Krreritas Laptime

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December season Ranking Monza GT2/GT3

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From 10001 to 10101 simracers of 10281
Pos Best avg KPP KMP Simracer
#10004 01:58.156 03:12.408 0 0 alepas 's avatar alepas Sessions Profile
#10005 02:57.834 03:12.699 0 0 AdorableCopperPeafowl74 's avatar AdorableCopperPeafowl74 Sessions Profile
#10006 03:12.700 03:12.700 0 0 SpecificYellowSalmon76 's avatar SpecificYellowSalmon76 Sessions Profile
#10007 03:12.740 03:12.740 0 0 Finleyfynn 's avatar Finleyfynn IT Sessions Profile
#10008 03:12.821 03:12.821 0 0 LowBlackBovid27 's avatar LowBlackBovid27 UA Sessions Profile
#10009 03:12.939 03:12.939 0 0 ImpressedAmethystRabbit10 's avatar ImpressedAmethystRabbit10 Sessions Profile
#10010 02:54.304 03:13.064 0 0 GrievingMaroonCattle81 's avatar GrievingMaroonCattle81 Sessions Profile
#10011 03:13.512 03:13.512 0 0 ControlledSilverGrouse27 's avatar ControlledSilverGrouse27 Sessions Profile
#10012 03:13.618 03:13.618 0 0 RoyalTanBandicoot14 's avatar RoyalTanBandicoot14 Sessions Profile
#10013 03:13.798 03:13.798 0 0 HushedApricotDamselfly39 's avatar HushedApricotDamselfly39 Sessions Profile
#10014 02:26.035 03:13.991 0 0 ApplicableSapphireLouse81 's avatar ApplicableSapphireLouse81 KR Sessions Profile
#10015 03:13.996 03:13.996 0 0 SelfishPurpleCentipede3 's avatar SelfishPurpleCentipede3 Sessions Profile
#10016 02:46.462 03:14.057 0 0 StrikingBlackHarrier56 's avatar StrikingBlackHarrier56 Sessions Profile
#10017 03:14.257 03:14.257 0 0 DampGoldAsp43 's avatar DampGoldAsp43 BR Sessions Profile
#10018 01:58.285 03:14.482 0 0 ControlledSilverGrouse90 's avatar ControlledSilverGrouse90 Sessions Profile
#10019 02:50.424 03:14.660 0 0 RepresentativeWhiteEarwig31 's avatar RepresentativeWhiteEarwig31 FR Sessions Profile
#10020 02:41.457 03:14.702 0 0 MetropolitanBrownRodent81 's avatar MetropolitanBrownRodent81 Sessions Profile
#10021 03:14.747 03:14.747 0 0 ExcessGreenUrial9 's avatar ExcessGreenUrial9 Sessions Profile
#10022 02:44.156 03:14.812 0 0 NuclearAmaranthOstrich90 's avatar NuclearAmaranthOstrich90 CA Sessions Profile
#10023 02:54.874 03:14.873 0 0 FrontScarletSnail58 's avatar FrontScarletSnail58 CN Sessions Profile
#10024 03:14.889 03:14.889 0 0 EntireEmeraldElephant57 's avatar EntireEmeraldElephant57 KH Sessions Profile
#10025 03:14.940 03:14.940 0 0 SafeAmaranthHippopotamus43 's avatar SafeAmaranthHippopotamus43 TR Sessions Profile
#10026 03:15.105 03:15.105 0 0 DeafTealShark62 's avatar DeafTealShark62 LT Sessions Profile
#10027 03:15.233 03:15.233 0 0 DoubtfulAmethystSloth79 's avatar DoubtfulAmethystSloth79 Sessions Profile
#10028 03:15.265 03:15.265 0 0 ZygoticAzureReindeer66 's avatar ZygoticAzureReindeer66 NL Sessions Profile
#10029 03:15.378 03:15.378 0 0 EvolutionaryAmethystCobra91 's avatar EvolutionaryAmethystCobra91 Sessions Profile
#10030 02:46.866 03:15.402 0 0 WispyMoccasinCrane17 's avatar WispyMoccasinCrane17 US Sessions Profile
#10031 02:27.353 03:15.542 0 0 StaticLimeDolphin3 's avatar StaticLimeDolphin3 IT Sessions Profile
#10032 03:15.600 03:15.600 0 0 AutonomousAmberPorcupine97 's avatar AutonomousAmberPorcupine97 Sessions Profile
#10033 03:15.702 03:15.702 0 0 ThinVioletLimpet95 's avatar ThinVioletLimpet95 Sessions Profile
#10034 03:15.732 03:15.732 0 0 VoluminousAmberBandicoot97 's avatar VoluminousAmberBandicoot97 Sessions Profile
#10035 03:15.752 03:15.752 0 0 RedundantTomatoSalamander11 's avatar RedundantTomatoSalamander11 IT Sessions Profile
#10036 02:41.851 03:15.756 0 0 LiveCoffeePtarmigan93 's avatar LiveCoffeePtarmigan93 Sessions Profile
#10037 03:16.048 03:16.048 0 0 ExtraordinaryHarlequinGiraffe45 's avatar ExtraordinaryHarlequinGiraffe45 Sessions Profile
#10038 03:03.738 03:16.051 0 0 DeafeningCopperGalliform10 's avatar DeafeningCopperGalliform10 IN Sessions Profile
#10039 03:16.107 03:16.107 0 0 GrotesqueLimeFly39 's avatar GrotesqueLimeFly39 Sessions Profile
#10040 03:16.144 03:16.144 0 0 OrdinaryVioletChicken95 's avatar OrdinaryVioletChicken95 IT Sessions Profile
#10041 03:16.233 03:16.233 0 0 morton420 's avatar morton420 Sessions Profile
#10042 03:16.268 03:16.268 0 0 ObnoxiousAmaranthRooster23 's avatar ObnoxiousAmaranthRooster23 Sessions Profile
#10043 03:09.081 03:16.272 0 0 ElatedOrangeElephant43 's avatar ElatedOrangeElephant43 IT Sessions Profile
#10044 03:16.516 03:16.516 0 0 SadSalmonWildfowl75 's avatar SadSalmonWildfowl75 Sessions Profile
#10045 03:16.657 03:16.657 0 0 UnhappyCopperBobolink30 's avatar UnhappyCopperBobolink30 Sessions Profile
#10046 03:16.686 03:16.686 0 0 IndustrialOlivePanda5 's avatar IndustrialOlivePanda5 Sessions Profile
#10047 03:16.783 03:16.783 0 0 OuterCyanQuelea4 's avatar OuterCyanQuelea4 Sessions Profile
#10048 03:16.936 03:16.936 0 0 LiveCoffeePtarmigan86 's avatar LiveCoffeePtarmigan86 Sessions Profile
#10049 03:17.237 03:17.237 0 0 ImpressedAmethystRabbit56 's avatar ImpressedAmethystRabbit56 Sessions Profile
#10050 03:17.317 03:17.317 0 0 FuzzyBlueCattle73 's avatar FuzzyBlueCattle73 ES Sessions Profile
#10051 03:17.450 03:17.450 0 0 DivinePlumClam85 's avatar DivinePlumClam85 Sessions Profile
#10052 02:40.523 03:17.652 0 0 InterestingAquaKangaroo98 's avatar InterestingAquaKangaroo98 Sessions Profile
#10053 02:09.300 03:17.796 0 0 AutonomousAmberPorcupine91 's avatar AutonomousAmberPorcupine91 Sessions Profile
#10054 02:35.382 03:17.948 0 0 FellowMagentaAntelope48 's avatar FellowMagentaAntelope48 Sessions Profile
#10055 02:01.978 03:18.118 0 0 WorthwhileVioletPrawn7 's avatar WorthwhileVioletPrawn7 Sessions Profile
#10056 03:18.231 03:18.231 0 0 IndustrialOlivePanda29 's avatar IndustrialOlivePanda29 Sessions Profile
#10057 03:18.267 03:18.267 0 0 RecentMaroonSparrow58 's avatar RecentMaroonSparrow58 Sessions Profile
#10058 03:09.285 03:18.426 0 0 SelfishPurpleCentipede10 's avatar SelfishPurpleCentipede10 Sessions Profile
#10059 02:40.557 03:18.429 0 0 IllegalTomatoParakeet70 's avatar IllegalTomatoParakeet70 Sessions Profile
#10060 03:18.957 03:18.957 0 0 DifficultHarlequinCapybara85 's avatar DifficultHarlequinCapybara85 Sessions Profile
#10061 03:00.734 03:19.078 0 0 SecondaryYellowFlamingo10 's avatar SecondaryYellowFlamingo10 Sessions Profile
#10062 02:47.540 03:19.268 0 0 AbundantCoffeeAntelope31 's avatar AbundantCoffeeAntelope31 IT Sessions Profile
#10063 02:18.628 03:19.794 0 0 SpecificYellowSalmon22 's avatar SpecificYellowSalmon22 IT Sessions Profile
#10064 02:50.195 03:20.344 0 0 UselessAmethystKite65 's avatar UselessAmethystKite65 Sessions Profile
#10065 03:20.748 03:20.748 0 0 InstantCopperCoyote82 's avatar InstantCopperCoyote82 Sessions Profile
#10066 02:57.945 03:20.877 0 0 FeministBlackKingfisher5 's avatar FeministBlackKingfisher5 Sessions Profile
#10067 03:21.080 03:21.080 0 0 StatutoryPeachDonkey50 's avatar StatutoryPeachDonkey50 IT Sessions Profile
#10068 03:21.229 03:21.229 0 0 SubstantialBlushWalrus87 's avatar SubstantialBlushWalrus87 IT Sessions Profile
#10069 03:21.427 03:21.427 0 0 OkayTealDolphin43 's avatar OkayTealDolphin43 RU Sessions Profile
#10070 03:21.713 03:21.713 0 0 FrozenIndigoReptile63 's avatar FrozenIndigoReptile63 Sessions Profile
#10071 03:21.871 03:21.871 0 0 AcceptedCopperGuanaco57 's avatar AcceptedCopperGuanaco57 Sessions Profile
#10072 02:01.201 03:22.359 0 0 ArmedPinkEgret44 's avatar ArmedPinkEgret44 Sessions Profile
#10073 02:18.480 03:22.514 0 0 ConvincedRoseShrimp27 's avatar ConvincedRoseShrimp27 Sessions Profile
#10074 03:10.856 03:22.643 0 0 DivineCrimsonDolphin56 's avatar DivineCrimsonDolphin56 Sessions Profile
#10075 03:22.717 03:22.717 0 0 QuarrelsomeAquaHaddock84 's avatar QuarrelsomeAquaHaddock84 Sessions Profile
#10076 03:20.689 03:22.812 0 0 SuccessfulIndigoSlug50 's avatar SuccessfulIndigoSlug50 Sessions Profile
#10077 03:23.167 03:23.167 0 0 ThinMoccasinAlbatross15 's avatar ThinMoccasinAlbatross15 Sessions Profile
#10078 02:08.085 03:23.214 0 0 ExuberantChocolatePenguin85 's avatar ExuberantChocolatePenguin85 Sessions Profile
#10079 03:23.215 03:23.215 0 0 FavouriteMaroonSeahorse69 's avatar FavouriteMaroonSeahorse69 IT Sessions Profile
#10080 02:05.902 03:23.270 0 0 AbundantCoffeeAntelope38 's avatar AbundantCoffeeAntelope38 Sessions Profile
#10081 03:23.720 03:23.720 0 0 IllegalGrayNewt58 's avatar IllegalGrayNewt58 Sessions Profile
#10082 03:23.945 03:23.945 0 0 RemarkableBronzeJellyfish26 's avatar RemarkableBronzeJellyfish26 Sessions Profile
#10083 03:24.895 03:24.895 0 0 UnevenRoseThrush88 's avatar UnevenRoseThrush88 Sessions Profile
#10084 03:24.929 03:24.929 0 0 DrunkJadeFelidae74 's avatar DrunkJadeFelidae74 IT Sessions Profile
#10085 02:26.490 03:24.963 0 0 IndividualAmethystGull10 's avatar IndividualAmethystGull10 Sessions Profile
#10086 02:25.629 03:25.494 0 0 OrdinaryGreenPiranha69 's avatar OrdinaryGreenPiranha69 IT Sessions Profile
#10087 03:26.170 03:26.170 0 0 SquareBlueCicada4 's avatar SquareBlueCicada4 IT Sessions Profile
#10088 02:11.962 03:26.206 0 0 ScaredAzureVicuna1 's avatar ScaredAzureVicuna1 Sessions Profile
#10089 03:26.583 03:26.583 0 0 SelectiveIvoryPuffin41 's avatar SelectiveIvoryPuffin41 SI Sessions Profile
#10090 03:26.964 03:26.964 0 0 RelevantPinkHalibut61 's avatar RelevantPinkHalibut61 Sessions Profile
#10091 02:00.800 03:26.987 0 0 WorthwhileVioletPrawn54 's avatar WorthwhileVioletPrawn54 Sessions Profile
#10092 03:25.836 03:27.003 0 0 FellowMagentaAntelope66 's avatar FellowMagentaAntelope66 Sessions Profile
#10093 03:25.205 03:27.307 0 0 AngryCyanFlea63 's avatar AngryCyanFlea63 Sessions Profile
#10094 03:27.335 03:27.335 0 0 DistinctGrayQuokka65 's avatar DistinctGrayQuokka65 Sessions Profile
#10095 03:08.407 03:27.420 0 0 PleasedCoralMuskox46 's avatar PleasedCoralMuskox46 Sessions Profile
#10096 02:02.352 03:27.464 0 0 SharpTealCow67 's avatar SharpTealCow67 Sessions Profile
#10097 02:04.367 03:27.508 0 0 ConcreteTurquoiseEchidna43 's avatar ConcreteTurquoiseEchidna43 Sessions Profile
#10098 03:27.591 03:27.591 0 0 ContinuingAmberDamselfly10 's avatar ContinuingAmberDamselfly10 Sessions Profile
#10099 03:25.426 03:29.024 0 0 WastefulTomatoAnglerfish53 's avatar WastefulTomatoAnglerfish53 Sessions Profile
#10100 03:29.026 03:29.026 0 0 ExuberantChocolatePenguin74 's avatar ExuberantChocolatePenguin74 Sessions Profile
#10101 03:17.150 03:29.110 0 0 WhisperingSalmonToucan2 's avatar WhisperingSalmonToucan2 Sessions Profile
#10102 03:29.356 03:29.356 0 0 AbundantCopperBedbug56 's avatar AbundantCopperBedbug56 FR Sessions Profile
#10103 02:41.079 03:29.388 0 0 ShaggyEmeraldWhitefish73 's avatar ShaggyEmeraldWhitefish73 Sessions Profile
From 10001 to 10101 simracers of 10281