Krreritas Laptime

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April season Ranking Spa GT2/GT3

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From 6101 to 6201 simracers of 6589
Pos Best avg KPP KMP Simracer
#6102 03:01.052 03:01.052 0 0 DoubleSilverRaven55 's avatar DoubleSilverRaven55 CH Sessions Profile
#6103 03:01.065 03:01.065 0 0 SuddenScarletWhale31 's avatar SuddenScarletWhale31 Sessions Profile
#6104 02:34.655 03:01.118 0 0 RadicalCoralPeacock86 's avatar RadicalCoralPeacock86 IT Sessions Profile
#6105 03:01.147 03:01.147 0 0 ApplicableSapphireLouse21 's avatar ApplicableSapphireLouse21 Sessions Profile
#6106 02:58.606 03:01.160 0 1 LowBlackBovid25 's avatar LowBlackBovid25 PL Sessions Profile
#6107 03:01.167 03:01.167 0 0 MisleadingRedAlbatross77 's avatar MisleadingRedAlbatross77 Sessions Profile
#6108 03:01.192 03:01.192 0 0 SpotlessGoldAnteater58 's avatar SpotlessGoldAnteater58 Sessions Profile
#6109 02:57.920 03:01.230 0 0 StrangePeachHawk70 's avatar StrangePeachHawk70 Sessions Profile
#6110 03:01.239 03:01.239 0 0 WispyMoccasinCrane37 's avatar WispyMoccasinCrane37 Sessions Profile
#6111 02:47.182 03:01.282 0 0 XerothermicGrayCondor47 's avatar XerothermicGrayCondor47 Sessions Profile
#6112 03:01.286 03:01.286 0 0 InterestingAquaKangaroo4 's avatar InterestingAquaKangaroo4 Sessions Profile
#6113 02:47.023 03:01.287 0 0 RidiculousAmberSturgeon43 's avatar RidiculousAmberSturgeon43 IT Sessions Profile
#6114 02:36.924 03:01.306 0 0 SilkyLavenderPheasant38 's avatar SilkyLavenderPheasant38 IT Sessions Profile
#6115 02:38.814 03:01.502 0 5 DoubleSilverRaven54 's avatar DoubleSilverRaven54 Sessions Profile
#6116 03:00.120 03:01.504 0 0 FutureMoccasinWolverine36 's avatar FutureMoccasinWolverine36 Sessions Profile
#6117 02:36.327 03:01.544 0 0 RichMoccasinOrangutan43 's avatar RichMoccasinOrangutan43 IT Sessions Profile
#6118 03:01.572 03:01.572 0 0 ItsAlee 's avatar ItsAlee IT Sessions Profile
#6119 02:55.080 03:01.611 0 0 CommercialCrimsonSilverfish71 's avatar CommercialCrimsonSilverfish71 IT Sessions Profile
#6120 03:00.170 03:01.641 0 0 SingleTanShrimp83 's avatar SingleTanShrimp83 Sessions Profile
#6121 02:45.064 03:01.657 0 0 InstantCopperCoyote45 's avatar InstantCopperCoyote45 Sessions Profile
#6122 03:01.665 03:01.665 0 0 MedievalScarletWasp29 's avatar MedievalScarletWasp29 Sessions Profile
#6123 03:01.666 03:01.666 0 0 SpareBlushLoon70 's avatar SpareBlushLoon70 Sessions Profile
#6124 03:01.675 03:01.675 0 0 FavourablePeachWarbler26 's avatar FavourablePeachWarbler26 IT Sessions Profile
#6125 02:40.531 03:01.691 0 0 CommonWhiteGoose4 's avatar CommonWhiteGoose4 Sessions Profile
#6126 03:01.693 03:01.693 0 0 DailyHarlequinGrasshopper90 's avatar DailyHarlequinGrasshopper90 DE Sessions Profile
#6127 03:01.694 03:01.694 0 0 DailyHarlequinGrasshopper85 's avatar DailyHarlequinGrasshopper85 BR Sessions Profile
#6128 02:38.075 03:01.722 0 0 AutomaticEmeraldErmine6 's avatar AutomaticEmeraldErmine6 IT Sessions Profile
#6129 03:01.750 03:01.750 0 0 Mixo 's avatar Mixo IT Sessions Profile
#6130 03:01.773 03:01.773 0 0 MisleadingAmberMule8 's avatar MisleadingAmberMule8 Sessions Profile
#6131 03:01.774 03:01.774 0 0 DisastrousOliveGecko86 's avatar DisastrousOliveGecko86 Sessions Profile
#6132 02:48.577 03:01.932 0 0 RuralBronzeSturgeon73 's avatar RuralBronzeSturgeon73 Sessions Profile
#6133 02:50.324 03:01.992 0 0 SufficientTurquoiseCondor43 's avatar SufficientTurquoiseCondor43 Sessions Profile
#6134 02:44.530 03:02.015 0 0 UrgentPeachYak63 's avatar UrgentPeachYak63 Sessions Profile
#6135 02:43.926 03:02.037 0 0 ThickMagentaEarthworm75 's avatar ThickMagentaEarthworm75 IT Sessions Profile
#6136 03:02.074 03:02.074 0 0 MereAmaranthTurtle24 's avatar MereAmaranthTurtle24 Sessions Profile
#6137 02:43.917 03:02.098 0 0 StrangePeachHawk40 's avatar StrangePeachHawk40 Sessions Profile
#6138 02:58.161 03:02.176 0 0 UnconsciousIvoryNarwhal7 's avatar UnconsciousIvoryNarwhal7 Sessions Profile
#6139 02:43.506 03:02.194 0 0 ScaredAzureVicuna83 's avatar ScaredAzureVicuna83 FI Sessions Profile
#6140 03:02.213 03:02.213 0 0 LowBlackBovid50 's avatar LowBlackBovid50 ES Sessions Profile
#6141 03:02.214 03:02.214 0 0 MentalLavenderQuail64 's avatar MentalLavenderQuail64 Sessions Profile
#6142 02:47.844 03:02.236 0 0 DampGoldAsp47 's avatar DampGoldAsp47 IT Sessions Profile
#6143 03:02.278 03:02.278 0 0 YieldingRedPig59 's avatar YieldingRedPig59 Sessions Profile
#6144 02:44.542 03:02.300 0 0 GoldenMagentaCentipede15 's avatar GoldenMagentaCentipede15 Sessions Profile
#6145 03:02.426 03:02.426 0 0 NearIvoryTortoise76 's avatar NearIvoryTortoise76 Sessions Profile
#6146 03:02.435 03:02.435 0 0 alepas 's avatar alepas Sessions Profile
#6147 02:42.375 03:02.447 0 0 DisabledEmeraldCoyote51 's avatar DisabledEmeraldCoyote51 Sessions Profile
#6148 03:02.490 03:02.490 0 0 GrotesqueLimeFly11 's avatar GrotesqueLimeFly11 Sessions Profile
#6149 03:01.692 03:02.506 0 0 SuitableMoccasinTarantula6 's avatar SuitableMoccasinTarantula6 Sessions Profile
#6150 02:30.768 03:02.581 0 6 SportingOrangeKite88 's avatar SportingOrangeKite88 Sessions Profile
#6151 03:01.990 03:02.654 0 0 YieldingGoldGrasshopper85 's avatar YieldingGoldGrasshopper85 Sessions Profile
#6152 03:02.658 03:02.658 0 0 AdditionalOrangeJay79 's avatar AdditionalOrangeJay79 Sessions Profile
#6153 03:02.669 03:02.669 0 0 ProposedBeigeCanid91 's avatar ProposedBeigeCanid91 Sessions Profile
#6154 02:52.118 03:02.700 0 0 TastyJadeTick2 's avatar TastyJadeTick2 Sessions Profile
#6155 02:44.233 03:02.720 0 0 IdeologicalAmberHippopotamus70 's avatar IdeologicalAmberHippopotamus70 Sessions Profile
#6156 02:58.525 03:02.743 0 0 GetHaunted 's avatar GetHaunted Sessions Profile
#6157 02:51.834 03:02.754 0 0 ForthcomingCyanCockroach74 's avatar ForthcomingCyanCockroach74 Sessions Profile
#6158 03:02.792 03:02.792 0 0 IdealSilverPorpoise66 's avatar IdealSilverPorpoise66 Sessions Profile
#6159 03:02.881 03:02.881 0 0 ExistingGoldDonkey81 's avatar ExistingGoldDonkey81 Sessions Profile
#6160 03:02.901 03:02.901 0 0 StatutoryPeachDonkey19 's avatar StatutoryPeachDonkey19 Sessions Profile
#6161 02:51.209 03:02.915 0 0 ImpressedSalmonPtarmigan36 's avatar ImpressedSalmonPtarmigan36 Sessions Profile
#6162 02:55.420 03:02.936 0 0 WhisperingSalmonToucan5 's avatar WhisperingSalmonToucan5 FR Sessions Profile
#6163 03:02.998 03:02.998 0 0 CertainBronzePiranha58 's avatar CertainBronzePiranha58 Sessions Profile
#6164 02:35.643 03:03.064 0 0 StiffCrimsonRaccoon29 's avatar StiffCrimsonRaccoon29 Sessions Profile
#6165 03:03.093 03:03.093 0 0 MentalEmeraldLungfish58 's avatar MentalEmeraldLungfish58 Sessions Profile
#6166 03:03.143 03:03.143 0 0 CommonMaroonRoadrunner85 's avatar CommonMaroonRoadrunner85 Sessions Profile
#6167 02:39.226 03:03.146 0 4 DivineCrimsonDolphin54 's avatar DivineCrimsonDolphin54 Sessions Profile
#6168 02:57.071 03:03.165 0 0 IndustrialOlivePanda26 's avatar IndustrialOlivePanda26 FR Sessions Profile
#6169 02:34.454 03:03.237 0 0 CommunistCyanPheasant69 's avatar CommunistCyanPheasant69 Sessions Profile
#6170 03:03.240 03:03.240 0 0 XenaciousPurpleLouse24 's avatar XenaciousPurpleLouse24 IT Sessions Profile
#6171 02:39.958 03:03.267 0 0 SpareBlushLoon18 's avatar SpareBlushLoon18 IT Sessions Profile
#6172 02:43.524 03:03.304 0 0 VariableTealDinosaur89 's avatar VariableTealDinosaur89 Sessions Profile
#6173 02:54.059 03:03.358 0 0 RuralBronzeSturgeon54 's avatar RuralBronzeSturgeon54 HU Sessions Profile
#6174 02:44.456 03:03.361 0 0 GastricCyanMackerel85 's avatar GastricCyanMackerel85 Sessions Profile
#6175 02:36.069 03:03.384 0 0 ScrawnyGreenLandfowl95 's avatar ScrawnyGreenLandfowl95 IT Sessions Profile
#6176 02:53.989 03:03.394 0 0 CrazyFuchsiaAnt59 's avatar CrazyFuchsiaAnt59 Sessions Profile
#6177 02:38.700 03:03.419 0 0 HonSilverCephalopod77 's avatar HonSilverCephalopod77 Sessions Profile
#6178 03:03.424 03:03.424 0 0 TheoreticalLavenderKingfisher95 's avatar TheoreticalLavenderKingfisher95 Sessions Profile
#6179 03:03.428 03:03.428 0 0 SovietFuchsiaMuskox80 's avatar SovietFuchsiaMuskox80 Sessions Profile
#6180 02:44.835 03:03.448 0 0 FrontBronzeMoose2 's avatar FrontBronzeMoose2 Sessions Profile
#6181 02:35.638 03:03.455 0 0 SemanticScarletEagle97 's avatar SemanticScarletEagle97 Sessions Profile
#6182 03:03.491 03:03.491 0 0 BetterBlackHyena95 's avatar BetterBlackHyena95 Sessions Profile
#6183 02:33.226 03:03.552 0 0 EntireEmeraldElephant41 's avatar EntireEmeraldElephant41 Sessions Profile
#6184 02:57.732 03:03.586 0 0 OkayTealDolphin44 's avatar OkayTealDolphin44 IT Sessions Profile
#6185 03:00.545 03:03.792 0 0 ExpensiveRedToad79 's avatar ExpensiveRedToad79 Sessions Profile
#6186 03:03.800 03:03.800 0 0 SuspiciousWhiteWolf78 's avatar SuspiciousWhiteWolf78 IT Sessions Profile
#6187 02:58.010 03:03.871 0 0 MightyAquaPython57 's avatar MightyAquaPython57 Sessions Profile
#6188 03:03.986 03:03.986 0 0 NastyAquamarineBovid57 's avatar NastyAquamarineBovid57 DE Sessions Profile
#6189 03:03.993 03:03.993 0 0 ArtificialPeachGuppy28 's avatar ArtificialPeachGuppy28 IT Sessions Profile
#6190 02:52.993 03:04.010 0 0 MarkedBlushZebra23 's avatar MarkedBlushZebra23 Sessions Profile
#6191 02:40.376 03:04.036 0 0 RelevantPinkHalibut11 's avatar RelevantPinkHalibut11 IT Sessions Profile
#6192 03:04.057 03:04.057 0 0 FirmWhiteLeopon40 's avatar FirmWhiteLeopon40 IT Sessions Profile
#6193 02:53.125 03:04.059 0 0 CharmingLavenderQuelea91 's avatar CharmingLavenderQuelea91 Sessions Profile
#6194 02:40.286 03:04.088 0 0 RulingSapphireHarrier62 's avatar RulingSapphireHarrier62 Sessions Profile
#6195 02:47.605 03:04.096 0 0 HonSilverCephalopod27 's avatar HonSilverCephalopod27 Sessions Profile
#6196 03:04.122 03:04.122 0 0 FuzzyBlueCattle73 's avatar FuzzyBlueCattle73 IT Sessions Profile
#6197 03:04.144 03:04.144 0 0 BreezyRedPheasant62 's avatar BreezyRedPheasant62 Sessions Profile
#6198 02:53.039 03:04.157 0 0 PrimaryMagentaLobster4 's avatar PrimaryMagentaLobster4 Sessions Profile
#6199 02:37.244 03:04.162 0 0 MisleadingRedAlbatross50 's avatar MisleadingRedAlbatross50 Sessions Profile
#6200 02:33.056 03:04.214 0 0 SovietFuchsiaMuskox70 's avatar SovietFuchsiaMuskox70 IT Sessions Profile
#6201 02:55.505 03:04.287 0 0 ZygoticAzureReindeer26 's avatar ZygoticAzureReindeer26 IT Sessions Profile
From 6101 to 6201 simracers of 6589