Krreritas Laptime

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July Season Ranking Monza GT2/GT3

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From 8901 to 9001 simracers of 9027
Pos Best avg KPP KMP Simracer
#8905 04:56.875 04:56.875 0 0 PossibleCopperJaguar30 's avatar PossibleCopperJaguar30 Sessions Profile
#8906 02:29.762 04:57.597 0 0 humer52 's avatar humer52 RU Sessions Profile
#8907 04:57.613 04:57.613 0 0 SuspiciousSapphireMole10 's avatar SuspiciousSapphireMole10 Sessions Profile
#8908 04:58.670 04:58.670 0 0 IdeologicalAmberHippopotamus45 's avatar IdeologicalAmberHippopotamus45 Sessions Profile
#8909 02:09.829 04:59.375 0 0 FeministCoralQuokka18 's avatar FeministCoralQuokka18 IN Sessions Profile
#8910 04:59.759 04:59.759 0 0 ScaredAzureVicuna17 's avatar ScaredAzureVicuna17 Sessions Profile
#8911 02:21.903 05:00.374 0 0 TightAmaranthSturgeon48 's avatar TightAmaranthSturgeon48 Sessions Profile
#8912 02:23.712 05:00.479 0 0 ApplicableSapphireLouse40 's avatar ApplicableSapphireLouse40 US Sessions Profile
#8913 05:00.534 05:00.534 0 0 RelativeCoffeeGamefowl81 's avatar RelativeCoffeeGamefowl81 Sessions Profile
#8914 05:01.168 05:01.168 0 0 DelicateAzureCapybara62 's avatar DelicateAzureCapybara62 ES Sessions Profile
#8915 01:52.423 05:01.624 0 0 SheerCoralImpala2 's avatar SheerCoralImpala2 Sessions Profile
#8916 05:02.072 05:02.072 0 20 ConcreteTurquoiseEchidna55 's avatar ConcreteTurquoiseEchidna55 Sessions Profile
#8917 05:03.756 05:03.756 0 0 GlobalPeachJunglefowl23 's avatar GlobalPeachJunglefowl23 Sessions Profile
#8918 05:04.561 05:04.561 0 0 BreezyRedPheasant13 's avatar BreezyRedPheasant13 Sessions Profile
#8919 05:04.570 05:04.570 0 0 FatalJadeBaboon73 's avatar FatalJadeBaboon73 Sessions Profile
#8920 05:05.191 05:05.191 0 0 OuterCyanQuelea29 's avatar OuterCyanQuelea29 Sessions Profile
#8921 05:05.394 05:05.394 0 0 IndustrialOlivePanda14 's avatar IndustrialOlivePanda14 Sessions Profile
#8922 05:06.361 05:06.361 0 0 ShockedGrayMinnow92 's avatar ShockedGrayMinnow92 FR Sessions Profile
#8923 05:06.617 05:06.617 0 0 FavourablePeachWarbler27 's avatar FavourablePeachWarbler27 Sessions Profile
#8924 05:07.806 05:07.806 0 0 EntitledJadeHerring6 's avatar EntitledJadeHerring6 BR Sessions Profile
#8925 02:00.944 05:08.063 0 0 StrangePeachHawk66 's avatar StrangePeachHawk66 Sessions Profile
#8926 05:08.832 05:08.832 0 0 TiredCopperLimpet32 's avatar TiredCopperLimpet32 IT Sessions Profile
#8927 05:09.804 05:09.804 0 0 ChemicalYellowOwl79 's avatar ChemicalYellowOwl79 IT Sessions Profile
#8928 05:11.244 05:11.244 0 0 DrunkJadeFelidae6 's avatar DrunkJadeFelidae6 Sessions Profile
#8929 05:12.931 05:12.931 0 0 GoodRedStoat98 's avatar GoodRedStoat98 FR Sessions Profile
#8930 05:13.313 05:13.313 0 0 RepulsiveBlueRooster67 's avatar RepulsiveBlueRooster67 TR Sessions Profile
#8931 05:13.660 05:13.660 0 0 FrontAmberMarmoset94 's avatar FrontAmberMarmoset94 Sessions Profile
#8932 05:13.793 05:13.793 0 0 SquealingTurquoiseHaddock89 's avatar SquealingTurquoiseHaddock89 Sessions Profile
#8933 01:55.187 05:14.332 0 0 WillingBlushFlea56 's avatar WillingBlushFlea56 IT Sessions Profile
#8934 05:14.915 05:14.915 0 0 RobustIndigoGopher67 's avatar RobustIndigoGopher67 BR Sessions Profile
#8935 05:15.010 05:15.010 0 0 IllegalGrayNewt32 's avatar IllegalGrayNewt32 US Sessions Profile
#8936 05:15.100 05:15.100 0 0 RetailJadeMole9 's avatar RetailJadeMole9 Sessions Profile
#8937 05:15.361 05:15.361 0 0 opty 's avatar opty Sessions Profile
#8938 05:15.582 05:15.582 0 0 NuclearCyanOpossum46 's avatar NuclearCyanOpossum46 Sessions Profile
#8939 05:15.671 05:15.671 0 0 LightSilverLadybug57 's avatar LightSilverLadybug57 IT Sessions Profile
#8940 01:54.012 05:16.391 0 0 ApplicableSapphireLouse50 's avatar ApplicableSapphireLouse50 Sessions Profile
#8941 05:16.419 05:16.419 0 0 SatisfactoryTurquoiseKoi91 's avatar SatisfactoryTurquoiseKoi91 SA Sessions Profile
#8942 05:18.128 05:18.128 0 0 MusicalSapphireNewt69 's avatar MusicalSapphireNewt69 Sessions Profile
#8943 05:18.228 05:18.228 0 0 GrievingMaroonCattle83 's avatar GrievingMaroonCattle83 Sessions Profile
#8944 05:18.362 05:18.362 0 0 VoluntaryRoseMite12 's avatar VoluntaryRoseMite12 Sessions Profile
#8945 02:33.316 05:18.964 0 0 SouthernGoldLark10 's avatar SouthernGoldLark10 IT Sessions Profile
#8946 05:20.261 05:20.261 0 0 TeenageTanEarthworm40 's avatar TeenageTanEarthworm40 Sessions Profile
#8947 05:20.905 05:20.905 0 0 DoubleSilverRaven96 's avatar DoubleSilverRaven96 Sessions Profile
#8948 05:21.162 05:21.162 0 0 OutrageousGraySpoonbill76 's avatar OutrageousGraySpoonbill76 Sessions Profile
#8949 05:21.179 05:21.179 0 0 PreparedIvoryAmphibian17 's avatar PreparedIvoryAmphibian17 Sessions Profile
#8950 05:21.287 05:21.287 0 0 IcyTurquoiseWildfowl60 's avatar IcyTurquoiseWildfowl60 FR Sessions Profile
#8951 01:52.127 05:21.326 0 0 GrowingAmethystStarfish1 's avatar GrowingAmethystStarfish1 Sessions Profile
#8952 05:21.350 05:21.350 0 0 DelicateAzureCapybara98 's avatar DelicateAzureCapybara98 IT Sessions Profile
#8953 05:22.741 05:22.741 0 0 SilkyBronzeJunglefowl44 's avatar SilkyBronzeJunglefowl44 PL Sessions Profile
#8954 05:22.907 05:22.907 0 0 CleanSalmonRooster89 's avatar CleanSalmonRooster89 Sessions Profile
#8955 05:22.939 05:22.939 0 0 OuterCyanQuelea15 's avatar OuterCyanQuelea15 Sessions Profile
#8956 02:01.499 05:23.330 0 0 MarxistTomatoFerret37 's avatar MarxistTomatoFerret37 Sessions Profile
#8957 05:24.753 05:24.753 0 0 ImpressedAmethystRabbit92 's avatar ImpressedAmethystRabbit92 Sessions Profile
#8958 05:25.482 05:25.482 0 0 SuddenFuchsiaGazelle87 's avatar SuddenFuchsiaGazelle87 Sessions Profile
#8959 05:25.543 05:25.543 0 0 NuclearCyanOpossum64 's avatar NuclearCyanOpossum64 Sessions Profile
#8960 05:25.796 05:25.796 0 0 DoubleSilverRaven2 's avatar DoubleSilverRaven2 Sessions Profile
#8961 05:26.525 05:26.525 0 0 ShinyLavenderFirefly64 's avatar ShinyLavenderFirefly64 AR Sessions Profile
#8962 05:11.257 05:26.785 0 0 StickyLavenderEmu5 's avatar StickyLavenderEmu5 Sessions Profile
#8963 05:27.615 05:27.615 0 0 VariableTealDinosaur80 's avatar VariableTealDinosaur80 Sessions Profile
#8964 05:28.352 05:28.352 0 0 SplendidMaroonFelidae20 's avatar SplendidMaroonFelidae20 Sessions Profile
#8965 05:28.434 05:28.434 0 0 DoubtfulAmethystSloth81 's avatar DoubtfulAmethystSloth81 Sessions Profile
#8966 04:48.158 05:28.984 0 0 ScrawnyGreenLandfowl87 's avatar ScrawnyGreenLandfowl87 Sessions Profile
#8967 05:29.108 05:29.108 0 0 ObnoxiousBeigeTahr94 's avatar ObnoxiousBeigeTahr94 Sessions Profile
#8968 03:11.776 05:30.358 0 0 SufficientTurquoiseCondor55 's avatar SufficientTurquoiseCondor55 IT Sessions Profile
#8969 05:23.684 05:32.206 0 0 ProvincialRedMandrill97 's avatar ProvincialRedMandrill97 Sessions Profile
#8970 05:34.122 05:34.122 0 0 IllegalGrayNewt70 's avatar IllegalGrayNewt70 Sessions Profile
#8971 05:35.017 05:35.017 0 0 DisturbingCyanFish61 's avatar DisturbingCyanFish61 Sessions Profile
#8972 01:57.882 05:35.884 0 0 ZygoticAzureReindeer57 's avatar ZygoticAzureReindeer57 Sessions Profile
#8973 05:37.289 05:37.289 0 0 SovietFuchsiaMuskox43 's avatar SovietFuchsiaMuskox43 Sessions Profile
#8974 02:28.603 05:38.328 0 0 OppositeGreenCephalopod2 's avatar OppositeGreenCephalopod2 HR Sessions Profile
#8975 05:38.599 05:38.599 0 0 ArtificialPeachGuppy50 's avatar ArtificialPeachGuppy50 Sessions Profile
#8976 02:10.642 05:42.111 0 0 DependentAmberScallop34 's avatar DependentAmberScallop34 Sessions Profile
#8977 05:42.577 05:42.577 0 0 VocationalPurpleFinch47 's avatar VocationalPurpleFinch47 IT Sessions Profile
#8978 05:43.266 05:43.266 0 0 DarkAzureNightingale59 's avatar DarkAzureNightingale59 Sessions Profile
#8979 05:43.306 05:43.306 0 0 GrotesqueLimeFly27 's avatar GrotesqueLimeFly27 US Sessions Profile
#8980 05:44.512 05:44.512 0 0 SelectiveIvoryPuffin95 's avatar SelectiveIvoryPuffin95 BR Sessions Profile
#8981 05:45.191 05:45.191 0 0 UnconsciousIvoryNarwhal74 's avatar UnconsciousIvoryNarwhal74 Sessions Profile
#8982 05:45.214 05:45.214 0 0 NuclearCyanOpossum72 's avatar NuclearCyanOpossum72 IT Sessions Profile
#8983 05:48.423 05:48.423 0 0 InfluentialRoseFrog85 's avatar InfluentialRoseFrog85 NL Sessions Profile
#8984 05:52.067 05:52.067 0 0 CommonWhiteGoose27 's avatar CommonWhiteGoose27 Sessions Profile
#8985 05:55.429 05:55.429 0 0 ResidentApricotDeer97 's avatar ResidentApricotDeer97 IT Sessions Profile
#8986 05:55.550 05:55.550 0 0 EstimatedAmberHedgehog76 's avatar EstimatedAmberHedgehog76 BR Sessions Profile
#8987 05:57.634 05:57.634 0 0 AdorableCopperPeafowl92 's avatar AdorableCopperPeafowl92 Sessions Profile
#8988 05:58.716 05:58.716 0 17 RetailJadeMole97 's avatar RetailJadeMole97 FR Sessions Profile
#8989 05:59.664 05:59.664 0 3 LonelySalmonCanid95 's avatar LonelySalmonCanid95 Sessions Profile
#8990 04:14.391 06:02.462 0 0 RelevantPinkHalibut35 's avatar RelevantPinkHalibut35 Sessions Profile
#8991 04:28.701 06:04.880 0 0 ObjectiveMoccasinBoa74 's avatar ObjectiveMoccasinBoa74 FR Sessions Profile
#8992 06:07.174 06:07.174 0 0 OrdinaryVioletChicken33 's avatar OrdinaryVioletChicken33 HU Sessions Profile
#8993 06:10.121 06:10.121 0 0 PunyMagentaAnteater14 's avatar PunyMagentaAnteater14 Sessions Profile
#8994 06:11.391 06:11.391 0 0 SuddenScarletWhale40 's avatar SuddenScarletWhale40 Sessions Profile
#8995 06:14.801 06:14.801 0 0 BoringCrimsonTuna58 's avatar BoringCrimsonTuna58 Sessions Profile
#8996 06:16.975 06:16.975 0 0 SilkyLavenderPheasant69 's avatar SilkyLavenderPheasant69 Sessions Profile
#8997 06:17.799 06:17.799 0 0 SovietFuchsiaMuskox75 's avatar SovietFuchsiaMuskox75 Sessions Profile
#8998 06:18.320 06:18.320 0 0 IntactIndigoAsp3 's avatar IntactIndigoAsp3 Sessions Profile
#8999 06:20.949 06:20.949 0 0 SpareBlushLoon90 's avatar SpareBlushLoon90 Sessions Profile
#9000 02:05.908 06:25.299 0 0 RulingSapphireHarrier88 's avatar RulingSapphireHarrier88 Sessions Profile
#9001 02:05.498 06:30.246 0 0 InstantCopperCoyote77 's avatar InstantCopperCoyote77 Sessions Profile
#9002 02:05.005 06:32.522 0 0 GoodRedStoat69 's avatar GoodRedStoat69 Sessions Profile
#9003 06:33.649 06:33.649 0 0 BlushingAquamarineFlamingo57 's avatar BlushingAquamarineFlamingo57 Sessions Profile
#9004 06:34.808 06:34.808 0 0 MeaningfulCrimsonAnteater68 's avatar MeaningfulCrimsonAnteater68 TR Sessions Profile
From 8901 to 9001 simracers of 9027