Krreritas Laptime

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January season Ranking Spa GT2/GT3

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From 1401 to 1501 simracers of 3577
Pos Best avg KPP KMP Simracer
#1401 02:23.818 02:28.714 0 4 JudicialAquaGibbon43 's avatar JudicialAquaGibbon43 Sessions Profile
#1402 02:28.552 02:28.716 0 0 CorporateSilverRaccoon20 's avatar CorporateSilverRaccoon20 CA Sessions Profile
#1403 02:25.814 02:28.719 0 1 SpareBlushLoon16 's avatar SpareBlushLoon16 Sessions Profile
#1404 02:26.653 02:28.720 0 0 EvolutionaryAmethystCobra61 's avatar EvolutionaryAmethystCobra61 Sessions Profile
#1405 02:24.940 02:28.723 0 0 ChosenGoldToad20 's avatar ChosenGoldToad20 PL Sessions Profile
#1406 02:25.540 02:28.742 25 7 GayCoffeeOtter57 's avatar GayCoffeeOtter57 FR Sessions Profile
#1407 02:24.890 02:28.744 0 3 GoldenMagentaCentipede46 's avatar GoldenMagentaCentipede46 Sessions Profile
#1408 02:22.349 02:28.746 33 5 YelpingBlueDuck92 's avatar YelpingBlueDuck92 IT Sessions Profile
#1409 02:25.260 02:28.752 0 1 DarkAzureNightingale98 's avatar DarkAzureNightingale98 IT Sessions Profile
#1410 02:28.755 02:28.755 0 0 StandardSalmonMackerel67 's avatar StandardSalmonMackerel67 Sessions Profile
#1411 02:27.068 02:28.775 0 0 SpicyAzureStingray97 's avatar SpicyAzureStingray97 Sessions Profile
#1412 02:22.114 02:28.778 0 10 RelativeCoffeeGamefowl4 's avatar RelativeCoffeeGamefowl4 Sessions Profile
#1413 02:27.340 02:28.790 0 0 FranticMagentaHarrier80 's avatar FranticMagentaHarrier80 IT Sessions Profile
#1414 02:25.250 02:28.793 0 1 Рабочая... 's avatar Рабочая... RU Sessions Profile
#1415 02:24.639 02:28.801 0 0 SufficientTurquoiseCondor56 's avatar SufficientTurquoiseCondor56 IT Sessions Profile
#1416 02:22.970 02:28.806 0 2 DailyMagentaHerring41 's avatar DailyMagentaHerring41 BE Sessions Profile
#1417 02:28.815 02:28.815 0 4 AggregateWhiteBobolink86 's avatar AggregateWhiteBobolink86 Sessions Profile
#1418 02:28.817 02:28.817 0 0 PurringBlueAnglerfish5 's avatar PurringBlueAnglerfish5 AR Sessions Profile
#1419 02:28.818 02:28.818 0 1 SovietFuchsiaMuskox49 's avatar SovietFuchsiaMuskox49 AR Sessions Profile
#1420 02:28.286 02:28.820 0 7 RelativeCoffeeGamefowl71 's avatar RelativeCoffeeGamefowl71 Sessions Profile
#1421 02:23.646 02:28.832 0 0 SelfishPurpleCentipede72 's avatar SelfishPurpleCentipede72 Sessions Profile
#1422 02:26.627 02:28.839 0 0 vaporboy 's avatar vaporboy ES Sessions Profile
#1423 02:26.344 02:28.848 0 0 SquealingTurquoiseHaddock70 's avatar SquealingTurquoiseHaddock70 Sessions Profile
#1424 02:25.450 02:28.855 0 0 ShaggyEmeraldWhitefish8 's avatar ShaggyEmeraldWhitefish8 Sessions Profile
#1425 02:28.594 02:28.859 0 0 DisastrousOliveGecko69 's avatar DisastrousOliveGecko69 IT Sessions Profile
#1426 02:26.303 02:28.860 0 0 FeministCoralQuokka36 's avatar FeministCoralQuokka36 Sessions Profile
#1427 02:25.339 02:28.861 0 1 ConcreteTurquoiseEchidna63 's avatar ConcreteTurquoiseEchidna63 BR Sessions Profile
#1428 02:25.518 02:28.864 0 3 ColdHarlequinBarnacle88 's avatar ColdHarlequinBarnacle88 Sessions Profile
#1429 02:28.873 02:28.873 0 3 ObligedOrangeStork58 's avatar ObligedOrangeStork58 Sessions Profile
#1430 02:26.140 02:28.876 0 0 SilkyLavenderPheasant10 's avatar SilkyLavenderPheasant10 BE Sessions Profile
#1431 02:28.880 02:28.880 0 2 ScaredAzureVicuna34 's avatar ScaredAzureVicuna34 Sessions Profile
#1432 02:25.920 02:28.898 0 7 SouthernGoldLark12 's avatar SouthernGoldLark12 IT Sessions Profile
#1433 02:25.499 02:28.899 0 8 BL4KS 's avatar BL4KS FR Sessions Profile
#1434 02:27.303 02:28.910 0 0 IsolatedCopperSturgeon83 's avatar IsolatedCopperSturgeon83 Sessions Profile
#1435 02:28.921 02:28.921 0 2 MildJadeBaboon87 's avatar MildJadeBaboon87 IT Sessions Profile
#1436 02:26.711 02:28.942 0 17 InformalTealManatee68 's avatar InformalTealManatee68 Sessions Profile
#1437 02:28.633 02:28.943 0 0 ThickMagentaEarthworm75 's avatar ThickMagentaEarthworm75 Sessions Profile
#1438 02:24.548 02:28.956 0 2 NegativeMoccasinGerbil97 's avatar NegativeMoccasinGerbil97 Sessions Profile
#1439 02:28.658 02:28.967 0 4 AlternativeMoccasinMosquito95 's avatar AlternativeMoccasinMosquito95 Sessions Profile
#1440 02:24.459 02:28.976 0 3 GeneticTurquoiseBass77 's avatar GeneticTurquoiseBass77 Sessions Profile
#1441 02:25.597 02:28.980 0 2 KnownBlushWasp28 's avatar KnownBlushWasp28 CZ Sessions Profile
#1442 02:23.845 02:28.988 0 3 IllegalGrayNewt66 's avatar IllegalGrayNewt66 Sessions Profile
#1443 02:29.007 02:29.007 0 3 FilthyBlueRaccoon8 's avatar FilthyBlueRaccoon8 IT Sessions Profile
#1444 02:24.000 02:29.014 0 1 RidiculousAmberSturgeon19 's avatar RidiculousAmberSturgeon19 PT Sessions Profile
#1445 02:23.968 02:29.016 0 0 ProvincialRedMandrill37 's avatar ProvincialRedMandrill37 TR Sessions Profile
#1446 02:25.412 02:29.019 0 2 AdditionalOrangeJay60 's avatar AdditionalOrangeJay60 IT Sessions Profile
#1447 02:24.917 02:29.022 0 0 RemarkableBronzeJellyfish84 's avatar RemarkableBronzeJellyfish84 Sessions Profile
#1448 02:27.775 02:29.024 0 7 CommonWhiteGoose20 's avatar CommonWhiteGoose20 Sessions Profile
#1449 02:21.497 02:29.025 29 1 broncogianluca3 's avatar broncogianluca3 Sessions Profile
#1450 02:29.028 02:29.028 0 0 ZonalGoldAngelfish47 's avatar ZonalGoldAngelfish47 PT Sessions Profile
#1451 02:22.772 02:29.035 0 0 FatWhiteHerring42 's avatar FatWhiteHerring42 Sessions Profile
#1452 02:26.816 02:29.045 0 0 JitteryPinkDormouse61 's avatar JitteryPinkDormouse61 Sessions Profile
#1453 02:24.772 02:29.045 0 2 ApplicableSapphireLouse29 's avatar ApplicableSapphireLouse29 Sessions Profile
#1454 02:24.247 02:29.068 0 1 MiserableAzureFinch62 's avatar MiserableAzureFinch62 IT Sessions Profile
#1455 02:25.315 02:29.073 0 0 RepresentativeWhiteEarwig92 's avatar RepresentativeWhiteEarwig92 CZ Sessions Profile
#1456 02:20.794 02:29.096 22 6 DifficultHarlequinCapybara94 's avatar DifficultHarlequinCapybara94 Sessions Profile
#1457 02:23.666 02:29.099 0 1 SatisfactoryTurquoiseKoi92 's avatar SatisfactoryTurquoiseKoi92 Sessions Profile
#1458 02:29.100 02:29.100 0 0 RelevantPinkHalibut86 's avatar RelevantPinkHalibut86 Sessions Profile
#1459 02:29.110 02:29.110 0 0 InvolvedHarlequinBoa52 's avatar InvolvedHarlequinBoa52 Sessions Profile
#1460 02:23.774 02:29.119 0 0 SharpTealCow48 's avatar SharpTealCow48 Sessions Profile
#1461 02:25.077 02:29.123 0 0 UselessAmethystKite8 's avatar UselessAmethystKite8 Sessions Profile
#1462 02:24.991 02:29.134 0 0 GoodRedStoat80 's avatar GoodRedStoat80 IT Sessions Profile
#1463 02:23.682 02:29.138 0 1 AutonomousAmberPorcupine27 's avatar AutonomousAmberPorcupine27 IT Sessions Profile
#1464 02:29.142 02:29.142 0 1 StatutoryPeachDonkey51 's avatar StatutoryPeachDonkey51 Sessions Profile
#1465 02:26.797 02:29.144 0 1 aleboeee 's avatar aleboeee IT Sessions Profile
#1466 02:27.013 02:29.146 0 0 FatOliveSalamander36 's avatar FatOliveSalamander36 FR Sessions Profile
#1467 02:23.611 02:29.153 0 3 Bolinha 's avatar Bolinha IT Sessions Profile
#1468 02:25.319 02:29.166 0 3 ObnoxiousBeigeTahr57 's avatar ObnoxiousBeigeTahr57 Sessions Profile
#1469 02:25.138 02:29.170 0 0 RearJadeAmphibian64 's avatar RearJadeAmphibian64 Sessions Profile
#1470 02:25.177 02:29.174 47 1 UnhappyCopperBobolink2 's avatar UnhappyCopperBobolink2 PT Sessions Profile
#1471 02:26.072 02:29.180 0 4 FollowingHarlequinPanther72 's avatar FollowingHarlequinPanther72 IT Sessions Profile
#1472 02:28.829 02:29.181 0 2 ArmedPinkEgret38 's avatar ArmedPinkEgret38 IT Sessions Profile
#1473 02:28.354 02:29.182 0 0 FrontBronzeMoose95 's avatar FrontBronzeMoose95 IT Sessions Profile
#1474 02:20.263 02:29.193 0 0 PunyMagentaAnteater23 's avatar PunyMagentaAnteater23 DE Sessions Profile
#1475 02:26.756 02:29.194 0 2 RivalBeigeHornet69 's avatar RivalBeigeHornet69 CU Sessions Profile
#1476 02:22.368 02:29.194 0 0 StaticPlumMollusk52 's avatar StaticPlumMollusk52 BR Sessions Profile
#1477 02:21.881 02:29.196 0 8 ConcreteTurquoiseEchidna28 's avatar ConcreteTurquoiseEchidna28 Sessions Profile
#1478 02:27.104 02:29.205 0 0 StiffCrimsonRaccoon34 's avatar StiffCrimsonRaccoon34 DE Sessions Profile
#1479 02:25.412 02:29.210 0 0 TiredCopperLimpet66 's avatar TiredCopperLimpet66 IT Sessions Profile
#1480 02:26.065 02:29.220 0 3 SpotlessGoldAnteater17 's avatar SpotlessGoldAnteater17 Sessions Profile
#1481 02:23.167 02:29.221 0 2 VitalAquamarineOrca3 's avatar VitalAquamarineOrca3 Sessions Profile
#1482 02:28.110 02:29.242 0 0 XenophobicTomatoAnteater26 's avatar XenophobicTomatoAnteater26 Sessions Profile
#1483 02:27.177 02:29.243 0 0 ApplicableSapphireLouse14 's avatar ApplicableSapphireLouse14 Sessions Profile
#1484 02:26.202 02:29.249 0 0 NuclearAmaranthOstrich97 's avatar NuclearAmaranthOstrich97 ZA Sessions Profile
#1485 02:20.905 02:29.257 49 8 MusicalSapphireNewt3 's avatar MusicalSapphireNewt3 Sessions Profile
#1486 02:24.986 02:29.258 0 0 Yuuki 's avatar Yuuki IT Sessions Profile
#1487 02:29.261 02:29.261 0 4 KnownBlushWasp20 's avatar KnownBlushWasp20 IT Sessions Profile
#1488 02:22.218 02:29.262 0 0 SilkyLavenderPheasant9 's avatar SilkyLavenderPheasant9 Sessions Profile
#1489 02:28.760 02:29.281 0 0 OkayTealDolphin78 's avatar OkayTealDolphin78 Sessions Profile
#1490 02:24.542 02:29.284 0 29 InformalTealManatee16 's avatar InformalTealManatee16 Sessions Profile
#1491 02:25.035 02:29.286 0 5 HonSilverCephalopod16 's avatar HonSilverCephalopod16 Sessions Profile
#1492 02:22.944 02:29.302 0 3 ComingRosePanther74 's avatar ComingRosePanther74 BR Sessions Profile
#1493 02:24.410 02:29.304 0 12 ElatedOrangeElephant16 's avatar ElatedOrangeElephant16 IT Sessions Profile
#1494 02:29.313 02:29.313 0 0 ExuberantChocolatePenguin1 's avatar ExuberantChocolatePenguin1 Sessions Profile
#1495 02:22.105 02:29.318 0 6 FuriousBrownHoverfly60 's avatar FuriousBrownHoverfly60 CA Sessions Profile
#1496 02:24.784 02:29.322 0 2 FlakySapphireEel38 's avatar FlakySapphireEel38 Sessions Profile
#1497 02:28.095 02:29.334 0 0 FirmWhiteLeopon15 's avatar FirmWhiteLeopon15 UA Sessions Profile
#1498 02:23.089 02:29.342 0 0 ExtraordinaryHarlequinGiraffe41 's avatar ExtraordinaryHarlequinGiraffe41 BA Sessions Profile
#1499 02:29.343 02:29.343 0 1 FavouriteMaroonSeahorse15 's avatar FavouriteMaroonSeahorse15 Sessions Profile
#1500 02:26.436 02:29.349 0 1 Ytube OliverSpa77 's avatar Ytube OliverSpa77 Sessions Profile
From 1401 to 1501 simracers of 3577