Krreritas Laptime

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November season Ranking Monza GT2/GT3

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From 1401 to 1501 simracers of 1921
Pos Best avg KPP KMP Simracer
#1401 02:02.989 02:34.104 0 19 XerothermicGrayCondor45 's avatar XerothermicGrayCondor45 Sessions Profile
#1402 02:02.995 02:13.421 0 3 AnonymousPurplePiranha82 's avatar AnonymousPurplePiranha82 IT Sessions Profile
#1403 02:02.997 02:02.997 0 13 SecondaryYellowFlamingo40 's avatar SecondaryYellowFlamingo40 Sessions Profile
#1404 02:03.025 02:03.025 22 1 PrivateAquamarineWhale92 's avatar PrivateAquamarineWhale92 Sessions Profile
#1405 02:03.027 02:03.027 0 0 MightyHarlequinParrotfish46 's avatar MightyHarlequinParrotfish46 Sessions Profile
#1406 02:03.045 04:14.954 0 0 RetailJadeMole74 's avatar RetailJadeMole74 Sessions Profile
#1407 02:03.059 02:35.721 0 1 RequiredMaroonMacaw52 's avatar RequiredMaroonMacaw52 Sessions Profile
#1408 02:03.062 02:13.016 0 39 VariedTealHawk90 's avatar VariedTealHawk90 CN Sessions Profile
#1409 02:03.087 02:05.741 0 0 PreparedIvoryAmphibian27 's avatar PreparedIvoryAmphibian27 Sessions Profile
#1410 02:03.107 02:21.480 0 3 GlobalPeachJunglefowl28 's avatar GlobalPeachJunglefowl28 Sessions Profile
#1411 02:03.214 02:03.214 0 13 LegalMagentaGoat91 's avatar LegalMagentaGoat91 BR Sessions Profile
#1412 02:03.236 02:46.283 0 6 ObjectiveChocolateMollusk23 's avatar ObjectiveChocolateMollusk23 Sessions Profile
#1413 02:03.268 02:07.998 0 0 OriginalOrangeHedgehog11 's avatar OriginalOrangeHedgehog11 IT Sessions Profile
#1414 02:03.317 02:03.317 0 7 MilitaryPlumGuan89 's avatar MilitaryPlumGuan89 IT Sessions Profile
#1415 02:03.326 02:24.662 0 2 SuddenScarletWhale82 's avatar SuddenScarletWhale82 CA Sessions Profile
#1416 02:03.345 02:06.423 0 0 GoldenMagentaCentipede74 's avatar GoldenMagentaCentipede74 Sessions Profile
#1417 02:03.359 02:03.359 0 0 LuckyScarletAmphibian15 's avatar LuckyScarletAmphibian15 Sessions Profile
#1418 02:03.402 02:16.940 0 11 ViciousCrimsonOrangutan74 's avatar ViciousCrimsonOrangutan74 Sessions Profile
#1419 02:03.472 02:03.472 0 0 BoringCrimsonTuna48 's avatar BoringCrimsonTuna48 Sessions Profile
#1420 02:03.489 02:05.496 0 21 FamousBeigeMonkey90 's avatar FamousBeigeMonkey90 Sessions Profile
#1421 02:03.520 02:15.415 0 0 MightyAquaPython55 's avatar MightyAquaPython55 PL Sessions Profile
#1422 02:03.651 02:04.006 0 0 PregnantChocolateMagpie39 's avatar PregnantChocolateMagpie39 Sessions Profile
#1423 02:03.696 02:03.696 0 1 CommonWhiteGoose39 's avatar CommonWhiteGoose39 Sessions Profile
#1424 02:03.707 02:19.802 0 4 SoleSalmonPig79 's avatar SoleSalmonPig79 Sessions Profile
#1425 02:03.756 02:20.826 0 2 Gn0rl 's avatar Gn0rl US Sessions Profile
#1426 02:03.802 02:03.802 0 0 MetropolitanBrownRodent65 's avatar MetropolitanBrownRodent65 Sessions Profile
#1427 02:03.834 02:16.672 0 0 SufficientTurquoiseCondor69 's avatar SufficientTurquoiseCondor69 Sessions Profile
#1428 02:03.863 02:14.940 0 0 boombuster2000 's avatar boombuster2000 Sessions Profile
#1429 02:03.865 02:15.522 0 5 FaintCopperLynx48 's avatar FaintCopperLynx48 Sessions Profile
#1430 02:03.981 02:03.981 0 0 Dragan Tutic 's avatar Dragan Tutic Sessions Profile
#1431 02:03.996 02:10.021 0 8 UnacceptableTanHornet72 's avatar UnacceptableTanHornet72 IT Sessions Profile
#1432 02:04.017 02:16.487 0 0 ProvincialSapphireEel60 's avatar ProvincialSapphireEel60 Sessions Profile
#1433 02:04.027 02:09.196 0 13 PainfulEmeraldGecko27 's avatar PainfulEmeraldGecko27 Sessions Profile
#1434 02:04.091 02:17.482 0 0 RemarkableBronzeJellyfish45 's avatar RemarkableBronzeJellyfish45 GR Sessions Profile
#1435 02:04.108 02:05.978 0 0 XenialTurquoiseMeerkat70 's avatar XenialTurquoiseMeerkat70 Sessions Profile
#1436 02:04.116 02:04.116 0 9 ContinuedBeigeSwift91 's avatar ContinuedBeigeSwift91 Sessions Profile
#1437 02:04.130 02:11.054 0 0 OrdinaryVioletChicken49 's avatar OrdinaryVioletChicken49 Sessions Profile
#1438 02:04.137 02:12.371 0 2 StiffCrimsonRaccoon2 's avatar StiffCrimsonRaccoon2 Sessions Profile
#1439 02:04.142 02:10.275 0 3 DoubleSilverRaven16 's avatar DoubleSilverRaven16 DE Sessions Profile
#1440 02:04.203 02:19.852 0 0 SlimChocolateBeaver51 's avatar SlimChocolateBeaver51 Sessions Profile
#1441 02:04.225 02:13.732 0 2 GayCoffeeOtter46 's avatar GayCoffeeOtter46 IT Sessions Profile
#1442 02:04.288 02:36.273 0 4 FeministBlackKingfisher46 's avatar FeministBlackKingfisher46 AE Sessions Profile
#1443 02:04.288 02:09.399 0 1 InlandAmberFlamingo35 's avatar InlandAmberFlamingo35 Sessions Profile
#1444 02:04.324 02:17.150 0 0 RuralBronzeSturgeon42 's avatar RuralBronzeSturgeon42 Sessions Profile
#1445 02:04.331 02:14.974 0 0 ForthcomingCyanCockroach93 's avatar ForthcomingCyanCockroach93 IT Sessions Profile
#1446 02:04.347 02:16.210 0 9 SportingOrangeKite28 's avatar SportingOrangeKite28 Sessions Profile
#1447 02:04.398 02:16.322 0 6 HomelyCopperCamel60 's avatar HomelyCopperCamel60 US Sessions Profile
#1448 02:04.405 02:10.203 0 0 FrozenIndigoReptile65 's avatar FrozenIndigoReptile65 IT Sessions Profile
#1449 02:04.408 02:10.324 0 5 OutsideCopperElk26 's avatar OutsideCopperElk26 US Sessions Profile
#1450 02:04.448 02:13.146 0 4 SlipperyScarletRooster66 's avatar SlipperyScarletRooster66 PH Sessions Profile
#1451 02:04.562 02:12.224 0 6 XerothermicGrayCondor86 's avatar XerothermicGrayCondor86 IT Sessions Profile
#1452 02:04.562 02:08.151 0 3 FavourablePeachWarbler14 's avatar FavourablePeachWarbler14 Sessions Profile
#1453 02:04.744 02:07.990 0 1 MadBrownSturgeon47 's avatar MadBrownSturgeon47 Sessions Profile
#1454 02:04.783 02:17.713 0 3 ImpressedAmethystRabbit8 's avatar ImpressedAmethystRabbit8 Sessions Profile
#1455 02:04.845 02:04.845 0 1 GeneticTurquoiseBass73 's avatar GeneticTurquoiseBass73 Sessions Profile
#1456 02:04.911 02:48.622 0 0 CostlyPlumGiraffe45 's avatar CostlyPlumGiraffe45 Sessions Profile
#1457 02:04.956 02:07.794 0 8 DrunkJadeFelidae97 's avatar DrunkJadeFelidae97 Sessions Profile
#1458 02:05.004 02:05.040 0 0 ConcreteTurquoiseEchidna62 's avatar ConcreteTurquoiseEchidna62 FR Sessions Profile
#1459 02:05.098 02:12.694 0 0 DryIndigoSwallow94 's avatar DryIndigoSwallow94 MX Sessions Profile
#1460 02:05.162 02:05.162 0 1 EagerSapphireLungfish41 's avatar EagerSapphireLungfish41 IT Sessions Profile
#1461 02:05.188 02:16.805 0 0 ExuberantChocolatePenguin96 's avatar ExuberantChocolatePenguin96 ES Sessions Profile
#1462 02:05.235 02:24.026 0 7 AmateurCrimsonRoundworm27 's avatar AmateurCrimsonRoundworm27 Sessions Profile
#1463 02:05.275 02:16.052 0 1 HugeRoseLion61 's avatar HugeRoseLion61 Sessions Profile
#1464 02:05.297 02:15.266 0 0 ProgressiveAquaOwl90 's avatar ProgressiveAquaOwl90 Sessions Profile
#1465 02:05.313 02:12.192 0 11 PurringBlueAnglerfish90 's avatar PurringBlueAnglerfish90 Sessions Profile
#1466 02:05.315 02:05.315 0 0 SoundSilverSquid3 's avatar SoundSilverSquid3 IT Sessions Profile
#1467 02:05.350 02:08.447 0 1 IndustrialOlivePanda97 's avatar IndustrialOlivePanda97 Sessions Profile
#1468 02:05.473 02:05.473 0 2 ChristianChocolateGorilla4 's avatar ChristianChocolateGorilla4 Sessions Profile
#1469 02:05.512 02:05.512 0 2 OkayMaroonOcelot55 's avatar OkayMaroonOcelot55 AR Sessions Profile
#1470 02:05.532 02:07.521 0 16 OriginalAquamarineErmine33 's avatar OriginalAquamarineErmine33 FR Sessions Profile
#1471 02:05.591 02:05.591 0 10 PrincipalLavenderWalrus30 's avatar PrincipalLavenderWalrus30 JP Sessions Profile
#1472 02:05.700 02:18.520 0 11 DreadfulCyanMink25 's avatar DreadfulCyanMink25 Sessions Profile
#1473 02:05.731 02:07.069 0 4 AliveAquamarineBison5 's avatar AliveAquamarineBison5 IT Sessions Profile
#1474 02:05.754 02:07.784 0 1 LowBlackBovid85 's avatar LowBlackBovid85 RU Sessions Profile
#1475 02:05.790 02:05.790 0 19 XenophobicTomatoAnteater7 's avatar XenophobicTomatoAnteater7 Sessions Profile
#1476 02:05.791 02:17.862 0 2 SlimyAmethystTermite41 's avatar SlimyAmethystTermite41 Sessions Profile
#1477 02:05.933 02:21.963 0 0 DoubleSilverRaven72 's avatar DoubleSilverRaven72 Sessions Profile
#1478 02:05.986 02:08.524 0 0 ObviousTanAphid80 's avatar ObviousTanAphid80 IT Sessions Profile
#1479 02:06.028 02:06.028 0 0 FeministBlackKingfisher78 's avatar FeministBlackKingfisher78 RU Sessions Profile
#1480 02:06.106 02:06.106 0 0 DryIndigoSwallow74 's avatar DryIndigoSwallow74 Sessions Profile
#1481 02:06.109 02:09.985 0 2 InteriorCopperPinniped46 's avatar InteriorCopperPinniped46 Sessions Profile
#1482 02:06.164 02:08.534 0 9 RepulsiveBlueRooster4 's avatar RepulsiveBlueRooster4 IT Sessions Profile
#1483 02:06.243 02:19.513 0 4 PurringBlueAnglerfish70 's avatar PurringBlueAnglerfish70 Sessions Profile
#1484 02:06.276 02:07.322 0 0 SickTomatoFox61 's avatar SickTomatoFox61 Sessions Profile
#1485 02:06.277 02:07.689 0 6 MildJadeBaboon91 's avatar MildJadeBaboon91 IT Sessions Profile
#1486 02:06.301 02:13.746 0 2 ResidentApricotDeer67 's avatar ResidentApricotDeer67 Sessions Profile
#1487 02:06.305 02:06.305 0 4 ManagerialOrangeFish73 's avatar ManagerialOrangeFish73 Sessions Profile
#1488 02:06.326 02:29.244 0 0 LightSilverLadybug91 's avatar LightSilverLadybug91 Sessions Profile
#1489 02:06.362 02:16.240 0 9 SpotlessGoldAnteater72 's avatar SpotlessGoldAnteater72 IE Sessions Profile
#1490 02:06.384 02:06.384 0 0 SwiftPinkRook72 's avatar SwiftPinkRook72 Sessions Profile
#1491 02:06.436 02:06.436 0 3 BigCyanAnt66 's avatar BigCyanAnt66 IT Sessions Profile
#1492 02:06.456 02:26.496 0 0 Mano Klay 's avatar Mano Klay BR Sessions Profile
#1493 02:06.462 02:06.462 0 0 WorthwhileVioletPrawn26 's avatar WorthwhileVioletPrawn26 Sessions Profile
#1494 02:06.565 02:06.565 0 49 OccasionalCyanCoral33 's avatar OccasionalCyanCoral33 Sessions Profile
#1495 02:06.625 02:18.768 0 0 ContinuedBeigeSwift19 's avatar ContinuedBeigeSwift19 Sessions Profile
#1496 02:06.637 02:15.341 0 0 FatalJadeBaboon63 's avatar FatalJadeBaboon63 Sessions Profile
#1497 02:06.642 02:20.195 0 0 DampGoldAsp78 's avatar DampGoldAsp78 TR Sessions Profile
#1498 02:06.698 02:25.055 0 4 WorthyTurquoiseMarmoset62 's avatar WorthyTurquoiseMarmoset62 Sessions Profile
#1499 02:06.708 02:23.528 0 7 ProvincialRedMandrill70 's avatar ProvincialRedMandrill70 IT Sessions Profile
#1500 02:06.726 02:07.398 0 7 EssentialTurquoiseWorm44 's avatar EssentialTurquoiseWorm44 Sessions Profile
From 1401 to 1501 simracers of 1921