Krreritas Laptime

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January season Ranking Monza GT2/GT3

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From 601 to 701 simracers of 951
Pos Best avg KPP KMP Simracer
#601 01:57.204 02:07.722 0 0 FavouriteMaroonSeahorse53 's avatar FavouriteMaroonSeahorse53 MY Sessions Profile
#602 01:57.218 02:04.560 0 3 ProbableYellowWeasel59 's avatar ProbableYellowWeasel59 IT Sessions Profile
#603 01:57.232 02:02.709 0 5 HistoricalSapphireCarp83 's avatar HistoricalSapphireCarp83 Sessions Profile
#604 01:57.278 02:06.046 0 0 DreadfulCyanMink83 's avatar DreadfulCyanMink83 ES Sessions Profile
#605 01:57.328 01:57.633 0 6 diogo rato 's avatar diogo rato Sessions Profile
#606 01:57.336 01:58.876 0 0 MeaningfulCrimsonAnteater47 's avatar MeaningfulCrimsonAnteater47 Sessions Profile
#607 01:57.405 02:01.145 0 23 ContinentalTurquoiseEagle53 's avatar ContinentalTurquoiseEagle53 Sessions Profile
#608 01:57.407 02:06.960 0 19 FavouriteMaroonSeahorse51 's avatar FavouriteMaroonSeahorse51 Sessions Profile
#609 01:57.411 02:03.882 0 0 SpotlessGoldAnteater55 's avatar SpotlessGoldAnteater55 Sessions Profile
#610 01:57.495 01:59.427 0 3 ShockedGrayMinnow54 's avatar ShockedGrayMinnow54 Sessions Profile
#611 01:57.513 02:04.688 0 0 MightyAquaPython43 's avatar MightyAquaPython43 CZ Sessions Profile
#612 01:57.536 02:05.318 0 5 GrotesqueLimeFly46 's avatar GrotesqueLimeFly46 FR Sessions Profile
#613 01:57.542 01:59.484 0 0 SuddenScarletWhale44 's avatar SuddenScarletWhale44 DE Sessions Profile
#614 01:57.584 02:04.022 0 0 RichMoccasinOrangutan64 's avatar RichMoccasinOrangutan64 Sessions Profile
#615 01:57.594 01:57.594 0 2 ExcessAmaranthBedbug74 's avatar ExcessAmaranthBedbug74 Sessions Profile
#616 01:57.603 02:08.734 0 1 DampGoldAsp52 's avatar DampGoldAsp52 Sessions Profile
#617 01:57.610 02:09.646 0 3 DifficultCyanBobolink63 's avatar DifficultCyanBobolink63 IT Sessions Profile
#618 01:57.654 01:57.654 0 1 ImpressedAmethystRabbit34 's avatar ImpressedAmethystRabbit34 Sessions Profile
#619 01:57.671 02:12.895 0 9 DrunkJadeFelidae14 's avatar DrunkJadeFelidae14 ES Sessions Profile
#620 01:57.676 02:04.549 0 0 TemporaryAmethystBovid50 's avatar TemporaryAmethystBovid50 Sessions Profile
#621 01:57.690 02:01.697 0 0 PainfulEmeraldGecko1 's avatar PainfulEmeraldGecko1 IT Sessions Profile
#622 01:57.730 01:58.832 0 0 BumpyAmberMarten33 's avatar BumpyAmberMarten33 Sessions Profile
#623 01:57.745 01:58.970 23 8 steven napleton 's avatar steven napleton Sessions Profile
#624 01:57.760 02:12.935 0 1 GlamorousBrownRabbit94 's avatar GlamorousBrownRabbit94 IT Sessions Profile
#625 01:57.787 01:59.558 0 7 IdeologicalAmberHippopotamus58 's avatar IdeologicalAmberHippopotamus58 Sessions Profile
#626 01:57.880 01:57.880 0 0 GoldenMagentaCentipede16 's avatar GoldenMagentaCentipede16 HR Sessions Profile
#627 01:57.885 02:02.216 0 5 TroubledAmberReptile65 's avatar TroubledAmberReptile65 Sessions Profile
#628 01:57.893 02:01.008 0 11 ParentalMoccasinFlamingo21 's avatar ParentalMoccasinFlamingo21 Sessions Profile
#629 01:57.966 02:07.294 0 1 ArmedPinkEgret37 's avatar ArmedPinkEgret37 IT Sessions Profile
#630 01:57.977 02:21.406 0 1 ProgressiveAquaOwl25 's avatar ProgressiveAquaOwl25 IT Sessions Profile
#631 01:57.990 02:02.338 0 0 EventualPlumFowl73 's avatar EventualPlumFowl73 EE Sessions Profile
#632 01:58.011 02:11.514 0 1 SlimyAmethystTermite83 's avatar SlimyAmethystTermite83 Sessions Profile
#633 01:58.022 02:02.648 0 6 ExcitedCyanShrimp80 's avatar ExcitedCyanShrimp80 Sessions Profile
#634 01:58.028 02:03.917 0 1 GlobalPeachJunglefowl72 's avatar GlobalPeachJunglefowl72 IT Sessions Profile
#635 01:58.028 02:01.356 0 0 EntitledJadeHerring61 's avatar EntitledJadeHerring61 AR Sessions Profile
#636 01:58.031 02:01.489 0 15 GoldenMagentaCentipede76 's avatar GoldenMagentaCentipede76 Sessions Profile
#637 01:58.074 01:58.074 0 0 LuckyScarletAmphibian40 's avatar LuckyScarletAmphibian40 HU Sessions Profile
#638 01:58.104 02:02.770 0 1 HonSilverCephalopod69 's avatar HonSilverCephalopod69 US Sessions Profile
#639 01:58.128 02:00.120 0 1 IllegalTomatoParakeet4 's avatar IllegalTomatoParakeet4 Sessions Profile
#640 01:58.173 01:59.098 0 9 MarginalAzurePheasant59 's avatar MarginalAzurePheasant59 Sessions Profile
#641 01:58.204 01:58.982 0 6 BoilingBrownMite10 's avatar BoilingBrownMite10 Sessions Profile
#642 01:58.236 01:58.236 0 2 EvilWhiteReptile95 's avatar EvilWhiteReptile95 Sessions Profile
#643 01:58.279 02:10.138 0 10 ExistingGoldDonkey81 's avatar ExistingGoldDonkey81 Sessions Profile
#644 01:58.297 01:59.694 0 9 GoodRedStoat11 's avatar GoodRedStoat11 ES Sessions Profile
#645 01:58.310 01:58.310 0 0 ProbableYellowWeasel66 's avatar ProbableYellowWeasel66 Sessions Profile
#646 01:58.314 02:03.018 0 2 InvolvedHarlequinBoa25 's avatar InvolvedHarlequinBoa25 Sessions Profile
#647 01:58.339 01:58.339 0 3 CollectiveCoralAardvark76 's avatar CollectiveCoralAardvark76 Sessions Profile
#648 01:58.343 02:05.838 0 12 ObjectiveChocolateMollusk98 's avatar ObjectiveChocolateMollusk98 Sessions Profile
#649 01:58.461 01:58.461 0 1 RuralBronzeSturgeon44 's avatar RuralBronzeSturgeon44 Sessions Profile
#650 01:58.532 02:02.348 0 0 UnacceptableTanHornet2 's avatar UnacceptableTanHornet2 Sessions Profile
#651 01:58.583 02:01.216 0 19 ExuberantChocolatePenguin30 's avatar ExuberantChocolatePenguin30 BR Sessions Profile
#652 01:58.623 02:14.085 0 7 horakdave 's avatar horakdave Sessions Profile
#653 01:58.637 02:02.119 0 0 PunyMagentaAnteater40 's avatar PunyMagentaAnteater40 CO Sessions Profile
#654 01:58.648 02:19.708 0 21 ProvincialRedMandrill70 's avatar ProvincialRedMandrill70 IT Sessions Profile
#655 01:58.666 02:02.770 0 3 FrozenIndigoReptile14 's avatar FrozenIndigoReptile14 Sessions Profile
#656 01:58.699 01:58.699 0 0 FatOliveSalamander30 's avatar FatOliveSalamander30 Sessions Profile
#657 01:58.702 02:02.350 0 0 DivinePlumClam42 's avatar DivinePlumClam42 Sessions Profile
#658 01:58.723 02:08.461 0 0 FuriousBrownHoverfly34 's avatar FuriousBrownHoverfly34 Sessions Profile
#659 01:58.737 01:58.737 0 7 ImpressiveSilverBarracuda10 's avatar ImpressiveSilverBarracuda10 Sessions Profile
#660 01:58.750 01:58.750 0 2 RemarkableBronzeJellyfish19 's avatar RemarkableBronzeJellyfish19 IT Sessions Profile
#661 01:58.847 02:06.413 0 0 AdorableCopperPeafowl43 's avatar AdorableCopperPeafowl43 EG Sessions Profile
#662 01:58.856 02:04.708 0 0 LateHarlequinMarsupial62 's avatar LateHarlequinMarsupial62 Sessions Profile
#663 01:58.861 01:58.861 0 0 MarxistTomatoFerret73 's avatar MarxistTomatoFerret73 FR Sessions Profile
#664 01:58.880 01:58.880 0 0 ObnoxiousBeigeTahr3 's avatar ObnoxiousBeigeTahr3 Sessions Profile
#665 01:58.886 02:13.158 0 0 ProbableCoffeeEchidna96 's avatar ProbableCoffeeEchidna96 Sessions Profile
#666 01:58.901 02:11.428 0 0 XerothermicGrayCondor59 's avatar XerothermicGrayCondor59 Sessions Profile
#667 01:58.965 02:00.010 0 6 RelevantPinkHalibut28 's avatar RelevantPinkHalibut28 Sessions Profile
#668 01:59.088 01:59.088 0 0 CorporateSilverRaccoon12 's avatar CorporateSilverRaccoon12 Sessions Profile
#669 01:59.090 02:05.042 0 0 InvolvedHarlequinBoa89 's avatar InvolvedHarlequinBoa89 IT Sessions Profile
#670 01:59.100 02:05.226 0 0 ObnoxiousBeigeTahr87 's avatar ObnoxiousBeigeTahr87 Sessions Profile
#671 01:59.137 02:03.086 0 0 UnlikelyWhiteGamefowl13 's avatar UnlikelyWhiteGamefowl13 RO Sessions Profile
#672 01:59.141 02:06.618 0 3 VitalAquamarineOrca88 's avatar VitalAquamarineOrca88 Sessions Profile
#673 01:59.153 01:59.668 0 7 ResidentApricotDeer9 's avatar ResidentApricotDeer9 Sessions Profile
#674 01:59.208 01:59.208 0 0 ApplicableSapphireLouse43 's avatar ApplicableSapphireLouse43 Sessions Profile
#675 01:59.246 02:03.718 0 3 DelicateAzureCapybara46 's avatar DelicateAzureCapybara46 Sessions Profile
#676 01:59.288 02:02.084 0 3 NastyAquamarineBovid60 's avatar NastyAquamarineBovid60 IE Sessions Profile
#677 01:59.300 02:14.110 0 0 LengthyAmberPorcupine69 's avatar LengthyAmberPorcupine69 Sessions Profile
#678 01:59.349 02:03.277 0 0 StatutoryPeachDonkey58 's avatar StatutoryPeachDonkey58 AT Sessions Profile
#679 01:59.352 01:59.352 0 0 RedundantTomatoSalamander85 's avatar RedundantTomatoSalamander85 Sessions Profile
#680 01:59.382 01:59.422 0 1 DelicateAzureCapybara53 's avatar DelicateAzureCapybara53 Sessions Profile
#681 01:59.400 02:09.446 0 0 VisualGrayFalcon56 's avatar VisualGrayFalcon56 IT Sessions Profile
#682 01:59.429 02:05.448 0 1 LovelyJadeGayal93 's avatar LovelyJadeGayal93 Sessions Profile
#683 01:59.454 01:59.454 36 5 cros12 's avatar cros12 Sessions Profile
#684 01:59.456 02:02.078 0 3 PregnantChocolateMagpie56 's avatar PregnantChocolateMagpie56 Sessions Profile
#685 01:59.469 01:59.469 0 0 DeafeningCopperGalliform80 's avatar DeafeningCopperGalliform80 IT Sessions Profile
#686 01:59.502 02:12.494 0 0 LooseRoseSeahorse62 's avatar LooseRoseSeahorse62 Sessions Profile
#687 01:59.518 02:04.540 0 0 fireball412 's avatar fireball412 DE Sessions Profile
#688 01:59.564 02:02.452 0 18 ProvincialRedMandrill82 's avatar ProvincialRedMandrill82 PT Sessions Profile
#689 01:59.701 02:07.384 0 2 FatWhiteHerring28 's avatar FatWhiteHerring28 Sessions Profile
#690 01:59.707 02:08.894 0 0 SwiftPinkRook85 's avatar SwiftPinkRook85 IT Sessions Profile
#691 01:59.729 02:07.454 0 8 ControlledSilverGrouse84 's avatar ControlledSilverGrouse84 IT Sessions Profile
#692 01:59.741 02:22.190 0 69 LuckyScarletAmphibian69 's avatar LuckyScarletAmphibian69 Sessions Profile
#693 01:59.801 02:04.734 0 0 WastefulTomatoAnglerfish70 's avatar WastefulTomatoAnglerfish70 Sessions Profile
#694 01:59.812 02:24.239 0 4 SufficientTurquoiseCondor41 's avatar SufficientTurquoiseCondor41 Sessions Profile
#695 01:59.896 02:10.903 0 22 ShinyLavenderFirefly34 's avatar ShinyLavenderFirefly34 Sessions Profile
#696 01:59.971 02:04.721 0 17 RuralBronzeSturgeon50 's avatar RuralBronzeSturgeon50 Sessions Profile
#697 01:59.974 01:59.974 0 9 ChemicalYellowOwl63 's avatar ChemicalYellowOwl63 TR Sessions Profile
#698 01:59.979 02:08.396 0 0 FatWhiteHerring58 's avatar FatWhiteHerring58 IT Sessions Profile
#699 01:59.987 02:06.748 0 0 DeafPlumRaven67 's avatar DeafPlumRaven67 Sessions Profile
#700 02:00.027 02:03.074 0 0 ObnoxiousAmaranthRooster56 's avatar ObnoxiousAmaranthRooster56 Sessions Profile
From 601 to 701 simracers of 951