Krreritas Laptime

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April season Ranking Spa GT2/GT3

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From 6001 to 6101 simracers of 6589
Pos Best avg KPP KMP Simracer
#6002 02:58.557 02:58.557 0 0 MentalEmeraldLungfish81 's avatar MentalEmeraldLungfish81 Sessions Profile
#6003 02:32.460 02:58.564 0 0 MentalEmeraldLungfish71 's avatar MentalEmeraldLungfish71 IT Sessions Profile
#6004 02:58.566 02:58.566 0 0 HushedApricotDamselfly49 's avatar HushedApricotDamselfly49 Sessions Profile
#6005 02:48.829 02:58.577 0 0 ObjectiveApricotHaddock48 's avatar ObjectiveApricotHaddock48 Sessions Profile
#6006 02:46.055 02:58.586 0 1 s1mplyj3str 's avatar s1mplyj3str Sessions Profile
#6007 02:58.608 02:58.608 0 0 ConcreteTurquoiseEchidna30 's avatar ConcreteTurquoiseEchidna30 Sessions Profile
#6008 02:58.671 02:58.671 0 0 SlipperyScarletRooster21 's avatar SlipperyScarletRooster21 Sessions Profile
#6009 02:58.671 02:58.671 0 0 BadEmeraldCougar29 's avatar BadEmeraldCougar29 Sessions Profile
#6010 02:32.873 02:58.671 0 0 FamousBeigeMonkey77 's avatar FamousBeigeMonkey77 NL Sessions Profile
#6011 02:58.747 02:58.747 0 0 XerothermicGrayCondor53 's avatar XerothermicGrayCondor53 IT Sessions Profile
#6012 02:58.747 02:58.747 0 0 SeniorTurquoiseBison56 's avatar SeniorTurquoiseBison56 IT Sessions Profile
#6013 02:58.764 02:58.764 0 0 RelativeCoffeeGamefowl1 's avatar RelativeCoffeeGamefowl1 Sessions Profile
#6014 02:58.766 02:58.766 0 0 WorthyTurquoiseMarmoset54 's avatar WorthyTurquoiseMarmoset54 Sessions Profile
#6015 02:37.006 02:58.784 0 0 LightSilverLadybug80 's avatar LightSilverLadybug80 Sessions Profile
#6016 02:42.345 02:58.784 0 0 DivinePlumClam13 's avatar DivinePlumClam13 Sessions Profile
#6017 02:51.794 02:58.787 0 0 CasualBlushBird29 's avatar CasualBlushBird29 Sessions Profile
#6018 02:53.810 02:58.885 0 0 SoftMoccasinMole57 's avatar SoftMoccasinMole57 Sessions Profile
#6019 02:38.549 02:58.905 0 0 CorporateSilverRaccoon38 's avatar CorporateSilverRaccoon38 Sessions Profile
#6020 02:33.966 02:58.928 0 0 FlatGreenKiwi71 's avatar FlatGreenKiwi71 Sessions Profile
#6021 02:24.588 02:58.974 0 0 PurringBlueAnglerfish49 's avatar PurringBlueAnglerfish49 Sessions Profile
#6022 02:43.703 02:58.992 0 0 ChosenGoldToad81 's avatar ChosenGoldToad81 Sessions Profile
#6023 02:54.078 02:59.000 0 0 ResidentApricotDeer45 's avatar ResidentApricotDeer45 Sessions Profile
#6024 02:57.789 02:59.012 0 0 CombinedLimeKoi41 's avatar CombinedLimeKoi41 FR Sessions Profile
#6025 02:59.039 02:59.039 0 0 SoundSilverSquid38 's avatar SoundSilverSquid38 Sessions Profile
#6026 02:59.057 02:59.057 0 0 ConcreteTurquoiseEchidna62 's avatar ConcreteTurquoiseEchidna62 FR Sessions Profile
#6027 02:42.403 02:59.068 0 0 AutonomousAmberPorcupine83 's avatar AutonomousAmberPorcupine83 Sessions Profile
#6028 02:46.536 02:59.073 0 0 UnableCrimsonCrab48 's avatar UnableCrimsonCrab48 Sessions Profile
#6029 02:59.093 02:59.093 0 0 AmusedTealWildfowl53 's avatar AmusedTealWildfowl53 Sessions Profile
#6030 02:59.155 02:59.155 0 0 CrudeHarlequinLeopon22 's avatar CrudeHarlequinLeopon22 Sessions Profile
#6031 02:44.237 02:59.158 0 0 ScaredAzureVicuna32 's avatar ScaredAzureVicuna32 Sessions Profile
#6032 02:59.195 02:59.195 0 0 DifficultHarlequinCapybara19 's avatar DifficultHarlequinCapybara19 FR Sessions Profile
#6033 02:47.297 02:59.206 0 0 IllegalGrayNewt50 's avatar IllegalGrayNewt50 Sessions Profile
#6034 02:59.232 02:59.232 0 0 MarxistTomatoFerret66 's avatar MarxistTomatoFerret66 IT Sessions Profile
#6035 02:37.530 02:59.237 0 0 SickTomatoFox64 's avatar SickTomatoFox64 Sessions Profile
#6036 02:45.484 02:59.269 0 0 ApplicableSapphireLouse50 's avatar ApplicableSapphireLouse50 Sessions Profile
#6037 02:55.054 02:59.292 0 0 VitalAquamarineOrca38 's avatar VitalAquamarineOrca38 FR Sessions Profile
#6038 02:53.258 02:59.320 0 0 ExtraordinaryHarlequinGiraffe46 's avatar ExtraordinaryHarlequinGiraffe46 Sessions Profile
#6039 02:55.306 02:59.339 0 0 SpontaneousCopperCrayfish40 's avatar SpontaneousCopperCrayfish40 IT Sessions Profile
#6040 02:47.282 02:59.342 0 0 GoldenMagentaCentipede31 's avatar GoldenMagentaCentipede31 Sessions Profile
#6041 02:59.353 02:59.353 0 0 HighApricotSturgeon36 's avatar HighApricotSturgeon36 Sessions Profile
#6042 02:52.825 02:59.360 0 0 ProvincialScarletSlug6 's avatar ProvincialScarletSlug6 Sessions Profile
#6043 02:54.864 02:59.398 0 0 SportingOrangeKite57 's avatar SportingOrangeKite57 BR Sessions Profile
#6044 02:45.433 02:59.406 0 0 XenaciousPurpleLouse45 's avatar XenaciousPurpleLouse45 Sessions Profile
#6045 02:35.079 02:59.435 0 0 Alpha 's avatar Alpha Sessions Profile
#6046 02:42.965 02:59.459 0 0 FlexibleAquamarineMite96 's avatar FlexibleAquamarineMite96 Sessions Profile
#6047 02:59.461 02:59.461 0 0 SecretAmethystLeopard69 's avatar SecretAmethystLeopard69 Sessions Profile
#6048 02:58.782 02:59.476 0 5 KeenOliveThrush49 's avatar KeenOliveThrush49 Sessions Profile
#6049 02:59.554 02:59.554 0 0 DeafeningCopperGalliform78 's avatar DeafeningCopperGalliform78 Sessions Profile
#6050 02:59.565 02:59.565 0 0 StandardSalmonMackerel56 's avatar StandardSalmonMackerel56 Sessions Profile
#6051 02:59.609 02:59.609 0 0 CharmingLavenderQuelea37 's avatar CharmingLavenderQuelea37 Sessions Profile
#6052 02:50.507 02:59.678 0 0 SurroundingWhiteMarmot74 's avatar SurroundingWhiteMarmot74 Sessions Profile
#6053 02:59.716 02:59.716 0 0 LiveYellowSkink80 's avatar LiveYellowSkink80 Sessions Profile
#6054 02:39.446 02:59.717 0 0 DailyHarlequinGrasshopper30 's avatar DailyHarlequinGrasshopper30 Sessions Profile
#6055 02:50.109 02:59.734 0 0 RealisticRedStingray82 's avatar RealisticRedStingray82 US Sessions Profile
#6056 02:30.480 02:59.736 0 0 FuriousBrownHoverfly27 's avatar FuriousBrownHoverfly27 Sessions Profile
#6057 02:43.761 02:59.754 0 0 DoubtfulAmethystSloth65 's avatar DoubtfulAmethystSloth65 Sessions Profile
#6058 02:51.107 02:59.903 0 0 SureBrownCentipede58 's avatar SureBrownCentipede58 IT Sessions Profile
#6059 02:44.230 02:59.910 0 0 InformalTealManatee79 's avatar InformalTealManatee79 Sessions Profile
#6060 02:51.527 02:59.952 0 0 ControlledSilverGrouse42 's avatar ControlledSilverGrouse42 BR Sessions Profile
#6061 02:53.945 02:59.954 0 2 YelpingBlueDuck13 's avatar YelpingBlueDuck13 Sessions Profile
#6062 02:40.073 02:59.959 0 0 ProvincialScarletSlug58 's avatar ProvincialScarletSlug58 Sessions Profile
#6063 02:54.602 02:59.996 0 0 VoluminousAmberBandicoot45 's avatar VoluminousAmberBandicoot45 PT Sessions Profile
#6064 03:00.024 03:00.024 0 0 InlandAmberFlamingo60 's avatar InlandAmberFlamingo60 NO Sessions Profile
#6065 02:53.707 03:00.050 0 0 RemarkableBronzeJellyfish58 's avatar RemarkableBronzeJellyfish58 Sessions Profile
#6066 03:00.054 03:00.054 0 0 ControlledSilverGrouse67 's avatar ControlledSilverGrouse67 Sessions Profile
#6067 03:00.074 03:00.074 0 0 DoubtfulAmethystSloth48 's avatar DoubtfulAmethystSloth48 IT Sessions Profile
#6068 03:00.094 03:00.094 0 0 RidiculousAmberSturgeon50 's avatar RidiculousAmberSturgeon50 Sessions Profile
#6069 03:00.112 03:00.112 0 0 ForthcomingCyanCockroach36 's avatar ForthcomingCyanCockroach36 Sessions Profile
#6070 02:43.965 03:00.121 0 0 MightyAquaPython37 's avatar MightyAquaPython37 Sessions Profile
#6071 02:45.791 03:00.140 0 0 IdeologicalAmberHippopotamus38 's avatar IdeologicalAmberHippopotamus38 ES Sessions Profile
#6072 03:00.167 03:00.167 0 0 NakedCoralSnail22 's avatar NakedCoralSnail22 RU Sessions Profile
#6073 02:55.137 03:00.233 0 0 LightSilverLadybug65 's avatar LightSilverLadybug65 Sessions Profile
#6074 02:42.979 03:00.245 0 0 SickTomatoFox30 's avatar SickTomatoFox30 Sessions Profile
#6075 02:56.465 03:00.322 0 0 FluffyLimeGerbil13 's avatar FluffyLimeGerbil13 IT Sessions Profile
#6076 03:00.403 03:00.403 0 0 RobustIndigoGopher87 's avatar RobustIndigoGopher87 IT Sessions Profile
#6077 02:49.115 03:00.443 0 0 FeministCoralQuokka33 's avatar FeministCoralQuokka33 Sessions Profile
#6078 03:00.454 03:00.454 0 7 AbundantCopperBedbug72 's avatar AbundantCopperBedbug72 Sessions Profile
#6079 02:48.960 03:00.456 0 0 UnevenRoseThrush89 's avatar UnevenRoseThrush89 Sessions Profile
#6080 02:29.402 03:00.553 0 0 MonthlyBlackElk39 's avatar MonthlyBlackElk39 Sessions Profile
#6081 02:47.473 03:00.590 0 0 beatriz_adam 's avatar beatriz_adam Sessions Profile
#6082 02:39.354 03:00.592 0 0 HistoricalSapphireCarp16 's avatar HistoricalSapphireCarp16 Sessions Profile
#6083 03:00.595 03:00.595 0 0 SlipperyScarletRooster94 's avatar SlipperyScarletRooster94 IT Sessions Profile
#6084 03:00.612 03:00.630 0 0 TiredCopperLimpet33 's avatar TiredCopperLimpet33 Sessions Profile
#6085 02:54.025 03:00.646 0 0 RealisticRedStingray40 's avatar RealisticRedStingray40 Sessions Profile
#6086 02:26.110 03:00.654 0 0 HushedAquaKangaroo40 's avatar HushedAquaKangaroo40 Sessions Profile
#6087 02:42.440 03:00.674 0 0 PunyMagentaAnteater36 's avatar PunyMagentaAnteater36 Sessions Profile
#6088 02:41.154 03:00.714 0 0 GradualCrimsonWalrus18 's avatar GradualCrimsonWalrus18 Sessions Profile
#6089 02:51.786 03:00.720 0 0 ExtraordinarySapphireHaddock18 's avatar ExtraordinarySapphireHaddock18 Sessions Profile
#6090 02:32.127 03:00.773 0 0 ProvincialSapphireEel10 's avatar ProvincialSapphireEel10 IT Sessions Profile
#6091 03:00.785 03:00.785 0 0 LowBlackBovid53 's avatar LowBlackBovid53 IT Sessions Profile
#6092 02:50.131 03:00.793 0 0 HonSilverCephalopod95 's avatar HonSilverCephalopod95 IT Sessions Profile
#6093 03:00.820 03:00.820 0 0 SelectedIvoryBobcat34 's avatar SelectedIvoryBobcat34 Sessions Profile
#6094 02:36.623 03:00.822 0 0 FollowingHarlequinPanther97 's avatar FollowingHarlequinPanther97 PL Sessions Profile
#6095 02:37.048 03:00.844 0 0 RespectableVioletAmphibian72 's avatar RespectableVioletAmphibian72 Sessions Profile
#6096 03:00.899 03:00.899 0 0 aceradriel 's avatar aceradriel PR Sessions Profile
#6097 03:00.906 03:00.906 0 0 FutureMoccasinWolverine24 's avatar FutureMoccasinWolverine24 IT Sessions Profile
#6098 02:47.528 03:00.926 0 0 AppropriatePinkPheasant22 's avatar AppropriatePinkPheasant22 Sessions Profile
#6099 02:36.079 03:01.002 0 0 OuterCyanQuelea53 's avatar OuterCyanQuelea53 Sessions Profile
#6100 02:45.361 03:01.044 0 0 Stenbocken 's avatar Stenbocken Sessions Profile
#6101 03:01.046 03:01.046 0 0 MiserableTanFlamingo79 's avatar MiserableTanFlamingo79 Sessions Profile
From 6001 to 6101 simracers of 6589