Krreritas Laptime

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Historical season Ranking Spa GT2/GT3

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From 201 to 301 simracers of 12825
Pos Best avg KPP KMP Simracer
#201 02:17.658 02:21.089 0 0 DyingGoldCrayfish80 's avatar DyingGoldCrayfish80 IT Sessions Profile
#202 02:17.663 02:21.024 0 1 lukassever 's avatar lukassever Sessions Profile
#203 02:17.667 02:20.934 0 0 Ozgurx 's avatar Ozgurx TR Sessions Profile
#204 02:17.669 02:18.678 0 0 CuddlyMagentaGuppy28 's avatar CuddlyMagentaGuppy28 CZ Sessions Profile
#205 02:17.669 02:19.489 0 0 InvolvedMoccasinCaterpillar23 's avatar InvolvedMoccasinCaterpillar23 US Sessions Profile
#206 02:17.677 02:24.212 0 0 VocationalScarletBarracuda1 's avatar VocationalScarletBarracuda1 AR Sessions Profile
#207 02:17.690 02:21.570 0 0 GreasyChocolateSole30 's avatar GreasyChocolateSole30 Sessions Profile
#208 02:17.692 02:21.837 0 0 ThinMoccasinAlbatross38 's avatar ThinMoccasinAlbatross38 VI Sessions Profile
#209 02:17.693 02:19.380 0 0 AbsentPeachPig10 's avatar AbsentPeachPig10 AT Sessions Profile
#210 02:17.698 02:18.685 0 0 ChristianChocolateGorilla78 's avatar ChristianChocolateGorilla78 CA Sessions Profile
#211 02:17.699 02:20.804 0 2 RulingSapphireHarrier7 's avatar RulingSapphireHarrier7 GB Sessions Profile
#212 02:17.700 02:18.832 0 0 IntactBeigeEarthworm11 's avatar IntactBeigeEarthworm11 DE Sessions Profile
#213 02:17.701 02:19.902 0 0 OkLavenderParrot16 's avatar OkLavenderParrot16 Sessions Profile
#214 02:17.710 02:19.880 0 0 dESK0 's avatar dESK0 ES Sessions Profile
#215 02:17.711 02:24.431 0 0 ConservativeGrayEchidna49 's avatar ConservativeGrayEchidna49 DE Sessions Profile
#216 02:17.713 02:19.824 0 0 ScaredAzureVicuna60 's avatar ScaredAzureVicuna60 DE Sessions Profile
#217 02:17.717 02:19.270 0 0 BlindMagentaGayal74 's avatar BlindMagentaGayal74 BT Sessions Profile
#218 02:17.724 02:19.601 0 0 SEm1 's avatar SEm1 Sessions Profile
#219 02:17.726 02:18.924 0 0 MountainScrote 's avatar MountainScrote Sessions Profile
#220 02:17.734 02:18.136 0 0 InvolvedHarlequinBoa12 's avatar InvolvedHarlequinBoa12 IT Sessions Profile
#221 02:17.744 02:19.166 0 0 RepresentativeWhiteEarwig91 's avatar RepresentativeWhiteEarwig91 US Sessions Profile
#222 02:17.756 02:19.345 0 0 OriginalVioletBird56 's avatar OriginalVioletBird56 Sessions Profile
#223 02:17.757 02:18.902 0 0 WillowyOrangeStoat73 's avatar WillowyOrangeStoat73 RO Sessions Profile
#224 02:17.759 02:21.460 0 0 ExtremeTomatoBee78 's avatar ExtremeTomatoBee78 FI Sessions Profile
#225 02:17.760 02:19.951 0 0 FrozenIndigoReptile42 's avatar FrozenIndigoReptile42 IT Sessions Profile
#226 02:17.761 02:29.031 0 1 Mico 's avatar Mico PH Sessions Profile
#227 02:17.761 02:21.010 0 0 PoorMoccasinEarwig24 's avatar PoorMoccasinEarwig24 Sessions Profile
#228 02:17.764 02:19.612 82 2 Borja Kankkunen 's avatar Borja Kankkunen ES Sessions Profile
#229 02:17.767 02:20.468 0 0 SplendidMaroonFelidae57 's avatar SplendidMaroonFelidae57 IT Sessions Profile
#230 02:17.773 02:22.872 0 0 ISATU 's avatar ISATU BE Sessions Profile
#231 02:17.783 02:19.541 0 0 SlimyAmethystTermite55 's avatar SlimyAmethystTermite55 US Sessions Profile
#232 02:17.785 02:19.503 0 0 StiffCrimsonRaccoon94 's avatar StiffCrimsonRaccoon94 Sessions Profile
#233 02:17.792 02:20.623 0 0 BeneficialApricotMarten8 's avatar BeneficialApricotMarten8 Sessions Profile
#234 02:17.796 02:21.005 0 0 FatWhiteHerring44 's avatar FatWhiteHerring44 Sessions Profile
#235 02:17.806 02:21.976 0 0 Myph 's avatar Myph BR Sessions Profile
#236 02:17.809 02:18.790 0 0 GlobalPeachJunglefowl53 's avatar GlobalPeachJunglefowl53 IT Sessions Profile
#237 02:17.814 02:19.082 0 0 MentalEmeraldLungfish48 's avatar MentalEmeraldLungfish48 PT Sessions Profile
#238 02:17.816 02:19.731 0 0 ZygoticAzureReindeer8 's avatar ZygoticAzureReindeer8 FR Sessions Profile
#239 02:17.817 02:30.100 0 0 Emag 's avatar Emag AL Sessions Profile
#240 02:17.817 02:18.925 0 2 ContinuingAmberDamselfly2 's avatar ContinuingAmberDamselfly2 RO Sessions Profile
#241 02:17.817 02:20.116 48 2 JotaEmE 's avatar JotaEmE ES Sessions Profile
#242 02:17.824 02:22.820 0 0 ItchyAmberKoi31 's avatar ItchyAmberKoi31 Sessions Profile
#243 02:17.825 02:19.884 0 0 SurroundingWhiteMarmot71 's avatar SurroundingWhiteMarmot71 GB Sessions Profile
#244 02:17.829 02:21.552 0 0 Fireman 's avatar Fireman ZA Sessions Profile
#245 02:17.832 02:19.600 0 0 ConcreteTurquoiseEchidna16 's avatar ConcreteTurquoiseEchidna16 DE Sessions Profile
#246 02:17.833 02:20.640 0 0 FunnyBlushCanid22 's avatar FunnyBlushCanid22 Sessions Profile
#247 02:17.840 02:21.430 0 0 Helder Carvalho 's avatar Helder Carvalho PT Sessions Profile
#248 02:17.841 02:20.204 0 0 WholeTealMouse95 's avatar WholeTealMouse95 IT Sessions Profile
#249 02:17.846 02:20.276 0 0 DivineCrimsonDolphin33 's avatar DivineCrimsonDolphin33 DE Sessions Profile
#250 02:17.857 02:18.950 0 0 SoftBlushRooster38 's avatar SoftBlushRooster38 NL Sessions Profile
#251 02:17.862 02:19.546 78 2 Josepharlette1941 's avatar Josepharlette1941 FR Sessions Profile
#252 02:17.862 02:19.633 0 0 DrivingTomatoTarantula18 's avatar DrivingTomatoTarantula18 TR Sessions Profile
#253 02:17.867 02:20.273 0 0 IcyTurquoiseWildfowl13 's avatar IcyTurquoiseWildfowl13 Sessions Profile
#254 02:17.872 02:20.038 0 0 InvolvedMoccasinCaterpillar62 's avatar InvolvedMoccasinCaterpillar62 Sessions Profile
#255 02:17.873 02:18.981 0 0 VoluminousLimeTurkey46 's avatar VoluminousLimeTurkey46 GB Sessions Profile
#256 02:17.878 02:19.777 0 0 ShaggyEmeraldWhitefish12 's avatar ShaggyEmeraldWhitefish12 Sessions Profile
#257 02:17.880 02:21.213 0 5 NeverLift72 's avatar NeverLift72 CA Sessions Profile
#258 02:17.882 02:21.552 0 0 museigen 's avatar museigen IT Sessions Profile
#259 02:17.884 02:26.872 0 0 PersonalFuchsiaPrawn74 's avatar PersonalFuchsiaPrawn74 DE Sessions Profile
#260 02:17.887 02:21.091 0 0 VocationalScarletBarracuda42 's avatar VocationalScarletBarracuda42 IT Sessions Profile
#261 02:17.887 02:22.912 0 0 YummyCoffeeSnail43 's avatar YummyCoffeeSnail43 DE Sessions Profile
#262 02:17.889 02:19.864 0 0 RottenPeachCoral15 's avatar RottenPeachCoral15 CA Sessions Profile
#264 02:17.895 02:19.879 0 0 BadEmeraldCougar22 's avatar BadEmeraldCougar22 CL Sessions Profile
#265 02:17.907 04:02.942 0 0 ConvincedRoseShrimp5 's avatar ConvincedRoseShrimp5 AU Sessions Profile
#266 02:17.916 02:20.209 0 0 IsolatedCopperSturgeon75 's avatar IsolatedCopperSturgeon75 PL Sessions Profile
#267 02:17.917 02:19.496 120 1 AdvancedIndigoFowl80 's avatar AdvancedIndigoFowl80 IT Sessions Profile
#268 02:17.917 02:19.530 0 0 PoliticalSapphireCoral89 's avatar PoliticalSapphireCoral89 UA Sessions Profile
#269 02:17.922 02:21.565 0 0 RadicalCoralPeacock34 's avatar RadicalCoralPeacock34 KR Sessions Profile
#270 02:17.922 02:21.674 0 0 MiserableTanFlamingo45 's avatar MiserableTanFlamingo45 BR Sessions Profile
#271 02:17.925 02:20.158 0 0 StaticPlumMollusk50 's avatar StaticPlumMollusk50 Sessions Profile
#272 02:17.928 02:21.158 0 0 ExtraordinarySapphireHaddock40 's avatar ExtraordinarySapphireHaddock40 Sessions Profile
#273 02:17.930 02:33.066 0 0 FatWhiteHerring15 's avatar FatWhiteHerring15 IT Sessions Profile
#274 02:17.934 02:20.093 0 0 CuddlyMagentaGuppy41 's avatar CuddlyMagentaGuppy41 Sessions Profile
#275 02:17.936 02:19.413 0 0 LeO GarciA 's avatar LeO GarciA UY Sessions Profile
#276 02:17.952 02:20.414 0 0 CommercialCrimsonSilverfish93 's avatar CommercialCrimsonSilverfish93 AW Sessions Profile
#277 02:17.953 02:26.994 0 0 RealisticRedStingray73 's avatar RealisticRedStingray73 MY Sessions Profile
#278 02:17.954 02:19.890 0 0 Tcho 's avatar Tcho FR Sessions Profile
#279 02:17.955 02:22.672 0 0 YummyCoffeeSnail26 's avatar YummyCoffeeSnail26 IT Sessions Profile
#280 02:17.966 02:19.773 0 0 InformalTealManatee80 's avatar InformalTealManatee80 Sessions Profile
#281 02:17.968 02:18.909 0 0 NegativeMoccasinGerbil14 's avatar NegativeMoccasinGerbil14 PL Sessions Profile
#282 02:17.969 02:23.359 0 0 VitalAquamarineOrca80 's avatar VitalAquamarineOrca80 DE Sessions Profile
#283 02:17.972 02:21.037 164 0 JPFlor 's avatar JPFlor FR Sessions Profile
#284 02:17.973 02:20.553 0 0 UrgentPeachYak38 's avatar UrgentPeachYak38 US Sessions Profile
#285 02:17.974 02:21.546 0 0 LiveCoffeePtarmigan46 's avatar LiveCoffeePtarmigan46 IT Sessions Profile
#286 02:17.974 02:19.717 0 0 InfluentialOliveOpossum35 's avatar InfluentialOliveOpossum35 IT Sessions Profile
#287 02:17.974 02:21.575 0 0 SpeedIsKey 's avatar SpeedIsKey Sessions Profile
#288 02:17.976 02:21.022 0 0 Fabra 's avatar Fabra AR Sessions Profile
#289 02:17.977 02:20.756 0 0 JuniorGreenTarantula8 's avatar JuniorGreenTarantula8 FR Sessions Profile
#290 02:17.977 02:24.191 0 0 FunnyBlushCanid94 's avatar FunnyBlushCanid94 BR Sessions Profile
#291 02:17.977 02:19.571 0 0 YummyCoffeeSnail34 's avatar YummyCoffeeSnail34 HR Sessions Profile
#292 02:17.985 02:20.790 0 0 IntenseSapphireLark84 's avatar IntenseSapphireLark84 Sessions Profile
#293 02:17.987 02:19.315 0 0 EvolutionaryAmethystCobra95 's avatar EvolutionaryAmethystCobra95 Sessions Profile
#294 02:17.987 02:22.439 0 0 SaltyBlackGayal91 's avatar SaltyBlackGayal91 Sessions Profile
#295 02:17.995 02:20.270 0 0 IsolatedCopperSturgeon17 's avatar IsolatedCopperSturgeon17 CA Sessions Profile
#296 02:17.997 02:39.490 0 0 WorthwhileVioletPrawn30 's avatar WorthwhileVioletPrawn30 SE Sessions Profile
#297 02:17.997 02:20.900 0 0 LuckyScarletAmphibian34 's avatar LuckyScarletAmphibian34 Sessions Profile
#298 02:17.998 02:18.343 0 0 GlobalPeachJunglefowl81 's avatar GlobalPeachJunglefowl81 IT Sessions Profile
#299 02:18.001 02:21.192 0 0 ExcessGreenUrial82 's avatar ExcessGreenUrial82 CL Sessions Profile
#300 02:18.002 02:19.558 0 0 UnemployedGrayPelican46 's avatar UnemployedGrayPelican46 LT Sessions Profile
#301 02:18.006 02:19.491 0 0 VoluminousLimeTurkey12 's avatar VoluminousLimeTurkey12 ES Sessions Profile
From 201 to 301 simracers of 12825