:26.646 0 0 ShaggyEmeraldWhitefish30 's avatar ShaggyEmeraldWhitefish30 ES Sessions Profile
#202 02:24.676 02:24.934 0 0 NastyAquamarineBovid54 's avatar NastyAquamarineBovid54 Sessions Profile
#203 02:24.683 02:26.556 0 0 Bankete 's avatar Bankete FR Sessions Profile
#204 02:24.691 02:27.768 0 1 RespectableVioletAmphibian5 's avatar RespectableVioletAmphibian5 Sessions Profile
#205 02:24.733 02:24.733 0 0 EagerSapphireLungfish25 's avatar EagerSapphireLungfish25 Sessions Profile
#206 02:24.741 02:26.516 0 0 WillowyOrangeStoat8 's avatar WillowyOrangeStoat8 BR Sessions Profile
#207 02:24.765 02:27.031 0 0 AliveJadeOrca1 's avatar AliveJadeOrca1 Sessions Profile
#208 02:24.767 02:24.767 0 0 CorrespondingGoldAnt30 's avatar CorrespondingGoldAnt30 Sessions Profile
#209 02:24.768 02:25.676 0 0 AddedJadeOx86 's avatar AddedJadeOx86 AU Sessions Profile
#210 02:24.770 02:26.375 0 0 DisabledEmeraldCoyote73 's avatar DisabledEmeraldCoyote73 PT Sessions Profile
#211 02:24.781 02:27.923 0 0 RelevantPinkHalibut74 's avatar RelevantPinkHalibut74 NL Sessions Profile
#212 02:24.791 02:25.810 0 0 SadSalmonWildfowl92 's avatar SadSalmonWildfowl92 Sessions Profile
#213 02:24.858 02:24.976 0 0 GoodRedStoat69 's avatar GoodRedStoat69 FR Sessions Profile
#214 02:24.858 02:29.488 0 0 TroubledAmberReptile34 's avatar TroubledAmberReptile34 BR Sessions Profile
#215 02:24.894 02:28.032 0 0 Pääministeri Jussi Halla-Aho 's avatar Pääministeri Jussi Halla-Aho FI Sessions Profile
#216 02:24.902 02:26.286 163 0 JPFlor 's avatar JPFlor FR Sessions Profile
#217 02:24.911 02:28.813 0 0 Carlos Ballester 's avatar Carlos Ballester ES Sessions Profile
#218 02:24.933 02:28.126 0 0 IdeologicalAmberHippopotamus45 's avatar IdeologicalAmberHippopotamus45 Sessions Profile
#219 02:24.973 02:28.340 0 0 RespectableVioletAmphibian14 's avatar RespectableVioletAmphibian14 Sessions Profile
#220 02:24.975 02:27.409 0 0 TerritorialScarletMoose19 's avatar TerritorialScarletMoose19 Sessions Profile
#221 02:24.975 02:30.082 0 0 RepresentativeWhiteEarwig9 's avatar RepresentativeWhiteEarwig9 IT Sessions Profile
#222 02:25.009 02:27.052 0 0 YappiestTealHerring73 's avatar YappiestTealHerring73 Sessions Profile
#223 02:25.013 02:25.803 0 0 ChristianChocolateGorilla39 's avatar ChristianChocolateGorilla39 RO Sessions Profile
#224 02:25.031 02:28.123 0 0 ProvincialSapphireEel15 's avatar ProvincialSapphireEel15 CA Sessions Profile
#225 02:25.035 02:28.328 0 1 FunnyBlushCanid78 's avatar FunnyBlushCanid78 Sessions Profile
#226 02:25.060 02:28.560 92 0 Uranium88 's avatar Uranium88 BE Sessions Profile
#227 02:25.062 02:26.259 0 0 YummyCoffeeSnail97 's avatar YummyCoffeeSnail97 Sessions Profile
#228 02:25.075 02:36.932 0 37 jeroen_dd 's avatar jeroen_dd Sessions Profile
#229 02:25.077 02:30.662 0 0 DeafTealShark76 's avatar DeafTealShark76 Sessions Profile
#230 02:25.086 02:25.998 0 3 EvolutionaryAmethystCobra8 's avatar EvolutionaryAmethystCobra8 Sessions Profile
#231 02:25.089 02:40.112 0 0 EntireEmeraldElephant93 's avatar EntireEmeraldElephant93 Sessions Profile
#232 02:25.099 02:26.189 0 0 MightyHarlequinParrotfish49 's avatar MightyHarlequinParrotfish49 UY Sessions Profile
#233 02:25.101 02:28.086 0 0 FineTanJay17 's avatar FineTanJay17 Sessions Profile
#234 02:25.158 02:26.006 0 0 TerribleApricotEel27 's avatar TerribleApricotEel27 DE Sessions Profile
#235 02:25.167 02:26.614 0 0 SafeAmaranthHippopotamus71 's avatar SafeAmaranthHippopotamus71 BE Sessions Profile
#236 02:25.171 02:29.221 0 0 IllegalTomatoParakeet26 's avatar IllegalTomatoParakeet26 Sessions Profile
#237 02:25.215 02:26.028 0 0 MassiveHarlequinMandrill28 's avatar MassiveHarlequinMandrill28 IT Sessions Profile
#238 02:25.219 02:33.006 0 1 SouthernGoldLark26 's avatar SouthernGoldLark26 Sessions Profile
#239 02:25.225 02:43.608 0 0 ExtraordinaryHarlequinGiraffe67 's avatar ExtraordinaryHarlequinGiraffe67 FR Sessions Profile
#240 02:25.229 02:27.985 0 0 ShockedPurpleBuzzard38 's avatar ShockedPurpleBuzzard38 Sessions Profile
#241 02:25.231 02:28.920 0 0 ConvincedApricotSailfish68 's avatar ConvincedApricotSailfish68 Sessions Profile
#242 02:25.241 02:34.228 0 0 DisastrousIndigoMouse64 's avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse64 HR Sessions Profile
#243 02:25.276 02:32.873 0 0 DoubleSilverRaven11 's avatar DoubleSilverRaven11 CR Sessions Profile
#244 02:25.278 02:28.065 0 0 VariedYellowBug75 's avatar VariedYellowBug75 Sessions Profile
#245 02:25.285 02:33.217 0 0 OfficialFuchsiaMammal62 's avatar OfficialFuchsiaMammal62 Sessions Profile
#246 02:25.312 02:27.620 0 0 UrgentPeachYak28 's avatar UrgentPeachYak28 Sessions Profile
#247 02:25.312 02:27.586 0 0 ZerothRoseGoldfish32 's avatar ZerothRoseGoldfish32 FR Sessions Profile
#248 02:25.321 02:25.756 0 0 C_Works 's avatar C_Works BE Sessions Profile
#249 02:25.338 02:27.326 0 0 ??? 's avatar ??? Sessions Profile
#250 02:25.399 02:30.470 0 0 Berylos 's avatar Berylos IT Sessions Profile
#251 02:25.404 02:28.406 0 0 ConservativeApricotCod27 's avatar ConservativeApricotCod27 ES Sessions Profile
#252 02:25.409 02:29.574 0 37 UgliestGreenTyrannosaurus40 's avatar UgliestGreenTyrannosaurus40 Sessions Profile
#253 02:25.412 02:27.536 0 0 RollingAzureElk96 's avatar RollingAzureElk96 Sessions Profile
#254 02:25.427 02:31.042 0 0 Wouter 's avatar Wouter IT Sessions Profile
#255 02:25.432 02:29.472 0 0 HighCopperGorilla8 's avatar HighCopperGorilla8 FR Sessions Profile
#256 02:25.439 02:29.650 0 0 LiveCoffeePtarmigan92 's avatar LiveCoffeePtarmigan92 Sessions Profile
#257 02:25.444 02:28.736 0 0 Pimpek 's avatar Pimpek PL Sessions Profile
#258 02:25.451 02:30.866 0 0 LightSilverLadybug58 's avatar LightSilverLadybug58 Sessions Profile
#259 02:25.456 02:26.003 0 0 BadEmeraldCougar35 's avatar BadEmeraldCougar35 PL Sessions Profile
#260 02:25.456 02:31.250 0 0 dis468ingo 's avatar dis468ingo Sessions Profile
#261 02:25.460 02:30.578 0 0 OrdinaryVioletChicken35 's avatar OrdinaryVioletChicken35 Sessions Profile
#262 02:25.468 02:28.002 42 0 ObnoxiousAmaranthRooster92 's avatar ObnoxiousAmaranthRooster92 Sessions Profile
#263 02:25.473 02:26.456 0 0 SovietFuchsiaMuskox38 's avatar SovietFuchsiaMuskox38 KZ Sessions Profile
#264 02:25.475 02:27.782 53 0 Sergio Gallardo 's avatar Sergio Gallardo Sessions Profile
#265 02:25.492 02:39.993 0 0 VisualGrayFalcon52 's avatar VisualGrayFalcon52 IT Sessions Profile
#266 02:25.507 02:29.320 0 0 DailyHarlequinGrasshopper87 's avatar DailyHarlequinGrasshopper87 Sessions Profile
#267 02:25.524 02:35.018 0 0 IsolatedCopperSturgeon75 's avatar IsolatedCopperSturgeon75 PL Sessions Profile
#268 02:25.539 02:31.431 0 0 JudicialAquaGibbon28 's avatar JudicialAquaGibbon28 Sessions Profile
#269 02:25.539 02:27.227 0 0 FuriousBrownHoverfly18 's avatar FuriousBrownHoverfly18 Sessions Profile
#270 02:25.544 02:35.612 0 0 DeafTealShark67 's avatar DeafTealShark67 Sessions Profile
#271 02:25.563 02:26.902 0 22 EstimatedAmberHedgehog71 's avatar EstimatedAmberHedgehog71 Sessions Profile
#272 02:25.576 02:27.754 0 0 Big_Snape 's avatar Big_Snape GB Sessions Profile
#273 02:25.584 02:30.459 0 0 husaberg63 's avatar husaberg63 FR Sessions Profile
#274 02:25.592 02:31.584 0 0 StaticLimeDolphin29 's avatar StaticLimeDolphin29 Sessions Profile
#275 02:25.602 02:27.660 0 0 ExtraordinaryHarlequinGiraffe6 's avatar ExtraordinaryHarlequinGiraffe6 MX Sessions Profile
#276 02:25.614 02:40.225 0 17 Val 's avatar Val Sessions Profile
#277 02:25.617 02:36.252 0 0 AutomaticEmeraldErmine66 's avatar AutomaticEmeraldErmine66 IT Sessions Profile
#278 02:25.618 02:27.037 0 0 freeway46 's avatar freeway46 IT Sessions Profile
#279 02:25.621 02:27.694 0 0 JuniorGreenTarantula92 's avatar JuniorGreenTarantula92 ES Sessions Profile
#280 02:25.643 02:28.003 0 0 ThinMoccasinAlbatross9 's avatar ThinMoccasinAlbatross9 JP Sessions Profile
#281 02:25.667 02:26.384 0 0 DisturbingCyanFish97 's avatar DisturbingCyanFish97 TR Sessions Profile
#282 02:25.668 02:29.208 0 0 SuitableAquamarineFlyingfish88 's avatar SuitableAquamarineFlyingfish88 FR Sessions Profile
#283 02:25.712 02:31.279 0 1 HomelyCopperCamel52 's avatar HomelyCopperCamel52 NO Sessions Profile
#284 02:25.715 02:29.065 0 0 FrozenIndigoReptile68 's avatar FrozenIndigoReptile68 Sessions Profile
#285 02:25.721 02:29.382 0 0 Mr.MoNoToX 's avatar Mr.MoNoToX DE Sessions Profile
#286 02:25.721 02:28.772 0 0 IntenseSapphireLark96 's avatar IntenseSapphireLark96 ES Sessions Profile
#287 02:25.734 02:25.734 0 0 SatisfactoryTurquoiseKoi40 's avatar SatisfactoryTurquoiseKoi40 RO Sessions Profile
#288 02:25.736 02:25.736 0 0 BalancedTanPony59 's avatar BalancedTanPony59 Sessions Profile
#289 02:25.755 02:30.646 0 0 DualAzureHorse47 's avatar DualAzureHorse47 Sessions Profile
#290 02:25.784 02:29.670 0 0 ImpressedAmethystRabbit49 's avatar ImpressedAmethystRabbit49 EC Sessions Profile
#291 02:25.784 02:30.492 0 0 Harry Horsecock 's avatar Harry Horsecock Sessions Profile
#292 02:25.787 02:30.703 0 0 MeaningfulCrimsonAnteater29 's avatar MeaningfulCrimsonAnteater29 Sessions Profile
#293 02:25.790 02:31.347 0 0 IntenseSapphireLark31 's avatar IntenseSapphireLark31 TR Sessions Profile
#294 02:25.794 02:32.151 0 0 NuclearCyanOpossum24 's avatar NuclearCyanOpossum24 IT Sessions Profile
#295 02:25.797 02:27.299 0 2 AdorableCopperPeafowl55 's avatar AdorableCopperPeafowl55 Sessions Profile
#296 02:25.802 02:26.838 0 0 UnknownRedFlea36 's avatar UnknownRedFlea36 Sessions Profile
#297 02:25.813 02:27.451 0 0 SupportingCyanMockingbird67 's avatar SupportingCyanMockingbird67 Sessions Profile
#298 02:25.820 02:27.642 0 0 SpareBlushLoon13 's avatar SpareBlushLoon13 Sessions Profile
#299 02:25.825 02:35.386 0 0 GeneticTurquoiseBass66 's avatar GeneticTurquoiseBass66 Sessions Profile
#300 02:25.826 02:33.396 0 0 InformalTealManatee35 's avatar InformalTealManatee35 IT Sessions Profile
From 201 to 301 simracers of 1355