Session list

Spa Tatuus FA01 July Season

Showing from 401 to 451 sessions of 635
Date Event T Players Avg SP Avg SK Most Performant Winner Fastest lap
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 3/6 72 3
SP 165 SK 0 Avatar Evan Ghelos GR BT 02:20.017 AT 02:22.480
Avatar Evan Ghelos GR BT 02:20.017 AT 02:22.480
Avatar Evan Ghelos GR BT 02:20.017 AT 02:22.480
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 0/14 20 5
SP 66 SK 0 Avatar MightyAquaPython15 BT 02:32.229 AT 02:34.561
Avatar MightyAquaPython15 BT 02:32.229 AT 02:34.561
Avatar MightyAquaPython15 BT 02:32.229 AT 02:34.561
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 1/4 19 6
SP 74 SK 0 Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:25.043 AT 02:25.442
Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:25.043 AT 02:25.442
Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:25.043 AT 02:25.442
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 3/9 64 3
SP 207 SK 0 Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:24.158 AT 02:25.247
Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:24.158 AT 02:25.247
Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:24.158 AT 02:25.247
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 2/9 39 1
SP 132 SK 0 Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:23.581 AT 02:23.705
Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:23.581 AT 02:23.705
Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:23.581 AT 02:23.705
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 3/6 57 2
SP 114 SK 8 Avatar FashionableAmethystParrotfish97 BT 02:28.537 AT 02:31.683
Avatar FashionableAmethystParrotfish97 BT 02:28.537 AT 02:31.683
Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:26.688 AT 02:32.955
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 2/6 24 0
SP 93 SK 0 Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:26.297 AT 02:35.114
Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:26.297 AT 02:35.114
Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:26.297 AT 02:35.114
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 0/14 32 7
SP 83 SK 0 Avatar UltimateApricotOpossum54 BT 02:25.693 AT 02:25.693
Avatar CertainBronzePiranha55 BT 02:29.753 AT 02:49.354
Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:25.597 AT 02:29.075
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 1/2 32 0
SP 64 SK 0 Avatar TotalWhiteKangaroo26 BT 02:28.068 AT 02:28.732
Avatar TotalWhiteKangaroo26 BT 02:28.068 AT 02:28.732
Avatar TotalWhiteKangaroo26 BT 02:28.068 AT 02:28.732
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 1/6 29 0
SP 66 SK 0 Avatar TotalWhiteKangaroo26 BT 02:29.872 AT 02:31.857
Avatar DifficultHarlequinCapybara34 BT 02:33.794 AT 02:42.746
Avatar TotalWhiteKangaroo26 BT 02:29.872 AT 02:31.857
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/1 - 0
SP 0 SK 0 Avatar ExpensiveRedToad94 BT - AT -
Avatar ExpensiveRedToad94 BT - AT -
Stats not computed yet
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 2/4 127 0
SP 206 SK 0 Avatar Killface US BT 02:19.604 AT 02:20.796
Avatar Killface US BT 02:19.604 AT 02:20.796
Avatar Killface US BT 02:19.604 AT 02:20.796
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 3/11 90 0
SP 266 SK 0 Avatar Killface US BT 02:19.993 AT 02:20.317
Avatar Killface US BT 02:19.993 AT 02:20.317
Avatar Evan Ghelos GR BT 02:19.491 AT 02:22.362
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 8/16 85 4
SP 168 SK 0 Avatar SuitableAquamarineFlyingfish23 BT 02:20.429 AT 02:21.267
Avatar GREG Coulard FR BT 02:20.576 AT 02:21.219
Avatar Killface US BT 02:19.892 AT 02:21.830
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 3/15 51 1
SP 142 SK 0 Avatar Killface US BT 02:20.048 AT 02:20.048
Avatar Killface US BT 02:20.048 AT 02:20.048
Avatar Killface US BT 02:20.048 AT 02:20.048
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 6/22 73 5
SP 186 SK 0 Avatar Peridromos GR BT 02:20.572 AT 02:21.037
Avatar Peridromos GR BT 02:20.572 AT 02:21.037
Avatar Evan Ghelos GR BT 02:19.297 AT 02:20.076
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 3/22 45 1
SP 142 SK 3 Avatar Evan Ghelos GR BT 02:21.405 AT 02:21.405
Avatar Evan Ghelos GR BT 02:21.405 AT 02:21.405
Avatar Evan Ghelos GR BT 02:21.405 AT 02:21.405
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 4/20 67 1
SP 236 SK 0 Avatar GREG Coulard FR BT 02:21.203 AT 02:22.080
Avatar GREG Coulard FR BT 02:21.203 AT 02:22.080
Avatar Evan Ghelos GR BT 02:20.424 AT 02:22.258
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 3/15 73 0
SP 141 SK 0 Avatar Evan Ghelos GR BT 02:20.010 AT 02:20.480
Avatar Evan Ghelos GR BT 02:20.010 AT 02:20.480
Avatar Evan Ghelos GR BT 02:20.010 AT 02:20.480
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 3/11 75 2
SP 170 SK 0 Avatar Evan Ghelos GR BT 02:19.704 AT 02:20.677
Avatar Evan Ghelos GR BT 02:19.704 AT 02:20.677
Avatar Evan Ghelos GR BT 02:19.704 AT 02:20.677
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/13 55 2
SP 142 SK 0 Avatar Ivan_Plays_Games VI BT 02:21.633 AT 02:21.633
Avatar Ivan_Plays_Games VI BT 02:21.633 AT 02:21.633
Avatar Ivan_Plays_Games VI BT 02:21.633 AT 02:21.633
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 3/11 72 3
SP 162 SK 0 Avatar Ivan_Plays_Games VI BT 02:22.537 AT 02:23.152
Avatar Ivan_Plays_Games VI BT 02:22.537 AT 02:23.152
Avatar Evan Ghelos GR BT 02:20.266 AT 02:20.305
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/7 53 0
SP 142 SK 0 Avatar xGODLIK3x BIG G BT 02:22.382 AT 02:22.382
Avatar xGODLIK3x BIG G BT 02:22.382 AT 02:22.382
Avatar xGODLIK3x BIG G BT 02:22.382 AT 02:22.382
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 2/11 33 4
SP 114 SK 0 Avatar Ivan_Plays_Games VI BT 02:21.937 AT 02:23.276
Avatar xGODLIK3x Dills BT 02:30.917 AT 02:42.083
Avatar Ivan_Plays_Games VI BT 02:21.937 AT 02:23.276
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/1 - 0
SP 0 SK 0 Avatar NearScarletEarwig52 BT - AT -
Stats not computed yet
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 1/9 12 17
SP 59 SK 0 Avatar DrunkJadeFelidae14 BE BT 02:32.577 AT 02:39.964
Avatar DrunkJadeFelidae14 BE BT 02:32.577 AT 02:39.964
Avatar DrunkJadeFelidae14 BE BT 02:32.577 AT 02:39.964
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/2 - 7
SP 0 SK 5 Avatar ExistingGoldDonkey6 BT - AT -
Stats not computed yet
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 2/2 78 0
SP 105 SK 0 Avatar OddJadeOctopus26 BT 02:36.114 AT 02:38.384
Avatar OddJadeOctopus26 BT 02:36.114 AT 02:38.384
Avatar OddJadeOctopus26 BT 02:36.114 AT 02:38.384
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/2 - 0
SP 0 SK 0 Avatar ExistingGoldDonkey6 BT - AT -
Avatar OddJadeOctopus26 BT - AT -
Stats not computed yet
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 0/6 24 4
SP 54 SK 9 Avatar FranticMagentaHarrier89 BT 02:29.926 AT 02:41.810
Avatar InteriorCopperPinniped68 US BT 02:39.233 AT 02:45.794
Avatar FranticMagentaHarrier89 BT 02:29.926 AT 02:41.810
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/2 37 1
SP 74 SK 0 Avatar FranticMagentaHarrier89 BT 02:30.967 AT 02:30.967
Avatar FranticMagentaHarrier89 BT 02:30.967 AT 02:30.967
Avatar FranticMagentaHarrier89 BT 02:30.967 AT 02:30.967
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 2/4 46 0
SP 105 SK 0 Avatar JordanDR (Mouse) DO BT 02:32.566 AT 02:33.767
Avatar JordanDR (Mouse) DO BT 02:32.566 AT 02:33.767
Avatar JordanDR (Mouse) DO BT 02:32.566 AT 02:33.767
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/2 - 0
SP 0 SK 0 Avatar LargeMaroonBobcat89 BT - AT -
Stats not computed yet
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 1/21 34 2
SP 86 SK 0 Avatar TotalWhiteKangaroo60 IT BT 02:26.468 AT 02:26.468
Avatar Mellonwarrior1 BT 02:27.604 AT 02:32.540
Avatar PleasantOliveCardinal73 CA BT 02:26.417 AT 02:26.417
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/3 - 2
SP 0 SK 0 Avatar HushedAquaKangaroo66 BT - AT -
Stats not computed yet
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 1/6 47 1
SP 91 SK 0 Avatar FlexibleAquamarineMite28 FR BT 02:27.160 AT 02:29.102
Avatar FlexibleAquamarineMite28 FR BT 02:27.160 AT 02:29.102
Avatar FlexibleAquamarineMite28 FR BT 02:27.160 AT 02:29.102
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/6 26 1
SP 120 SK 2 Avatar FlexibleAquamarineMite28 FR BT 02:27.979 AT 02:27.979
Avatar FlexibleAquamarineMite28 FR BT 02:27.979 AT 02:27.979
Avatar FlexibleAquamarineMite28 FR BT 02:27.979 AT 02:27.979
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 2/7 40 3
SP 89 SK 0 Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:24.376 AT 02:25.493
Avatar OddJadeOctopus26 BT 02:45.486 AT 02:56.751
Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:24.376 AT 02:25.493
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/1 92 0
SP 92 SK 0 Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:24.575 AT 02:24.575
Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:24.575 AT 02:24.575
Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:24.575 AT 02:24.575
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 1/3 25 15
SP 76 SK 0 Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:24.930 AT 02:26.153
Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:24.930 AT 02:26.153
Avatar DisastrousIndigoMouse57 IT BT 02:24.930 AT 02:26.153
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/1 89 0
SP 89 SK 0 Avatar IntactBeigeEarthworm43 IT BT 02:25.595 AT 02:25.595
Avatar IntactBeigeEarthworm43 IT BT 02:25.595 AT 02:25.595
Avatar IntactBeigeEarthworm43 IT BT 02:25.595 AT 02:25.595
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 3/8 78 1
SP 148 SK 0 Avatar kalora00 BT 02:23.062 AT 02:26.807
Avatar kalora00 BT 02:23.062 AT 02:26.807
Avatar kalora00 BT 02:23.062 AT 02:26.807
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 1/6 65 1
SP 138 SK 0 Avatar LooseRoseSeahorse84 MT BT 02:23.892 AT 02:23.892
Avatar LooseRoseSeahorse84 MT BT 02:23.892 AT 02:23.892
Avatar LooseRoseSeahorse84 MT BT 02:23.892 AT 02:23.892
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 3/8 92 0
SP 198 SK 0 Avatar kalora00 BT 02:22.344 AT 02:23.033
Avatar kalora00 BT 02:22.344 AT 02:23.033
Avatar kalora00 BT 02:22.344 AT 02:23.033
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 3/7 91 0
SP 141 SK 0 Avatar kalora00 BT 02:22.545 AT 02:22.658
Avatar kalora00 BT 02:22.545 AT 02:22.658
Avatar kalora00 BT 02:22.545 AT 02:22.658
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 2/11 52 4
SP 138 SK 8 Avatar kalora00 BT 02:22.579 AT 02:22.824
Avatar kalora00 BT 02:22.579 AT 02:22.824
Avatar kalora00 BT 02:22.579 AT 02:22.824
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/2 - 12
SP 0 SK 12 Avatar ArbitraryIvoryGrouse26 IT BT - AT -
Stats not computed yet
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 1/5 19 10
SP 48 SK 0 Avatar ArbitraryIvoryGrouse26 IT BT 02:35.886 AT 03:01.558
Avatar ArbitraryIvoryGrouse26 IT BT 02:35.886 AT 03:01.558
Avatar ArbitraryIvoryGrouse26 IT BT 02:35.886 AT 03:01.558
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
Q 0/2 - 2
SP 0 SK 2 Avatar FlakySapphireEel72 IT BT - AT -
Avatar FlakySapphireEel72 IT BT - AT -
Stats not computed yet
1mo ago
Tatuus FA01
R 2/2 152 0
SP 189 SK 0 Avatar DifficultHarlequinCapybara4 BT 02:26.121 AT 02:27.023
Avatar DifficultHarlequinCapybara4 BT 02:26.121 AT 02:27.023
Avatar DifficultHarlequinCapybara4 BT 02:26.121 AT 02:27.023
Showing from 401 to 451 sessions of 635