Krreritas Laptime

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June Season Ranking Highlands Short Mazda MX5 Cup Amateur

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From 501 to 601 simracers of 2471
Pos Best avg KPP KMP Simracer
#501 00:51.383 00:54.727 0 0 DreadfulCyanMink96 's avatar DreadfulCyanMink96 MY Sessions Profile
#502 00:51.915 00:54.736 0 0 SpareBlushLoon44 's avatar SpareBlushLoon44 Sessions Profile
#503 00:51.837 00:54.746 0 0 ProperLimeGazelle76 's avatar ProperLimeGazelle76 ES Sessions Profile
#504 00:52.031 00:54.752 0 0 MASTRO?!?!?!?! 's avatar MASTRO?!?!?!?! Sessions Profile
#505 00:53.444 00:54.769 0 0 TartSalmonLlama33 's avatar TartSalmonLlama33 Sessions Profile
#506 00:52.336 00:54.772 0 0 RipeHarlequinHyena18 's avatar RipeHarlequinHyena18 PT Sessions Profile
#507 00:53.099 00:54.774 0 0 AbsentPeachPig83 's avatar AbsentPeachPig83 IT Sessions Profile
#508 00:53.057 00:54.781 0 0 LiveYellowSkink45 's avatar LiveYellowSkink45 PL Sessions Profile
#509 00:54.180 00:54.783 0 0 FuzzyBlueCattle40 's avatar FuzzyBlueCattle40 PT Sessions Profile
#510 00:52.976 00:54.792 0 0 SpotlessGoldAnteater82 's avatar SpotlessGoldAnteater82 PT Sessions Profile
#511 00:51.352 00:54.800 0 0 RedundantTomatoSalamander65 's avatar RedundantTomatoSalamander65 FR Sessions Profile
#512 00:52.631 00:54.806 0 0 StrikingBlackHarrier67 's avatar StrikingBlackHarrier67 LA Sessions Profile
#513 00:52.751 00:54.810 0 0 SovietFuchsiaMuskox40 's avatar SovietFuchsiaMuskox40 ES Sessions Profile
#514 00:51.154 00:54.818 0 0 CorporateSilverRaccoon44 's avatar CorporateSilverRaccoon44 Sessions Profile
#515 00:52.903 00:54.821 0 0 UnpleasantGoldQuail78 's avatar UnpleasantGoldQuail78 FR Sessions Profile
#516 00:51.441 00:54.829 0 0 AggregateWhiteBobolink38 's avatar AggregateWhiteBobolink38 Sessions Profile
#517 00:52.133 00:54.834 0 0 YummyCoffeeSnail55 's avatar YummyCoffeeSnail55 Sessions Profile
#518 00:52.384 00:54.834 0 0 steely 's avatar steely US Sessions Profile
#519 00:51.377 00:54.835 0 0 ShaggyEmeraldWhitefish14 's avatar ShaggyEmeraldWhitefish14 BE Sessions Profile
#520 00:53.298 00:54.841 0 0 ShinyBrownAardwolf12 's avatar ShinyBrownAardwolf12 CA Sessions Profile
#521 00:51.699 00:54.860 0 0 HonSilverCephalopod97 's avatar HonSilverCephalopod97 Sessions Profile
#522 00:52.390 00:54.866 0 0 MinisterialJadeTiglon19 's avatar MinisterialJadeTiglon19 Sessions Profile
#523 00:53.079 00:54.868 0 0 RelevantPinkHalibut33 's avatar RelevantPinkHalibut33 Sessions Profile
#524 00:52.742 00:54.890 0 0 NakedCoralSnail83 's avatar NakedCoralSnail83 Sessions Profile
#525 00:53.773 00:54.898 0 1 IllegalTomatoParakeet69 's avatar IllegalTomatoParakeet69 Sessions Profile
#526 00:52.241 00:54.898 0 0 BrightHarlequinParrot17 's avatar BrightHarlequinParrot17 Sessions Profile
#527 00:52.294 00:54.906 0 0 OrdinaryVioletChicken90 's avatar OrdinaryVioletChicken90 Sessions Profile
#528 00:52.195 00:54.906 0 0 FluffyLimeGerbil61 's avatar FluffyLimeGerbil61 Sessions Profile
#529 00:52.603 00:54.908 0 0 SuitableMoccasinTarantula13 's avatar SuitableMoccasinTarantula13 BR Sessions Profile
#530 00:51.795 00:54.926 0 0 AlrightIndigoOpossum33 's avatar AlrightIndigoOpossum33 Sessions Profile
#531 00:52.873 00:54.929 0 11 UnusualTomatoOx61 's avatar UnusualTomatoOx61 HU Sessions Profile
#532 00:52.176 00:54.940 0 0 SpotlessGoldAnteater59 's avatar SpotlessGoldAnteater59 BR Sessions Profile
#533 00:53.156 00:54.942 0 0 ExtraordinaryHarlequinGiraffe27 's avatar ExtraordinaryHarlequinGiraffe27 AR Sessions Profile
#534 00:53.016 00:54.946 0 0 ImpressedAmethystRabbit34 's avatar ImpressedAmethystRabbit34 IT Sessions Profile
#535 00:53.682 00:54.950 0 0 ThinRedHaddock94 's avatar ThinRedHaddock94 IN Sessions Profile
#536 00:51.449 00:54.960 0 0 RelativeCoffeeGamefowl87 's avatar RelativeCoffeeGamefowl87 Sessions Profile
#537 00:53.020 00:54.974 0 0 ApplicableSapphireLouse3 's avatar ApplicableSapphireLouse3 IT Sessions Profile
#538 00:54.224 00:54.977 0 0 WorthwhileVioletPrawn73 's avatar WorthwhileVioletPrawn73 ES Sessions Profile
#539 00:52.005 00:54.977 0 0 RequiredMaroonMacaw27 's avatar RequiredMaroonMacaw27 IT Sessions Profile
#540 00:53.510 00:54.978 0 0 StatutoryPeachDonkey48 's avatar StatutoryPeachDonkey48 FR Sessions Profile
#541 00:51.758 00:54.991 0 0 PrimaryMagentaLobster29 's avatar PrimaryMagentaLobster29 Sessions Profile
#542 00:53.266 00:54.992 0 0 InvolvedMoccasinCaterpillar96 's avatar InvolvedMoccasinCaterpillar96 US Sessions Profile
#543 00:52.453 00:54.996 0 0 SplendidMaroonFelidae11 's avatar SplendidMaroonFelidae11 Sessions Profile
#544 00:51.546 00:55.004 0 0 TameOrangeBandicoot63 's avatar TameOrangeBandicoot63 Sessions Profile
#545 00:54.043 00:55.004 0 0 RulingSapphireHarrier55 's avatar RulingSapphireHarrier55 SE Sessions Profile
#546 00:53.386 00:55.020 0 0 InlandAmberFlamingo57 's avatar InlandAmberFlamingo57 IT Sessions Profile
#547 00:51.461 00:55.020 0 0 GlobalPeachJunglefowl60 's avatar GlobalPeachJunglefowl60 Sessions Profile
#548 00:54.732 00:55.031 0 0 DampGoldAsp5 's avatar DampGoldAsp5 FR Sessions Profile
#549 00:52.224 00:55.033 0 0 wazr1337 's avatar wazr1337 GR Sessions Profile
#550 00:51.533 00:55.044 0 0 WateryLimeSole37 's avatar WateryLimeSole37 Sessions Profile
#551 00:54.689 00:55.046 0 0 1331 's avatar 1331 Sessions Profile
#552 00:52.800 00:55.055 0 0 AdvancedIndigoFowl92 's avatar AdvancedIndigoFowl92 Sessions Profile
#553 00:53.932 00:55.084 0 0 EvolutionaryAmethystCobra2 's avatar EvolutionaryAmethystCobra2 Sessions Profile
#554 00:52.048 00:55.085 0 0 ThickMagentaEarthworm6 's avatar ThickMagentaEarthworm6 ES Sessions Profile
#555 00:54.594 00:55.089 0 0 ExuberantChocolatePenguin74 's avatar ExuberantChocolatePenguin74 IT Sessions Profile
#556 00:52.077 00:55.098 0 0 DeafeningCopperGalliform3 's avatar DeafeningCopperGalliform3 FR Sessions Profile
#557 00:52.692 00:55.107 0 0 FrontBronzeMoose44 's avatar FrontBronzeMoose44 Sessions Profile
#558 00:51.403 00:55.123 0 0 TropicalTealAlbatross34 's avatar TropicalTealAlbatross34 PL Sessions Profile
#559 00:53.581 00:55.125 0 0 Dan Drive Slow 's avatar Dan Drive Slow Sessions Profile
#560 00:53.373 00:55.130 0 0 MiniatureScarletBaboon75 's avatar MiniatureScarletBaboon75 PL Sessions Profile
#561 00:52.693 00:55.130 0 0 ObnoxiousAmaranthRooster60 's avatar ObnoxiousAmaranthRooster60 Sessions Profile
#562 00:52.863 00:55.133 0 0 AutomaticEmeraldErmine10 's avatar AutomaticEmeraldErmine10 Sessions Profile
#563 00:52.556 00:55.136 0 0 ExtremeTomatoBee33 's avatar ExtremeTomatoBee33 DE Sessions Profile
#564 00:52.849 00:55.152 0 0 InvolvedMoccasinCaterpillar21 's avatar InvolvedMoccasinCaterpillar21 Sessions Profile
#565 00:54.459 00:55.172 0 0 NearBlackCockroach96 's avatar NearBlackCockroach96 TR Sessions Profile
#566 00:50.989 00:55.185 0 0 AssistantTanSquirrel3 's avatar AssistantTanSquirrel3 NL Sessions Profile
#567 00:52.093 00:55.190 0 0 lewis16143 's avatar lewis16143 Sessions Profile
#568 00:54.212 00:55.195 0 0 CleverCoffeeSquid85 's avatar CleverCoffeeSquid85 Sessions Profile
#569 00:52.472 00:55.200 59 0 Miuss 's avatar Miuss ES Sessions Profile
#570 00:53.710 00:55.202 0 0 EligibleIvoryPony65 's avatar EligibleIvoryPony65 Sessions Profile
#571 00:50.844 00:55.208 0 0 SupportingCyanMockingbird62 's avatar SupportingCyanMockingbird62 Sessions Profile
#572 00:52.088 00:55.213 0 0 ObjectiveApricotHaddock54 's avatar ObjectiveApricotHaddock54 IT Sessions Profile
#573 00:52.871 00:55.218 0 0 UnableCrimsonGrouse43 's avatar UnableCrimsonGrouse43 TH Sessions Profile
#574 00:53.322 00:55.238 0 0 ControlledSilverGrouse25 's avatar ControlledSilverGrouse25 Sessions Profile
#575 00:52.465 00:55.244 0 0 NearScarletEarwig86 's avatar NearScarletEarwig86 IT Sessions Profile
#576 00:53.425 00:55.246 0 0 XenialTurquoiseMeerkat80 's avatar XenialTurquoiseMeerkat80 PL Sessions Profile
#577 00:53.544 00:55.246 0 0 SexualRedJackal43 's avatar SexualRedJackal43 CA Sessions Profile
#578 00:51.229 00:55.248 0 0 ReliableWhiteHaddock50 's avatar ReliableWhiteHaddock50 IT Sessions Profile
#579 00:52.520 00:55.256 0 0 PoliticalSapphireCoral63 's avatar PoliticalSapphireCoral63 Sessions Profile
#580 00:52.399 00:55.257 0 0 SuitableAquamarineFlyingfish77 's avatar SuitableAquamarineFlyingfish77 Sessions Profile
#581 00:54.381 00:55.264 0 0 BlushingAquamarineFlamingo69 's avatar BlushingAquamarineFlamingo69 IT Sessions Profile
#582 00:55.033 00:55.265 0 0 AdorableMagentaRaven52 's avatar AdorableMagentaRaven52 GT Sessions Profile
#583 00:52.010 00:55.274 0 0 CautiousAquaSnipe18 's avatar CautiousAquaSnipe18 DE Sessions Profile
#584 00:52.176 00:55.280 0 0 ZygoticAzureZebra94 's avatar ZygoticAzureZebra94 Sessions Profile
#585 00:54.620 00:55.281 0 0 AlmaKarma 's avatar AlmaKarma Sessions Profile
#586 00:53.693 00:55.287 0 0 TiredCopperLimpet76 's avatar TiredCopperLimpet76 IT Sessions Profile
#587 00:54.622 00:55.293 0 0 AnonymousSalmonHummingbird40 's avatar AnonymousSalmonHummingbird40 Sessions Profile
#588 00:53.985 00:55.294 0 0 FirmWhiteLeopon67 's avatar FirmWhiteLeopon67 Sessions Profile
#589 00:53.348 00:55.301 0 0 StaticLimeDolphin65 's avatar StaticLimeDolphin65 Sessions Profile
#590 00:52.413 00:55.314 0 0 QuaintScarletBarracuda96 's avatar QuaintScarletBarracuda96 RS Sessions Profile
#591 00:51.716 00:55.318 0 0 LowBlackBovid62 's avatar LowBlackBovid62 IT Sessions Profile
#592 00:52.494 00:55.327 0 0 ElectronicTealCrane52 's avatar ElectronicTealCrane52 Sessions Profile
#593 00:54.135 00:55.342 0 5 Linguini 's avatar Linguini Sessions Profile
#594 00:53.560 00:55.350 0 0 Misiau 's avatar Misiau Sessions Profile
#595 00:54.121 00:55.350 0 0 GeneticTurquoiseBass57 's avatar GeneticTurquoiseBass57 IT Sessions Profile
#596 00:54.528 00:55.352 0 0 WispyMoccasinCrane53 's avatar WispyMoccasinCrane53 AR Sessions Profile
#597 00:53.039 00:55.353 0 0 FirmWhiteLeopon31 's avatar FirmWhiteLeopon31 Sessions Profile
#598 00:54.470 00:55.358 0 0 CommercialCrimsonSilverfish75 's avatar CommercialCrimsonSilverfish75 GB Sessions Profile
#599 00:53.543 00:55.368 0 0 DistinctGrayQuokka79 's avatar DistinctGrayQuokka79 Sessions Profile
#600 00:51.403 00:55.372 0 0 ChristianChocolateGorilla9 's avatar ChristianChocolateGorilla9 Sessions Profile
From 501 to 601 simracers of 2471