Session list

Spa Tatuus FA01 July Season

Showing from 1 to 51 sessions of 635
Date Event T Players Avg SP Avg SK Most Performant Winner Fastest lap
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q - / - - 0
Stats not computed yet
Stats not computed yet
Stats not computed yet
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 2/3 55 0
SP 81 SK 0 Avatar AdditionalOrangeJay62 BT 02:32.887 AT 02:41.922
Avatar AdditionalOrangeJay62 BT 02:32.887 AT 02:41.922
Avatar AdditionalOrangeJay62 BT 02:32.887 AT 02:41.922
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q - / - - 0
Stats not computed yet
Stats not computed yet
Stats not computed yet
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 1/15 24 1
SP 83 SK 0 Avatar PerfectIvoryLouse89 FR BT 02:25.859 AT 02:26.612
Avatar DearRoseSwift64 BT 02:31.126 AT 02:33.476
Avatar PerfectIvoryLouse89 FR BT 02:25.859 AT 02:26.612
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/4 23 5
SP 92 SK 0 Avatar ContinuingEmeraldCoyote42 ES BT 02:23.042 AT 02:23.042
Avatar ContinuingEmeraldCoyote42 ES BT 02:23.042 AT 02:23.042
Avatar ContinuingEmeraldCoyote42 ES BT 02:23.042 AT 02:23.042
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/2 - 0
SP 0 SK 0 Avatar DearRoseSwift13 BT - AT -
Avatar DearRoseSwift13 BT - AT -
Stats not computed yet
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 2/8 47 1
SP 94 SK 0 Avatar LengthyAmberPorcupine1 BT 02:26.425 AT 02:34.022
Avatar LengthyAmberPorcupine1 BT 02:26.425 AT 02:34.022
Avatar LengthyAmberPorcupine1 BT 02:26.425 AT 02:34.022
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/1 - 0
SP 0 SK 0 Avatar AbundantCoffeeAntelope38 BT - AT -
Stats not computed yet
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 1/4 40 1
SP 81 SK 0 Avatar ViciousCrimsonOrangutan44 BT 02:29.489 AT 02:35.612
Avatar ViciousCrimsonOrangutan44 BT 02:29.489 AT 02:35.612
Avatar ViciousCrimsonOrangutan44 BT 02:29.489 AT 02:35.612
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 0/2 22 34
SP 44 SK 34 Avatar ViciousCrimsonOrangutan44 BT 03:03.755 AT 03:03.755
Avatar ViciousCrimsonOrangutan44 BT 03:03.755 AT 03:03.755
Avatar ViciousCrimsonOrangutan44 BT 03:03.755 AT 03:03.755
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 0/2 52 4
SP 61 SK 4 Avatar TotalWhiteKangaroo26 BT 02:34.449 AT 02:34.583
Avatar TotalWhiteKangaroo26 BT 02:34.449 AT 02:34.583
Avatar TotalWhiteKangaroo26 BT 02:34.449 AT 02:34.583
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q - / - - 0
Stats not computed yet
Stats not computed yet
Stats not computed yet
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 0/8 19 2
SP 92 SK 0 Avatar TotalWhiteKangaroo57 FR BT 02:23.660 AT 02:23.660
Avatar CommercialCrimsonSilverfish23 BT 02:30.753 AT 02:38.582
Avatar TotalWhiteKangaroo57 FR BT 02:23.660 AT 02:23.660
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q - / - - 0
Stats not computed yet
Stats not computed yet
Stats not computed yet
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 1/3 57 0
SP 95 SK 0 Avatar AbsentPeachPig53 DE BT 02:24.424 AT 02:27.061
Avatar AbsentPeachPig53 DE BT 02:24.424 AT 02:27.061
Avatar AbsentPeachPig53 DE BT 02:24.424 AT 02:27.061
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/3 28 2
SP 83 SK 3 Avatar SpicyAzureStingray65 BT 02:27.117 AT 02:27.117
Avatar SpicyAzureStingray65 BT 02:27.117 AT 02:27.117
Avatar SpicyAzureStingray65 BT 02:27.117 AT 02:27.117
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 1/25 15 5
SP 80 SK 0 Avatar RelativeTanStingray91 IT BT 02:28.543 AT 02:28.543
Avatar SpicyAzureStingray65 BT 02:28.691 AT 02:29.444
Avatar RelativeTanStingray91 IT BT 02:28.543 AT 02:28.543
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q - / - - 0
Stats not computed yet
Stats not computed yet
Stats not computed yet
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 1/2 50 1
SP 78 SK 0 Avatar MonthlyBlackElk78 IT BT 02:28.148 AT 02:36.283
Avatar MonthlyBlackElk78 IT BT 02:28.148 AT 02:36.283
Avatar MonthlyBlackElk78 IT BT 02:28.148 AT 02:36.283
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/2 86 0
SP 120 SK 0 Avatar MonthlyBlackElk78 IT BT 02:27.860 AT 02:27.860
Avatar MonthlyBlackElk78 IT BT 02:27.860 AT 02:27.860
Avatar MonthlyBlackElk78 IT BT 02:27.860 AT 02:27.860
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 1/2 52 0
SP 75 SK 0 Avatar MonthlyBlackElk78 IT BT 02:28.186 AT 02:29.012
Avatar MonthlyBlackElk78 IT BT 02:28.186 AT 02:29.012
Avatar MonthlyBlackElk78 IT BT 02:28.186 AT 02:29.012
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/2 - 0
SP 0 SK 0 Avatar MonthlyBlackElk78 IT BT - AT -
Avatar MonthlyBlackElk78 IT BT - AT -
Stats not computed yet
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 2/2 94 0
SP 116 SK 0 Avatar ResponsibleVioletBass22 BT 02:29.212 AT 02:33.167
Avatar ResponsibleVioletBass22 BT 02:29.212 AT 02:33.167
Avatar ResponsibleVioletBass22 BT 02:29.212 AT 02:33.167
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 1/2 72 0
SP 78 SK 0 Avatar ResponsibleVioletBass22 BT 02:32.127 AT 02:33.180
Avatar ResponsibleVioletBass22 BT 02:32.127 AT 02:33.180
Avatar ResponsibleVioletBass22 BT 02:32.127 AT 02:33.180
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 0/9 49 1
SP 89 SK 0 Avatar SDC_(JAY)dwj3w5 US BT 02:25.368 AT 02:25.368
Avatar GoodRedStoat46 IT BT 02:27.336 AT 02:31.574
Avatar SDC_(JAY)dwj3w5 US BT 02:25.368 AT 02:25.368
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 2/7 58 0
SP 138 SK 0 Avatar BlondeIndigoSmelt98 CA BT 02:24.205 AT 02:24.205
Avatar BlondeIndigoSmelt98 CA BT 02:24.205 AT 02:24.205
Avatar BlondeIndigoSmelt98 CA BT 02:24.205 AT 02:24.205
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 1/10 41 0
SP 85 SK 0 Avatar BlondeIndigoSmelt98 CA BT 02:25.537 AT 02:26.148
Avatar FavouriteMaroonSeahorse74 BT 02:33.835 AT 02:43.300
Avatar BlondeIndigoSmelt98 CA BT 02:25.537 AT 02:26.148
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 1/3 50 1
SP 106 SK 0 Avatar TerribleApricotEel84 BT 02:29.047 AT 02:29.434
Avatar TerribleApricotEel84 BT 02:29.047 AT 02:29.434
Avatar TerribleApricotEel84 BT 02:29.047 AT 02:29.434
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 1/17 33 3
SP 86 SK 0 Avatar DailyHarlequinGrasshopper23 BT 02:26.473 AT 02:26.473
Avatar TerribleApricotEel84 BT 02:34.550 AT 02:37.744
Avatar DailyHarlequinGrasshopper23 BT 02:26.473 AT 02:26.473
1w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 1/14 28 10
SP 76 SK 0 Avatar SovietFuchsiaMuskox59 IT BT 02:28.706 AT 02:29.185
Avatar RelevantPinkHalibut52 BT 03:10.441 AT 03:13.834
Avatar InteriorCopperPinniped1 BT 02:27.336 AT 02:47.418
2w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/2 - 0
SP 0 SK 0 Avatar ContinuingAmberDamselfly55 CA BT - AT -
Stats not computed yet
2w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 1/4 44 14
SP 72 SK 0 Avatar MiserableTanFlamingo14 IT BT 02:30.075 AT 02:30.316
Avatar MiserableTanFlamingo14 IT BT 02:30.075 AT 02:30.316
Avatar MiserableTanFlamingo14 IT BT 02:30.075 AT 02:30.316
2w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/2 - 0
SP 0 SK 0 Avatar GlobalPeachJunglefowl94 IT BT - AT -
Stats not computed yet
2w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 0/14 28 4
SP 81 SK 0 Avatar DeafPlumRaven15 BT 02:25.748 AT 02:27.500
Avatar ApplicableSapphireLouse21 BT 02:30.335 AT 02:30.581
Avatar DeafPlumRaven15 BT 02:25.748 AT 02:27.500
2w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q - / - - 0
Stats not computed yet
Stats not computed yet
Stats not computed yet
2w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 2/2 78 0
SP 93 SK 0 Avatar RollingAzureElk8 IT BT 02:29.705 AT 02:43.874
Avatar RollingAzureElk8 IT BT 02:29.705 AT 02:43.874
Avatar RollingAzureElk8 IT BT 02:29.705 AT 02:43.874
2w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/2 - 0
SP 0 SK 0 Avatar ConservativeGrayEchidna18 IT BT - AT -
Stats not computed yet
2w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 1/19 17 4
SP 70 SK 0 Avatar VoluntaryRoseMite81 BT 02:28.661 AT 02:33.071
Avatar SecondaryYellowFlamingo18 BT 02:38.153 AT 02:44.239
Avatar VoluntaryRoseMite81 BT 02:28.661 AT 02:33.071
2w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/2 - 14
SP 0 SK 9 Avatar LegalMagentaGoat45 BT - AT -
Avatar KeenOliveThrush35 BT - AT -
Stats not computed yet
2w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 2/2 82 0
SP 96 SK 0 Avatar YappiestTealHerring76 ES BT 02:28.539 AT 02:42.234
Avatar YappiestTealHerring76 ES BT 02:28.539 AT 02:42.234
Avatar YappiestTealHerring76 ES BT 02:28.539 AT 02:42.234
2w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/2 40 0
SP 80 SK 0 Avatar YappiestTealHerring76 ES BT 02:28.086 AT 02:28.086
Avatar YappiestTealHerring76 ES BT 02:28.086 AT 02:28.086
Avatar YappiestTealHerring76 ES BT 02:28.086 AT 02:28.086
2w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 0/2 24 0
SP 44 SK 0 Avatar ImpressedAmethystRabbit84 BT 03:03.849 AT 03:03.849
Avatar VicariousGreenStork15 IT BT 03:07.397 AT 03:07.397
Avatar ImpressedAmethystRabbit84 BT 03:03.849 AT 03:03.849
2w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/2 - 2
SP 0 SK 1 Avatar VicariousGreenStork15 IT BT - AT -
Stats not computed yet
2w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 0/14 20 21
SP 69 SK 0 Avatar MiserableTanFlamingo14 IT BT 02:30.969 AT 02:30.969
Avatar DailyHarlequinGrasshopper79 IT BT 02:30.963 AT 02:33.150
Avatar DailyHarlequinGrasshopper79 IT BT 02:30.963 AT 02:33.150
2w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/3 - 1
SP 0 SK 1 Avatar SacredBlackChameleon73 BT - AT -
Stats not computed yet
2w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 1/4 65 0
SP 118 SK 0 Avatar ResponsibleVioletBass76 BT 02:25.992 AT 02:27.106
Avatar ResponsibleVioletBass76 BT 02:25.992 AT 02:27.106
Avatar ResponsibleVioletBass76 BT 02:25.992 AT 02:27.106
2w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 1/6 39 0
SP 100 SK 0 Avatar ResponsibleVioletBass76 BT 02:25.294 AT 02:31.512
Avatar ResponsibleVioletBass76 BT 02:25.294 AT 02:31.512
Avatar ResponsibleVioletBass76 BT 02:25.294 AT 02:31.512
2w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 0/4 33 0
SP 80 SK 0 Avatar ResponsibleVioletBass76 BT 02:28.095 AT 02:28.095
Avatar ResponsibleVioletBass76 BT 02:28.095 AT 02:28.095
Avatar ResponsibleVioletBass76 BT 02:28.095 AT 02:28.095
2w ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 1/2 78 0
SP 114 SK 0 Avatar ResponsibleVioletBass76 BT 02:27.350 AT 02:28.129
Avatar ResponsibleVioletBass76 BT 02:27.350 AT 02:28.129
Avatar ResponsibleVioletBass76 BT 02:27.350 AT 02:28.129
2w ago
Tatuus FA01
R 1/2 50 0
SP 66 SK 0 Avatar ResponsibleVioletBass76 BT 02:28.040 AT 02:35.078
Avatar ResponsibleVioletBass76 BT 02:28.040 AT 02:35.078
Avatar ResponsibleVioletBass76 BT 02:28.040 AT 02:35.078
Showing from 1 to 51 sessions of 635