Krreritas Laptime

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July Season Ranking Laguna Seca Mazda MX5 Cup Amateur

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From 101 to 201 simracers of 6079
Pos Best avg KPP KMP Simracer
#101 01:37.494 01:39.475 0 0 DreadfulCyanMink9 's avatar DreadfulCyanMink9 GB Sessions Profile
#102 01:37.498 01:44.572 0 0 ailurus 's avatar ailurus Sessions Profile
#103 01:37.500 01:41.220 0 0 BlindMagentaGayal67 's avatar BlindMagentaGayal67 FR Sessions Profile
#104 01:37.500 01:39.292 0 0 AcuteRoseChickadee25 's avatar AcuteRoseChickadee25 US Sessions Profile
#105 01:37.502 01:38.645 0 0 XerothermicGrayCondor32 's avatar XerothermicGrayCondor32 Sessions Profile
#106 01:37.503 01:46.270 0 0 LegalMagentaGoat63 's avatar LegalMagentaGoat63 DE Sessions Profile
#107 01:37.505 01:44.097 0 0 scuks1 's avatar scuks1 Sessions Profile
#108 01:37.506 01:39.756 0 0 ContinentalTurquoiseEagle60 's avatar ContinentalTurquoiseEagle60 US Sessions Profile
#109 01:37.522 01:41.520 0 0 SlipperyScarletRooster68 's avatar SlipperyScarletRooster68 HU Sessions Profile
#110 01:37.525 01:40.392 0 0 GeneticTurquoiseBass7 's avatar GeneticTurquoiseBass7 Sessions Profile
#111 01:37.533 01:39.694 0 0 ConservativeApricotCod67 's avatar ConservativeApricotCod67 AU Sessions Profile
#112 01:37.536 01:39.890 0 0 RobustIndigoGopher49 's avatar RobustIndigoGopher49 Sessions Profile
#113 01:37.536 01:44.093 0 0 ConvincedRoseShrimp63 's avatar ConvincedRoseShrimp63 Sessions Profile
#114 01:37.542 01:39.831 0 0 ObnoxiousAmaranthRooster21 's avatar ObnoxiousAmaranthRooster21 DE Sessions Profile
#115 01:37.549 01:41.470 0 0 AdorableMagentaRaven53 's avatar AdorableMagentaRaven53 Sessions Profile
#116 01:37.549 01:40.507 0 0 Poerisija 's avatar Poerisija Sessions Profile
#117 01:37.550 01:38.992 0 0 Brian the snail 's avatar Brian the snail Sessions Profile
#118 01:37.555 01:43.808 114 0 MightyAquaPython51 's avatar MightyAquaPython51 Sessions Profile
#119 01:37.556 01:43.989 0 2 Chitoracer 's avatar Chitoracer Sessions Profile
#121 01:37.562 01:40.056 0 0 EL Micha 's avatar EL Micha US Sessions Profile
#122 01:37.568 01:42.282 0 0 StephenDEMET 's avatar StephenDEMET CA Sessions Profile
#123 01:37.569 01:38.908 0 0 DevotedLimeLemur10 's avatar DevotedLimeLemur10 Sessions Profile
#124 01:37.583 01:40.248 0 0 SparklingCrimsonMonkey45 's avatar SparklingCrimsonMonkey45 PL Sessions Profile
#125 01:37.584 01:39.422 0 0 MiniatureScarletBaboon46 's avatar MiniatureScarletBaboon46 US Sessions Profile
#126 01:37.609 01:40.614 0 0 ken.tope 's avatar ken.tope US Sessions Profile
#127 01:37.610 01:39.795 0 0 Tim Herberts 's avatar Tim Herberts GB Sessions Profile
#128 01:37.611 01:40.202 0 0 IkerLes 's avatar IkerLes BE Sessions Profile
#129 01:37.617 01:41.232 0 0 MetropolitanBrownRodent70 's avatar MetropolitanBrownRodent70 FR Sessions Profile
#130 01:37.618 01:38.942 0 0 ExcellentGoldCrocodile16 's avatar ExcellentGoldCrocodile16 RU Sessions Profile
#131 01:37.634 01:39.478 0 0 LargeMaroonBobcat70 's avatar LargeMaroonBobcat70 US Sessions Profile
#132 01:37.641 01:41.678 0 0 fozzdigg 's avatar fozzdigg CA Sessions Profile
#133 01:37.642 01:39.428 0 0 xXJaZillaBruXx 's avatar xXJaZillaBruXx US Sessions Profile
#134 01:37.649 01:48.004 0 0 HuskyYellowParakeet23 's avatar HuskyYellowParakeet23 DE Sessions Profile
#135 01:37.655 01:38.366 0 1 GayCoffeeOtter90 's avatar GayCoffeeOtter90 ES Sessions Profile
#136 01:37.657 01:41.382 0 0 Jano 's avatar Jano CL Sessions Profile
#137 01:37.660 01:39.360 0 0 BalancedCoralBandicoot24 's avatar BalancedCoralBandicoot24 BE Sessions Profile
#138 01:37.662 01:40.108 0 0 ConservativeGrayEchidna58 's avatar ConservativeGrayEchidna58 Sessions Profile
#139 01:37.664 01:38.957 0 0 DeafTealShark17 's avatar DeafTealShark17 GB Sessions Profile
#140 01:37.666 01:39.474 0 0 StatutoryPeachDonkey87 's avatar StatutoryPeachDonkey87 NL Sessions Profile
#141 01:37.670 01:41.790 0 0 StrikingGrayChameleon66 's avatar StrikingGrayChameleon66 IT Sessions Profile
#142 01:37.672 01:39.599 0 0 Del Patio 's avatar Del Patio DO Sessions Profile
#143 01:37.673 01:39.203 0 0 EvolutionaryAmethystCobra68 's avatar EvolutionaryAmethystCobra68 FR Sessions Profile
#144 01:37.687 01:41.783 0 0 AbsentPeachPig20 's avatar AbsentPeachPig20 Sessions Profile
#145 01:37.689 01:44.280 0 0 Enrico Truglio 's avatar Enrico Truglio IT Sessions Profile
#146 01:37.689 01:40.514 0 0 CombinedLimeKoi77 's avatar CombinedLimeKoi77 FR Sessions Profile
#147 01:37.698 01:41.071 0 0 M.A.Barracus 's avatar M.A.Barracus JM Sessions Profile
#148 01:37.709 01:39.858 0 0 IntenseSapphireLark75 's avatar IntenseSapphireLark75 ES Sessions Profile
#149 01:37.712 01:38.639 0 0 OkLavenderParrot16 's avatar OkLavenderParrot16 Sessions Profile
#150 01:37.714 01:42.222 0 0 friedearth10 's avatar friedearth10 Sessions Profile
#151 01:37.716 01:50.327 0 0 RidiculousAmberSturgeon77 's avatar RidiculousAmberSturgeon77 Sessions Profile
#152 01:37.717 01:41.281 0 0 AssistantTanSquirrel45 's avatar AssistantTanSquirrel45 Sessions Profile
#153 01:37.718 01:42.210 0 0 ExcitingGoldChicken61 's avatar ExcitingGoldChicken61 EE Sessions Profile
#154 01:37.718 01:46.128 0 0 GlamorousBrownRabbit14 's avatar GlamorousBrownRabbit14 Sessions Profile
#155 01:37.724 01:41.104 0 0 WispyMoccasinCrane33 's avatar WispyMoccasinCrane33 Sessions Profile
#156 01:37.729 01:40.094 0 0 Giuliano Buzzi 's avatar Giuliano Buzzi Sessions Profile
#157 01:37.734 01:40.564 0 14 wolfremarque 's avatar wolfremarque Sessions Profile
#158 01:37.736 01:42.525 0 0 XerothermicGrayCondor18 's avatar XerothermicGrayCondor18 HU Sessions Profile
#159 01:37.737 01:39.676 0 0 Peter Paris 's avatar Peter Paris Sessions Profile
#160 01:37.739 01:41.532 0 0 FlexibleAquamarineMite94 's avatar FlexibleAquamarineMite94 Sessions Profile
#161 01:37.740 01:44.576 0 0 MedievalScarletWasp67 's avatar MedievalScarletWasp67 BE Sessions Profile
#162 01:37.745 01:41.859 0 0 MonthlyBlackElk92 's avatar MonthlyBlackElk92 JP Sessions Profile
#163 01:37.750 01:39.766 0 0 ExcessGreenUrial50 's avatar ExcessGreenUrial50 Sessions Profile
#164 01:37.751 01:38.976 0 0 VitalAquamarineOrca16 's avatar VitalAquamarineOrca16 ES Sessions Profile
#165 01:37.759 01:39.461 0 0 AggregateWhiteBobolink93 's avatar AggregateWhiteBobolink93 Sessions Profile
#166 01:37.759 01:41.010 0 0 DampGoldAsp9 's avatar DampGoldAsp9 Sessions Profile
#167 01:37.766 01:41.067 0 0 RetailJadeMole9 's avatar RetailJadeMole9 Sessions Profile
#168 01:37.769 01:38.797 0 0 StrikingBlackHarrier87 's avatar StrikingBlackHarrier87 US Sessions Profile
#169 01:37.776 01:43.810 0 0 pepelara8 's avatar pepelara8 Sessions Profile
#170 01:37.779 01:47.114 0 0 SpareBlushLoon7 's avatar SpareBlushLoon7 Sessions Profile
#171 01:37.781 01:39.862 0 0 SlumGate 's avatar SlumGate Sessions Profile
#172 01:37.782 01:41.115 0 0 SparklingCrimsonMonkey66 's avatar SparklingCrimsonMonkey66 DE Sessions Profile
#173 01:37.786 01:45.156 0 0 PogLord 's avatar PogLord Sessions Profile
#174 01:37.787 01:39.307 0 0 Adam Szpanski 's avatar Adam Szpanski Sessions Profile
#175 01:37.788 01:40.266 0 0 FrontBronzeMoose56 's avatar FrontBronzeMoose56 Sessions Profile
#176 01:37.791 01:40.473 0 0 scooby 's avatar scooby GB Sessions Profile
#177 01:37.797 01:40.180 0 0 AbstractHarlequinGecko92 's avatar AbstractHarlequinGecko92 Sessions Profile
#178 01:37.801 01:38.442 0 0 GlamorousBrownRabbit89 's avatar GlamorousBrownRabbit89 Sessions Profile
#179 01:37.807 01:40.121 0 0 NicksSkillz 's avatar NicksSkillz CA Sessions Profile
#180 01:37.810 01:41.903 0 0 PrimaryMagentaLobster68 's avatar PrimaryMagentaLobster68 AT Sessions Profile
#181 01:37.814 01:39.683 0 0 WilfulHarlequinAnglerfish6 's avatar WilfulHarlequinAnglerfish6 US Sessions Profile
#182 01:37.815 01:38.706 0 0 SurroundingWhiteMarmot17 's avatar SurroundingWhiteMarmot17 Sessions Profile
#183 01:37.818 01:50.515 0 0 LargeMaroonBobcat66 's avatar LargeMaroonBobcat66 Sessions Profile
#184 01:37.826 01:39.748 0 0 AdorableMagentaRaven58 's avatar AdorableMagentaRaven58 CA Sessions Profile
#185 01:37.828 01:40.394 0 0 QuaintScarletBarracuda2 's avatar QuaintScarletBarracuda2 Sessions Profile
#186 01:37.831 01:43.000 0 0 Tofutoo 's avatar Tofutoo DE Sessions Profile
#187 01:37.835 01:41.925 0 0 ExtraordinarySapphireHaddock3 's avatar ExtraordinarySapphireHaddock3 Sessions Profile
#188 01:37.840 01:39.788 0 0 SickTomatoFox73 's avatar SickTomatoFox73 Sessions Profile
#189 01:37.846 01:39.974 0 0 IllegalTomatoParakeet8 's avatar IllegalTomatoParakeet8 Sessions Profile
#190 01:37.847 01:38.520 0 0 EmotionalWhiteMoth53 's avatar EmotionalWhiteMoth53 PL Sessions Profile
#191 01:37.860 01:38.745 64 1 FirmWhiteLeopon90 's avatar FirmWhiteLeopon90 AT Sessions Profile
#192 01:37.861 01:47.392 0 0 MarxistTomatoFerret68 's avatar MarxistTomatoFerret68 Sessions Profile
#193 01:37.870 01:41.452 0 0 GrowingTomatoHalibut96 's avatar GrowingTomatoHalibut96 Sessions Profile
#194 01:37.879 01:41.801 0 0 ScaredAzureVicuna59 's avatar ScaredAzureVicuna59 ES Sessions Profile
#195 01:37.882 01:39.848 0 0 NearBlackCockroach70 's avatar NearBlackCockroach70 Sessions Profile
#196 01:37.883 01:41.147 0 0 Michau 's avatar Michau PL Sessions Profile
#197 01:37.891 01:48.100 0 0 LargeMaroonBobcat27 's avatar LargeMaroonBobcat27 Sessions Profile
#198 01:37.902 01:49.459 0 0 ConceptualMagentaLandfowl47 's avatar ConceptualMagentaLandfowl47 Sessions Profile
#199 01:37.903 01:41.526 0 0 CivilMoccasinSquid86 's avatar CivilMoccasinSquid86 IT Sessions Profile
#200 01:37.903 01:39.734 0 0 SelfishPurpleCentipede39 's avatar SelfishPurpleCentipede39 US Sessions Profile
#201 01:37.917 01:43.852 0 0 MildJadeBaboon57 's avatar MildJadeBaboon57 Sessions Profile
From 101 to 201 simracers of 6079